Bettina Holländer

Bettina Holländer was an older sister of Edith Frank.

Bettina (Betti) Holländer was the third child of Abraham Holländer and Rosa Holländer-Stern and an older sister of Edith Frank. Like her older brothers and younger sister, Betti first attended the Jüdische Volksschule in Aachen.[1] She then attended ten classes at the Lyceum of the Evangelical Viktoriaschule, which she left in 1914.[2]

On 22 September 1914, Betti died after a short illness at the age of 16 at the Franziskushospital[3] at Lütticherstrasse 110.[4] Her cousin Selma Hartog wrote to Otto Frank in 1958 that in her opinion Bettina was also a victim of the First World War, because the hospital was only prepared to admit her under extreme pressure from the family doctor. But by then it was already too late.[5] This letter does not say the illness or disease of which Bettina died. It is possible that her death was caused by appendicitis.[6]

Source personal data.[4]


  1. ^ Holger A. Dux, 'Zur Geschichte der Vorfahren der Anne Frank in Aachen', in: Winfried Casteel & Yvonne Hugot-Zgodda (Red.), Beiträge zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus in Aachen, Aachen: Volkshochschule Aachen, 2012, p. 3.6/7.
  2. ^ Hans-Jürgen Serwe, Gerd Katthage & Karl-Wilhelm Schmidt, Viktoriaschule Aachen 1870-2020. Festschrift zum 150-jährigen Jubiläum, Aachen, Verein der Förderer und Freunde der Viktoriaschule, 2023.
  3. ^ Cellitinnen-Krankenhaus St. Franziskus, Die Geschichte des St. Franziskus-Hospitals.
  4. a, b Standesamt Aachen, Overlijdensakte register C, nr. 1612, 23 september 1914. De datum 22 mei komt uit: Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: de biografie, 5e, geh. herz. dr., Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 469.
  5. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA_73.3: Selma Gabelin-Hartog aan Otto Frank, 17 maart 1958.
  6. ^ Melissa Müller, Anne Frank: de biografie, p. 28.

Digital files (1)

Aachener Anzeiger, 24 september 1914