Willem Gerrit Knap

Willem Gerrit Knap was the dentist of Otto Frank.

Willem Gerrit Knap was Otto Frank's dentist. He was a brother of writer, journalist and resistance fighter Henri Knap, who was known as the ‘Dagboekanier’ (Day Buccaneer).[1] The painter Lizzy Ansingh[2] was their aunt.[3] There is no data that shows Knap treated other members of the Frank family before 1941, but as he had been practising in the neighbourhood of their former home on Merwedeplein since 1935, it is not impossible.

He died suddenly at a young age. Fritzi Frank wrote about this in a letter to Otto, wondering who would look after their teeth now.[4]

Source personal data [5] Addresses: Noorder Amstellaan 162, Amsterdam (1935), renamed Churchilllaan.[5]


  1. ^ Wikipedia: Henri Knap.
  2. ^ Wikipedia: Lizzy Ansingh.
  3. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaarten G.W. Knap, H.A.A.R. Knap, A.A.R. Ansingh en M.E.G. Ansingh.
  4. ^ Anne Frank Fonds, Basel, AFF, OtF_corr_05: Fritzi Markovits aan Otto Frank, 27 oktober 1952. Hij was toen in Amerika en Fritzi vermeldde het in een brief.
  5. a, b SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 302380): Archiefkaart G.W. Knap.