Stephan Elias

Stephan Elias was the oldest son of Erich Elias and Leni Frank, the younger sister of Otto Frank.

Stephan Elias was the oldest son of Erich Elias and Leni Frank, the younger sister of Otto Frank. As a child, he was known in family circles as ‘Bübü”. [1]

Stephan made a hand-written bundle of poems, which he wrote between the ages of eleven and sixteen. Titles included Die 15 Gebote, Der Schmetterling, Die Cholera, Philosophie and Die Lauf der Welt. In the last, intended to be presented on his mother's birthday, appeared the following allegories: Mother Nature, France, Italy, Abessynia, Russia, Germany and Switzerland.[2] He worked as a mercantile clerk.[3]

Source personal data.[4] Addresses: Gundeldingerstrasse 139, Basel (’32).[5]


  1. ^ Anne Frank-Fonds (AFF), Stephan Elias, AFF_StE_pdoc_01: Omslag album door Robert Frank.
  2. ^ AFF, Stephan Elias, AFF_StE_pdoc_04.
  3. ^ Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds (AFF), Bazel, Erich Elias, AFF_ErE_odoc_07: “Lebenslauf” Stephan Elias.
  4. ^ AFF, Erich Elias, AFF_ErE_odoc_07: “Lebenslauf” Stephan Elias; AFF, Erich Elias, AFF_ErE_odoc_13: “Inventar”, Erbschaftsamt des Kantons Basel-Stadt, 9 september 1980.
  5. ^ AFF, Stephan Elias, AFF_StE_odoc_01: “Interims-Bewilligung”, 26 april 1932.