Kitty Weijers

Kitty Weijers was an acquaintance of Otto Frank.

Kitty Weijers was a sister of Eva Meijer-Weijers. Kitty came into contact with Otto Frank via her sister. In March 1938 she moved from Maastricht to Amsterdam.[1] There she met the merchant Walter Lippmann, who had emigrated from Germany.[2] They were both witnesses to the marriage of Eva Weijers and Ernst Meijer on 27 April 1938.[3] Lippmann left for the United States in November 1938.[4] Afterwards she had a short-lived relationship with Heinz Grundmann, who had also emigrated. With him she had an illegitimate daughter, Louise.[5] Kitty lived for a few short periods with her daughter in the Sint Hubertus shelter on Plantage Middenlaan.[1]

On 6 October 1945 Otto Frank noted down the sixth birthday of Kitty's daughter in his diary: 'Lusje Kitty', and on 1 November: 'dinner with Meijer — Kitty'.[6] On 12 June 1946, he noted 'Kitty' on her birthday, also the birthday of his own daughter Anne.[7] He marked the birthday of Kitty's daughter in 1946: 'Lousje — Kitty'.[8]

On 8 January 1947 Kitty married Pieter Willem van Tuijl.[1] On that day Otto Frank noted in his diary: 'Kitty cake, Meijer [….]'[9] According to her daughter Louise, he gave her a flower vase by André Copier as a wedding present.[10] Later that year Otto noted on her birthday (12 June 1947) 'Kitty W.', next to his daughter 'A — Marieken'.[11] In 1950 and 1952 he also mentions her birthday as 'Kitty Weyers'.[12]

On 14 December 1954 Otto Frank's diary reads: 'Oosterpark I. Kitty'.[13] In the summer of that year, Kitty Weijers divorced her husband.[1]

She worked for several years at the Hema store on Linnaeusstraat.​​​​​​​[14] In the 1960s, she moved to Pittsburgh and married Walter Lippmann.[10]

Source personal data.[1] [15] Addresses: Theodoor Schaepkensstraat 76, Maastricht;[16] Vossiusstraat 31 boven, Amsterdam (1938), Plantage Middenlaan 33 (sept. 1939), Zuider Amstellaan 38 huis (april 1941), Pl. Middenl. 33 (mei 1941), div. addresses (nov. 1941 – okt. 1946), Oosterpark 1-I (okt. 1946), Pittsburgh, VS (1966).[1]


  1. a, b, c, d, e, f Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart K. Weijers.
  2. ^ E-mail van Louise van Tuijl aan Gertjan Broek (Anne Frank Stichting (AFS)), 6 november 2017; Walter Lippmann woonde blijkens zijn gezinskaart eind 1937 op hetzelfde adres in de Beethovenstraat als Eva Weijers en Ernst Meijer.
  3. ^ SAA, Burgerlijke Stand (toegang 5009), inv. nr. 6483: register van huwelijksakten 1938, deel 15, 15v, akte 29.
  4. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Gezinskaarten (toegangsnummer 5422): Gezinskaart E.W. Lippmann.
  5. ^ Email L. van Tuijl aan Gertjan Broek (AFS), 6 november 2017.
  6. ^ AFS, Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_002: agenda Otto Frank, 6 oktober 1945. Met “Lusje” is waarschijnlijk Kitty Weijers’ dochter Louise bedoeld, omdat 6 oktober haar verjaardag is.
  7. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_003: agenda Otto Frank, 12 juni 1946.
  8. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_003: agenda, 6 oktober 1946.
  9. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_004: agenda Otto Frank, 8 januari 1947.
  10. a, b Joods Amsterdam: Louise van Tuijl.
  11. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_004: agenda Otto Frank, 12 juni 1947.
  12. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_007 en 009: agenda’s Otto Frank, 12 juni 1950 en 1952.
  13. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_011: agenda Otto Frank, 14 december 1954.
  14. ^ E-mail Louise van Tuijl aan Gertjan Broek (AFS), 11 december 2017.
  15. ^ E-mail van Louise van Tuijl aan Gertjan Broek (Anne Frank Stichting (AFS)), 11 december 2017.
  16. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Gezinskaarten (toegangsnummer 5422): Gezinskaart K. Weijers.