Johan Voskuijl and military service

Johan Voskuijl served as a corporal in the Dutch army.

Johan Voskuijl was 'appointed to military service' by the Military Council on 11 October 1911.[1] His enlistment in the 7th Infantry Regiment followed on 6 March 1912, and he was promoted to corporal in August. On 31 January 1913, he was granted long-term leave, followed by transfer to the 18th Infantry Regiment on 1 April.[2] Although the Netherlands remained neutral, the government declared a mobilisation on 1 August 1914. This meant Johan Voskuijl was returned to the 18th, until he was granted ordinary leave on 15 June 1917.[3]

As a corporal, he then transferred to the 25th Battalion Landweer on 1 August 1918. It is unclear how long he actually stayed there, but his formal service termination was on 1 October 1932.[4]


  1. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Secretarie, afdeling Militaire Zaken en rechtsvoorgangers, toegang 5182, inv. nr. 4295, Lotingsregister 1912, lotingsnummer 619. De Militieraad was het gremium dat de geschiktheid van dienstplichtigen en hun eventuele recht op vrijstelling beoordeelde (H.M.F. Landolt, Militair woordenboek II, Leiden: A.W. Sijthoff, 1861, p. 34-35).
  2. ^ Nationaal Archief (NL-HaNa), Den Haag, Ministerie van Oorlog, stamboeken van onderofficieren en minderen van de Landmacht 1813-1924, toegang 2.13.09, inv. nr. 3727: stamboek 7RI 1911-1912, volgnr. 9828.
  3. ^ Nl-HaNa, Ministerie van Oorlog, stamboeken 1813-1924, inv. nr. 4117: stamboek 18RI, 1913, volgnr. 2867.
  4. ^ NL-HaNa, Ministerie van Oorlog, stamboeken 1813-1924, inv. nr. 3888: stamboek 25LW 1916-1919, volgnr. 3162.