Villa Lâret

The Frank family were guests at the Villa Lâret holiday home several times.

Vervaardiger onbekend. Fotocollectie Anne Frank Stichting Amsterdam

Foto van Villa Lâret op een ansichtkaart van Alice Frank-Stern aan Gertrud Naumann, 26 juni 1935

Vervaardiger onbekend. Fotocollectie Anne Frank Stichting Amsterdam Copyright: Rechthebbende(n) onbekend

Villa Lâret was built in 1912 by Arthur Spitzer and Olga Spitzer-Wolfsohn as a holiday home in Sils Maria, Switzerland.[1] They hosted family and friends here. Olga was a second cousin of Otto Frank.

In the 1930s, members of the Frank family were guests several times.[2] After World War II, Otto also spent several summers there.[3]

Olga Spitzer-Wolfsohn donated the villa to the University of Geneva in 1970. The building was used by the university as a conference centre and as accommodation for students and staff until it was sold on 24 November 2006.[4]

In the garden of the villa stands since 1997 a five-metre-high metal wind sculpture by artist Paul Gugelmann entitled: ‘Sils-Maria. An island of peace. In memory of Anne Frank'.[5]


  1. ^ ‘Maison de charme dans un cadre grandiose pour passer quelques jours de vacances ou participer à un séminaire? L'Université de Genève a ce qu'il vous faut’, Website Université de Genève, 7 mei 2003; Engadin Tourismus AG, Engadin Kulturguide, 2024, nr. 3, p. 57.
  2. ^ Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: de biografie, 5e, geheel herz. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 97-98.
  3. ^ AFS, AFC, OFA, reg. code OFA_124.5: brief van Lambert Schneider aan Otto Frank, 20 juli 1950; OFA_18: Zakagenda Otto Frank 1961, 5 augustus 1961.
  4. ^ ‘Spitzer, Olga et la Chesa Laret’, Archives UNIGE, Website Université de Genève.
  5. ^ ‘Sils-Maria. Eine Insel des Friedens. Im Gedenken an Anne Frank’: Henriette Bonarius, ‘Monument voor Anne Frank in Zwiterland’, Trouw, 1 mei 1999.