Mauthausen camp - Sanitätslager

The 'Sanitätslager' was the infirmary hut of Mauthausen concentration camp. This is where Peter van Pels ended up shortly before the liberation of the camp.

As with most Nazi concentration camps, the living and working conditions for the prisoners were very poor. In the spring of 1944, there were 9,000 prisoners in the main camp, almost half of whom languished without care in the Sanitätslager. At the end of January 1945, most of the prisoners from Auschwitz concentration camp came to the Sanitätslager, followed in February by prisoners from Groß-Rosen and Sachsenhausen. The arrival of evacuated prisoners from the Vienna camps and the Lower Danube in April made the situation even worse.[1]


  1. ^ See: Wikipedia: KZ Mauthausen - Errichting des Lagers.