Betty Bloemendal

Betty Bloemendal was a classmate of Anne Frank at the Jewish Lyceum.

Bertha Louise (Betty) Bloemendal was the daughter of Abraham Bloemendal (1895-1944) and Jochwet Feige Beder (1898-1942). She had an older brother Philip Eduard Bloemendal (1928-1942).[1]

At the Jewish Lyceum in Amsterdam, Betty was a classmate of Anne Frank.[2]  In the summer of 1942, she was picked up from home with her mother and brother and deported to Westerbork, where they arrived on 9 September 1942.[3] Her father was allowed to stay thanks to a doctor's certificate stating that he had TB. He would die of the disease in early '44 at a hiding place.

Anne writes in her diary on 21 September 1942 that she heard from Bep Voskuijl about the arrest of her classmate Betty Bloemendal.[4]

On 28 September 1942, Betty was deported to Auschwitz with her mother and brother,[3] where they were immediately killed upon arrival on 1 October 1942.[5]

Betty was a cousin of Philip Bloemendal, who later became the 'voice' of the Polygoon newsreel.[6]

Source personal data.[7] Address: Reinier Claeszenstraat 2 II, Amsterdam.[7]


  1. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaarten A. BloemendalJ. F. BederP. E. Bloemendal.
  2. ^ NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocuast- en Genocidestudies, Archief 181e (W.S.H. Elte), inv. nr. 2f: Absentenregister klas 1LII Joods Lyceum, 1 maart – 17 juli 1942; Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 15 June 1942 and 21 September 1942, 1st, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  3. a, b Arolsen Archives, Incarceration Documents, Index cards from the Jewish Council file in Amsterdam, Reference code: 01020402 022: Bertha Louise Bloemendal.
  4. ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 21 September 1942, in: The Collected Works.
  5. ^ Arolsen Archives, Incarceration Documents, "Documentation about the fate of the Jewish people during the Nazi regime", Reference code: 2360003: Bertha Louise Bloemendal.
  6. ^ Dienke Hondius, "Betty Bloemendal uit Bos en Lommer, klasgenoot van Anne Frank", t.g.v. tentoonstelling in het Stadsdeelkantoor Bos en Lommer, 18 maart 2009.
  7. a, b SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart B.L. Bloemendal; Foto: Joods Monument, Bertha Louise Bloemendal.