Gustav Löwenstein

Gustav Löwenstein was the son from the first marriage of Charlotte Kaletta, Fritz Pfeffer's girlfriend.

Gustav Löwenstein was the son of Ludwig Löwenstein and Charlotte Kaletta. After his parents' divorce in 1932, Gustav continued to live with his father in Berlin.

According to Charlotte, his nickname was Fips.[1] After her emigration to the Netherlands, she had little contact with her son. Attempts to get him to flee Nazi Germany failed.[2]

On 26 September 1942, he and his father were deported to Raasiku in Estonia and were probably murdered immediately upon arrival on September 30.[2]

Source personal data.[3]


  1. ^ Bernd Lindenthal, 'Fritz Pfeffer war der Zimmergenosse von Anne Frank, Zur Erinnerung an den Zahnarzt aus Gießen', in: Mitteilungen des Oberhessischen Geschichtsvereins Gießen, NF 85, 2000, p. 111.
  2. a, b Melissa Muller, Anne Frank: de biografie, 5e, geheel herz. dr., Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 243 en 369.
  3. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code B_Getuigen_III_086: Foto paspoort Gustav Löwenstein, AFS, B_Getuigen_III_086.