Joop Voskuijl
Joop Voskuijl was a brother of Bep Voskuijl.
Joop Voskuijl was a son of Johan Voskuijl and a brother of Bep.[1] He was a carpenter by trade.[2] He went to the Dutch East Indies as a soldier in the Royal Army and was killed there at the age of 21.[3] On 22 March 1949, his mother placed an obituary in Het Parool.[4] The Civil Registry Office registered the death certificate on 30 May 1949, and stated as the place of death 'near Tjilongok in Indonesia'.[5]
His death occurred between the end of the second police action (5 January 1949) and the first agreement between the Netherlands and the Republic of Indonesia (‘Van Roijen-Roem Agreement’, 7 May 1949).
Source personal data.[2] Addresses: Solostraat 10-III, Amsterdam; Fraunhoferstraat 34bv (1930); Lumeijstraat 18-II (1933);[6] Lumeijstraat 18-I (1944).[2]
- ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 12 January 1944, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
- a, b, c Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart J.H. Voskuijl.
- ^ “Gevallen voor recht en vrijheid”, Nieuwsblad voor Sumatra, 8 april 1949.
- ^ Familiebericht, Het Parool, 22 maart 1949.
- ^ SAA, Burgerlijke Stand (toegang 5009), inv. nr. 7094: register van overlijdensakten 1949, deel 8, 84v, no. 499.
- ^ SAA, Dienst Bevokingsregister, Gezinskaarten (toegangsnummer 5422): Gezinskaart J.H. Voskuijl (1892).
Digital files (1)
Parool, 22 maart 1949
Copyright: Publiek domein
Photographer: Collectie kan worden ingezet voor publiek.