Deutsche Leihbibliothek

The Deutsche Leihbibliothek (D.L.B. - German Lending Library) was a library for German literature in Amsterdam South.

Addresses: Biesboschstraat 65hs, Amsterdam;[1] Cliostraat 30 (nevenvestiging).[2]

The D.L.B. was an initiative of K.W. Hirsch. Post-war correspondence showed that Edith Frank was among the clientele of this lending library before 1940.[3]

The D.L.B. advertised in a circular the availability of all new releases and the assurance that customers would be expertly advised. The borrowing rate was ten cents per week, the costs of a subscription started at 75 cents per month. If so desired, the books were delivered to your home. Although the circular was written entirely in German, the letterhead reads (in Dutch) Duitsche Leesbibliotheek. (German Lending Library).[2]

Stamps against anti-Semitism from Austria were also sold at the library. Those stamps were an initiative of Viennese Irene Harand from Vienna. They showed Jewish scientists with great merits for humanity.[4]


  1. ^ Algemeen Adresboek voor de stad Amsterdam 1938, p. 288; Leo Baeck Institute (New York), Robert Weltsch Collection, omslag 7185, zionist corr. 1938 - '39: Circulaire "Duitsche Leesbibliotheek", maart 1938.
  2. a, b Leo Baeck Institute, Robert Weltsch Collection: Circulaire "Duitsche Leesbibliotheek", maart 1938.
  3. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan R. Harben, 10 oktober 1947 en v.v. 18 oktober 1947.
  4. ^ "De Harand-zegels in Nederland", Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad, 10 december 1937.

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