Johannes Kleiman works with Michael Frank & Zonen
In addition to their work for the Centrale Maatschappij voor Handel en Industrie, Kleiman and Heuskin also held positions with the firm of Michael Frank & Zonen.
Michael Frank & Zonen, ontwerp 'Inserrat'.
Institut für Stadtgeschichte, Frankfurt am Main. Copyright: Publiek domein
On 23 May 1924, Johannes Kleiman and Jacques Heuskin obtained a joint power of attorney for Michael Frank & Zonen, the Amsterdam branch of Michael Frank Bankgeschäft from Frankfurt am Main. They were authorised for sums up to fl. 20,000.[1]
Michael Frank & Zonen moved to Rombout Hogerbeetsstraat 21 in Amsterdam, the home address of Kleiman. By then, the business was in the process of being liquidated. On account of Heuskin's dismissal, Kleinman was given full power of attorney. This change was registered with the Chamber of Commerce on 21 July 1925. Kleiman and Michael Frank & Zonen then moved to Frederik Hendrikstraat 24 in Amsterdam. This change was registered on 23 July 1928.[1] Kleiman remained in office until the dissolution of the firm, which was registered on 12 February 1929.[1]