Marie Buntenbach

Laua Maria Buntenbach was the first wife of Victor Kugler.

Marie (Laua Maria) Buntenbach was born in a fairground caravan in which her parents, who lived in Winschoten, were temporarily parked in Zuidbroek.[1] Among other things, she worked as a shop assistant,[2] maid and domestic help.[3] In 1928 she married Victor Kugler.

Marie Buntenbach suffered from an unknown illness. On 7 October 1952, Kleiman wrote to Otto Frank that she had been hospitalised and that her condition was bad. On 21 October, he added that she was very weak, slept a lot, hardly ate and had lost a lot of weight.[4] In his diary of 1952, Otto Frank noted her death one day later than the official date of 7 December.[5] During the hiding period, she was unaware of her husband's help for the people in hiding in the Secret Annex.[6]

Source personal data[7] Addresses: Rotterdam (1918-'19); Meppel.[3]  Bodegraven (1927); Billitonkade 29, Utrecht (per 29 oktober 1927).[8] See also the addresses for Victor Kugler.


  1. ^ Groninger Archieven, Geboorteregister Zuidbroek 1895, akte 42.
  2. ^ Woerdensch Weekblad, 5 november 1927.
  3. a, b Stadsarchief Rotterdam, Bevolkingsregister Rotterdam: Gezinskaart.
  4. ^ AFS, Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Kleiman_I_033: Brief Kleiman aan Frank, 7 oktober 1952; reg. code A_Kleiman_I_035: Brief Kleiman aan Frank, 21 oktober 1952.
  5. ^ AFS, AFC, Otto Frank Archief (OFA),reg. code OFA_009: Agenda Otto Frank 1952.
  6. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_080: Otto Frank aan Stichting 1940-1945, 1 juli 1977.
  7. ^ Het Utrechts Archief (HUA), Utrecht, Burgerlijke Stand Utrecht: Afschrift geboorteakte, huwelijksbijlagen; Burgerlijke Stand Gemeente Hilversum, overlijdensakte 1952, nr. 836.
  8. ^ HUA, microfiches Bevolkingsregister Utrecht: Gezinskaarten J.M. van Es en V.G. Kugler.