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    "id": 396124395,
    "image": null,
    "url": "",
    "published": true,
    "uuid": "9a6b6ce9-b049-43c0-b2da-cdd092501d17",
    "name": "Camp Westerbork",
    "name_nl": "Kamp Westerbork",
    "name_en": "Camp Westerbork",
    "description": "<p>Camp Westerbork was built in <strong>1939</strong> as Central Refugee Camp Westerbork. German-Jewish refugees were housed there from <strong>October 1939</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"z320c\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> After the German occupation in <strong>May 1940</strong>, the camp remained in Dutch hands, but the regime became stricter under the leadership of the new director Jacques Schol.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4o6in\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1942</strong>, the camp was expanded by the Nazis and from <strong>1 July 1942</strong> the camp officially functioned as a <em>Polizeiliches Judendurchgangslager. </em>Jewish people were gathered in the camp and then deported to concentration camps in Eastern Europe. Thus, Camp Westerbork became part of the extensive system of German concentration camps and functioned as an important transit point for the systematic murder of Jews from the Netherlands.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fn5gd\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>8 August 1944</strong>, the eight people from the Secret Annex&nbsp;were also taken to Westerbork from Amsterdam. They stayed there for almost a month. On <strong>3 September 1944, </strong>they were put on a transport to Auschwitz concentration camp.<sup data-footnote-id=\"t58jf\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Of the 107,000 Jewish people deported from the Netherlands, only 5,000 returned alive.</p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"z320c\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Dick Houwaart, <em>Westerbork. Het begon in 1933 ...</em>, Den Haag: Omniboek, 1983; Dirk Mulder &amp; Ben Prinsen (red.), <em>Uitgeweken. De voorgeschiedenis van kamp Westerbork</em>, Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 1989.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4o6in\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Bas von Benda-Beckmann <em>Na het Achterhuis. Anne Frank en de andere onderuikers in de kampen,&nbsp;</em>Amsterdam: Querido, 2020, p. 69.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fn5gd\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie verder: Jacob Boas, <em>Boulevard des Mis&egrave;res. Het verhaal van doorgangskamp Westerbork</em>, Amsterdam: Nijgh en Van Ditmar, 1988; Willy Lindwer, <em>Kamp van hoop en wanhoop. Getuigen van Westerbork, 1939-1945</em>, Amsterdam: Balans, 1990; Harm van der Veen, <em>Westerbork 1939 - 1945. Het verhaal van vluchtelingenkamp en Durchgangslager Westerbork</em>, Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 2003.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"t58jf\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Von Benda-Beckmann <em>Na het Achterhuis,</em> p.&nbsp;68, 101.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "description_nl": "<p>Kamp Westerbork werd in <strong>1939</strong>&nbsp;gebouwd als Centraal Vluchtelingenkamp Westerbork. Vanaf <strong>oktober 1939</strong>&nbsp;werden er Duits-Joodse vluchtelingen opgevangen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"smy6e\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> Na de Duitse bezetting&nbsp;in <strong>mei 1940</strong>, bleef het kamp in Nederlandse handen, maar werd het regime strenger onder leiding van de nieuwe directeur Jacques Schol.<sup data-footnote-id=\"x19bc\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1942</strong> werd het kamp door de nazi&#39;s uitgebreid en&nbsp;vanaf <strong>1 juli 1942</strong>&nbsp;functioneerde het kamp officieel een&nbsp;<em>Polizeiliches Judendurchgangslager </em>Joodse mensen werden in het kamp&nbsp;verzameld en werden vervolgens&nbsp;naar&nbsp;concentratiekampen in Oost-Europa gedeporteerd. Zo werd kamp Westerbork deel van het uitgebreide systeem van Duitse concentratiekampen en functioneerde het als belangrijk doorganspunt voor de systematische moord op de Joden uit Nederland.<sup data-footnote-id=\"k03go\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Op <strong>8 augustus 1944</strong> werden ook de acht onderduikers vanuit Amsterdam naar Westerbork&nbsp;gebracht. Ze verbleven&nbsp;er bijna een maand. Op <strong>3 september 1944 </strong>gingen zij op transport naar concentratiekamp&nbsp;Auschwitz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"t58jf\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Van de 107.000 Joodse mensen die&nbsp;uit Nederland gedeporteerd waren, keerden er slechts 5.000 levend terug.</p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"smy6e\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Dick Houwaart, <em>Westerbork. Het begon in 1933 ...</em>, Den Haag: Omniboek, 1983; Dirk Mulder &amp; Ben Prinsen (red.), <em>Uitgeweken. De voorgeschiedenis van kamp Westerbork</em>, Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 1989.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"x19bc\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Bas von Benda-Beckmann, <em>Na het Achterhuis. Anne Frank en de andere onderduikers in de kampen</em>, Amsterdam: Querido, 2020, p. 69.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"k03go\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie verder: Jacob Boas, <em>Boulevard des Mis&egrave;res. Het verhaal van doorgangskamp Westerbork</em>, Amsterdam: Nijgh en Van Ditmar, 1988; Willy Lindwer, <em>Kamp van hoop en wanhoop. Getuigen van Westerbork, 1939-1945</em>, Amsterdam: Balans, 1990; Harm van der Veen, <em>Westerbork 1939 - 1945. Het verhaal van vluchtelingenkamp en Durchgangslager Westerbork</em>, Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 2003.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"t58jf\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Von Benda-Beckmann <em>Na het Achterhuis,&nbsp;</em>p. 68, 101.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "description_en": "<p>Camp Westerbork was built in <strong>1939</strong> as Central Refugee Camp Westerbork. German-Jewish refugees were housed there from <strong>October 1939</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"z320c\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> After the German occupation in <strong>May 1940</strong>, the camp remained in Dutch hands, but the regime became stricter under the leadership of the new director Jacques Schol.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4o6in\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1942</strong>, the camp was expanded by the Nazis and from <strong>1 July 1942</strong> the camp officially functioned as a <em>Polizeiliches Judendurchgangslager. </em>Jewish people were gathered in the camp and then deported to concentration camps in Eastern Europe. Thus, Camp Westerbork became part of the extensive system of German concentration camps and functioned as an important transit point for the systematic murder of Jews from the Netherlands.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fn5gd\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>8 August 1944</strong>, the eight people from the Secret Annex&nbsp;were also taken to Westerbork from Amsterdam. They stayed there for almost a month. On <strong>3 September 1944, </strong>they were put on a transport to Auschwitz concentration camp.<sup data-footnote-id=\"t58jf\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Of the 107,000 Jewish people deported from the Netherlands, only 5,000 returned alive.</p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"z320c\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Dick Houwaart, <em>Westerbork. Het begon in 1933 ...</em>, Den Haag: Omniboek, 1983; Dirk Mulder &amp; Ben Prinsen (red.), <em>Uitgeweken. De voorgeschiedenis van kamp Westerbork</em>, Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 1989.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4o6in\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Bas von Benda-Beckmann <em>Na het Achterhuis. Anne Frank en de andere onderuikers in de kampen,&nbsp;</em>Amsterdam: Querido, 2020, p. 69.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fn5gd\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie verder: Jacob Boas, <em>Boulevard des Mis&egrave;res. Het verhaal van doorgangskamp Westerbork</em>, Amsterdam: Nijgh en Van Ditmar, 1988; Willy Lindwer, <em>Kamp van hoop en wanhoop. Getuigen van Westerbork, 1939-1945</em>, Amsterdam: Balans, 1990; Harm van der Veen, <em>Westerbork 1939 - 1945. Het verhaal van vluchtelingenkamp en Durchgangslager Westerbork</em>, Hooghalen: Herinneringscentrum Kamp Westerbork, 2003.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"t58jf\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Von Benda-Beckmann <em>Na het Achterhuis,</em> p.&nbsp;68, 101.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "summary": "Camp Westerbork was the largest German prison camp in the Netherlands.",
    "summary_nl": "Kamp Westerbork was het grootste Duitse gevangenkamp in Nederland.",
    "summary_en": "Camp Westerbork was the largest German prison camp in the Netherlands.",
    "same_as": [
    "parent": 396124393,
    "files": []