Karel Wolters

Karel Wolters was appointed administrator of Pectacon in 1941.

Karel Wolters was appointed Pectacon's administrator on 12 September 1941 under §7 of the Verordening betreffende de behandeling van ondernemingen, die moeten worden aangegeven (Regulation on the treatment of enterprises which must be declared).[1] ​​​​​​This regulation was one of the German measures to drive the Jewish population out of the economy. Wolters was ordered to liquidate the company.[2]

Johannes Kleiman and Otto Frank discussed the matter at Wolters' office. Wolters agreed with Kleiman's proposal to commence liquidation himself within eight to ten days. The balance after liquidation was eighteen thousand guilders. Kleiman received five thousand and Dunselman three thousand. The remaining ten thousand guilders was deposited with Lippmann Rosenthal bank after deduction of twenty-three hundred guilders for the Wirtschaftsprüfstelle.[3]

Wolters' brother Oscar was a resistance fighter who was executed in Vught camp on Dolle Dinsdag ('Mad Tuesday'), 5 September 1944.[4]

Source personal data (place of death unknown).[5][6] Addresses: Venlo; The Hague (1934); Roelof Hartplein 7hs, Amsterdam (May 1939); Jan van Eyckstraat 311 huis (March 1941).[5]


  1. ^ 48. Verordening betreffende de behandeling van ondernemingen, welke aangegeven dienen te worden”, Verordeningenblad 1941, p. 164-170.
  2. ^ Nationaal Archief, (NL-HaNA), Den Haag, Centraal Archief Bijzondere Rechtspleging (CABR), inv. nr. 76428: Schrijven Secretaris-generaal Handel, Nijverheid en Scheepvaart aan Kamer van Koophandel, 29 september 1941.
  3. ^ NL-HaNA, CABR, inv. nr. 76428: Getuigenverklaringen Otto Frank en Jo Kleiman inzake Wolters’ naoorlogse strafzaak.
  4. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaarten K.O.M. Wolters en A.W.L. Wolters; Nationaal Monument Kamp Vught - Vermoord in Vught: Wolters, Oscar Wilhelmus Laurentius.
  5. a, b SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart K.O.M. Wolters.
  6. ^ Melissa Müller, Anne Frank. De biografie, 5e, geheel herziene druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 398.