Johannes Kleiman - work at Pectacon

Johannes Kleiman was involved in the establishment and operation of Pectacon.

Johannes Kleiman's involvement in the establishment and operation of Pectacon is evident from the documents made available by Frans Hofhuis. Hofhuis' parents had been friends with the Frank family since the early 1930 s. In the 1960s, Frans Hofhuis took over Pectacon, hence his possession of these documents.

Brief timeline of the company:

  • Kleiman receives the draft articles of association of Pectacon from Otto Frank. On 28 May 1938, Kleiman sends lawyer Dunselman a number of proposed amendments.[1]
  • 1 June 1938 Pectacon is incorporated by Kleiman and Dunselman at notary E.J.M. Luykx.[2]
  • 10 June 1938 Kleiman receives the General Terms and Conditions for account holders at the Amsterdamsche Bank.[3]
  • The same day, Kleiman sends the bank a cheque for NLG 2,000, asking them to credit the account to be opened with NLG 500 from Dunselman and NLG 1,500 from himself.[4]
  • 15 June 1938 Kleiman writes to Luykx and Dunselman that the deposits referred to above had been made.[5] The same day Kleiman, as director of Pectacon, signs the interim certificates for 15 shares.[6]
  • 16 June 1938 Kleiman instructs the bank to transfer NLG 245.40 to Dunselman as a fee for work pertaining to the establishment.[7]
  • 21 October 1938 Kleiman instructs the bank to close his account, as a temporary account of Pectacon, and transfer the balance to a new account to be opened in the name of Handelsmaatschappij Pectacon NV.[8]
  • 4 April 1941 Kleiman receives an interim receipt for fifty shares in the context of his deposit of NLG 5,000.[9]
  • 9 April 1941 Kleiman is listed with Otto Frank as director.[10]
  • 24 April 1941 Kleiman as supervisory director and Otto as director issue thirty shares at NLG 100.[11]
  • 24 September 1942 'Verwalter' K.O.M. Wolters writes to Kleiman about the liquidation of Pectacon. He asks Kleiman to come to his office on 28 September 1942 in connection with the liquidation.[12]
  • After the liberation, measures to restore justice resulted in Pectacon being re-registered in the Commercial Register.
  • 15 November 1945 Kleiman is listed as a director.[13] The same day Kleiman signs interim certificates as director for twenty shares at NLG 100.[14]
  • February 1951 Kleiman is sole director.[15]
  • 1 December 1954 Kleiman goes with Dikker to Polak in Weener Germany (close to the border with Groningen). Followed by a brief report on trials including by TNO.[16]


    1. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Johannes Kleiman aan A.R.W.M. Dunselman, 28 mei 1938.
    2. ^ Bekendmaking over "Handelsmaatschappij Pectacon N.V.", te Amsterdam, Nederlandsche Staatscourant, 6 oktober 1938.
    3. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Amsterdamsche Bank aan Johannes Kleiman, 10 juni 1938.
    4. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Johannes Kleiman aan de Amsterdamsche Bank, 10 juni 1938.
    5. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Johannes Kleiman aan E.J.M Luykx en A.R.W.M. Dunselman, 15 juni 1938.
    6. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Interim-bewijzen aandelen 1 tot en met 15.
    7. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Johannes Kleiman aan de Amsterdamsche Bank, 16 juni 1938.
    8. ^ Privécollectie Frank Hofhuis: Johannes Kleiman aan de Amsterdamsche Bank, 21 oktober 1938.
    9. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Otto Frank (?) aan Johannes Kleiman, 4 april 1941.
    10. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Uittreksel uit Handelsregister Kamer van Koophandel Amsterdam, dossier 52055, 9 april 1941.
    11. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Interim-bewijs voor aandelen 21 t/m 50, 24 april 1941.
    12. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: K.O.M. Wolters aan Johannes Kleiman, 24 september 1942.
    13. ^ Privécollectie Frank Hofhuis: Uittreksel Handelsregister, dossier 52055, 15 november 1945.
    14. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Interim-bewijs, 15 november 1945.
    15. ^ Privécollectie Frans Hofhuis: Uittreksel Handelsregister, dossier 52055, 15 februari 1951.
    16. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_Kleiman_I_208: Johannes Kleiman aan Otto Frank, 1 december 1954.