Otto Frank in primary school

No concrete details are known about Otto Frank's primary school days.

No concrete details are known about the primary school Otto Frank attended. It can only be inferred indirectly that he did not attend a Jewish school. On the occasion of his marriage, a celebration poem was made with the following passage about Otto's childhood:

Doch als die Schulzeit kam heran,
War’s eine Qual dem kleinen Mann,
Denn auf die Frag nach Religion:
“Bin maiisch”, sagte stolz der Sohn.
Denn ob er Jude oder Christ,
Wußt nur, daß im Mai er geboren ist.[1]

From the fact that he was asked about his religion, it can be inferred that it was not a Jewish school.


  1. ^ Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Bazel, Alice Frank, AFF_AlF_pdoc_09: Aachener-Frankfurter Tageblatt, Erste und einzige Ausgabe, Auflage 50 Exemplare, erscheint am 12. Mai 1925.