Franz Klose

Franz Klosewas the foster father of Victor Kugler.

Franz Klose was Victor Kugler's foster father. Klose received a card, postmarked 16 November 1916, from Victor Kugler when he was at the K.u.K. Matrosenschule.[1] He also signed his report cards during the school years at the Norbertinum. Around 1909 he married Emilie Kugler.[2]

Source personal data.[2] Addresses: Bohnekampstrasse 49, Gladbeck (Westfalia, 1916).[1] Tunnelstrasse 12; Hermannstrasse 16.[2]


  1. a, b Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_Kugler_I_019.
  2. a, b, c Stadtarchiv Gladbeck: Meldekartei en Hausstandsbuch Gladbeck.