Eva Goldberg (1893)

Eva Goldberg was the mother of Anne's classmate Sal Kimel.

Eva Goldberg was the mother of Anne's classmate Sal Kimel.[1] She was married to Felix Kimel.[2] According to Ab Rinat (Reiner), the son of her sister, Lea Goldberg, and good friend of his cousin Sal Kimel, Eva Goldberg was arrested in the street, but he did not give any further details about this in the interview.[3]

After her arrest in November 1942, she ended up in camp Westerbork via the Hollandsche Schouwburg. Because her brother-in-law Josef Reiner had connections with the Jewish Council, he arranged for Eva to stay in Westerbork. This worked for six months, but finally, on 18 May 1943, she was deported to Sobibor, where she was killed in the gas chambers immediately upon arrival.[4]

Source personal data.[2] Addresses: Berlin; Lutmastraat 15 huis, Amsterdam (’30); Zuider Amstellaan 37 II (March ’33); Daniel Willinkplein 29A hs (18 May 1940); 13 III (June ’40).[2]


  1. ^ Anne refers to her as his mother. Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 6 January 1944, in: The Collected Worksm transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  2. a, b, c Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Dienst Bevolkingsregister (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart E. Goldberg.
  3. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Getuigenverhalen 2010, Ab Rinat, 6b: Transcriptie interview door David de Jongh, 4 mei 2009.
  4. ^ Joods Monument: Eva Kimel-Goldberg.