Johannes Kleiman works at the Cimex-Instituut
Johannes Kleiman and his brother Willy were the owners of the Cimex-Instituut company.
Cimex-Instituut was a pest control company dedicated to controlling pests in buildings and ships. It had existed since 3 May 1934. The first entry in the Trade Register dates from 14 October 1935 and gives its address as General Vetterstraat 40 (Johannes Kleiman's home address). The owners were Johannes and Willy Kleiman.[1] The company was initially located at the addresses General Vetterstraat 40 in Amsterdam and Oosterstraat 63 in Haarlem.[2] Willy Kleiman lived in Haarlem until January 1935. As a result, the document can be dated between May 1934 and January 1935.
The company guaranteed that treated houses would remain free of pests and brood for 12 months, provided the occupants did not bring in old wood, old beds and the like. With new tenants/occupants, the customer had to have the household goods inspected by Cimex to retain entitlement to the guarantee.[2] In the 1938-1939 address book, Cimex Institute is classified under Pest controllers of Houses, Ships, etc.[3] It is most likely due to his expertise in the pest control business that Kleiman was called to the rescue when there was a flea infestation in the Secret Annex.[4] Anne mentions in her diary: "Mr Kleiman has filled all the corners with yellow powder, the fleas don't care anyway.[5] (...) Kleiman also provided cat powder against the fleas."[6]
On 5 May 1945, an edition of the Amsterdamsch Dagblad , which was still an underground publication, published an advertisement in which Cimex advertised its services for rat and mouse extermination.[7] Otto Frank wrote to Erich Elias on 24 July 1945 that Kleiman had had a pest control business for years and had all the necessary equipment. He was interested in DDT, but that was hard to get in the Netherlands. So Otto asked his brother-in-law to inquire in Switzerland.[8]
On 24 June 1946, Cimex-Instituut was moved from Generaal Vetterstraat 43 to Prinsengracht 263.[9] In the 1950 telephone directory, Cimex-Instituut was listed at the address Spechtstraat 9.[10] On 11 September 1951 , the Kleiman brothers transferred Cimex-Instituut to its new owner Pieter Koedijk.[11]
- ^ Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam, Handelsregister dossiernummer 33047344: Akteletter a. Volgens Kleimans oude buurjongen (tot '37) J.A. Marsman zuiverde Cimex inderdaad ook schepen. Van huis uit waren de Kleimans altijd nogal op schepen en werven gericht. Volgens dochter Jopie van den Broek-Kleiman was haar grootvader in de Zaan vaak werkzaam als smid op schepen. Zie: Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Getuigenarchief, Kleiman.
- a, b AFS, Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Opekta_I_025: Garantiebewijs Cimex-Instituut.
- ^ Algemeen Adresboek der stad Amsterdam 1938-1939.
- ^ Anne Frank, Tales and Events from the Secret Annex, "Villains!", 6 August 1943, in: The Collected Works; transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
- ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version B, 3 August 1943, in: The Collected Works.
- ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 3 May 1944, in: The Collected Works.
- ^ Amsterdamsch Dagblad. Radio Oranje, 5 mei 1945.
- ^ AFS, AFC, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan Erich Elias, 24 juli 1945.
- ^ Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam, Handelsregister dossiernummenr. 3304734: Akteletter d.
- ^ Naamlijst voor de interlocale telefoondienst, deel I, uitgegeven door het Hoofdbestuur der PTT, januari 1950, p. 118. Bij de Kamer van Koophandel komt dit adres niet voor. Hier woonde Andries de Groot (1903), die van 1933 tot 1941 buurman van Kleiman sr. was. Het is echter allerminst duidelijk of De Groot ook werkelijk bij Cimex was betrokken.
- ^ Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam, Handelsregister doss. nr. 33047344: Akteletter f. Het bedrijf bleef bestaan tot 1985.
Digital files (2)
Advertentie in Amsterdamsch Dagblad, 5 mei 1945