Isa Cauvern - Monas
Isa Cauvern was an employee of Opekta in the 1930s. After the war, she was involved in writing the typescript of Anne Frank's diary.
Isidora (Isa) Cauvern was an employee at Opekta from about 1935 to 1939. She featured with Miep Gies in the Opekta film.[1] In 1936, Job Jansen Jr. gave her flowers for her birthday, for which she wrote him a letter of thanks.[2]
Isa was a daughter of Isaac Monas (1887-1985) and Sietske Hillegina Helmens (1885-1961). IIsa had a twin sister, Sietske, and two younger brothers, Max (1919) and Isidore (1921).[3] When she lived with her parents in Laren, she played with Sietske in a local korfball team.[4] Anne and Margot Frank visited the Cauverns in Laren many times. There is a photo depicting Anne with Isa's dog Dopey.[5]
She married Ab Cauvern in Amsterdam on 17 May 1939. On 27 September 1941, their daughter Ruth was born.[6] The Court in Amsterdam pronounced their divorce on 8 October 1942, which was registered by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages on 6 April 1943.[7] Nevertheless, according to the population register, they continued to live at the same address.[3]
She was on the Calmeyer list of 8 September 1942.[8]
Her brother Max worked for some time after the liberation at the Police Investigation Service (POD), and later the Police Criminal Investigation Department (PRA).[9]
It was Isa Cauvern through whom Otto Frank came into contact with Lien Brilleslijper in July 1945 and thus learned of the fate of his daughters.[10] Otto took the diary to Ab and Isa in December 1945 for corrections and final editing.[11] She retyped 'Typescript I' after editing by Ab and others, thus creating 'Typescript II'.[12]
Bron persoonsgegevens.[3] Addresses: Laren (1927-1931);[13] Zaaiersweg 113 huis, Amsterdam (1938); Oude Kerkweg 25, Laren (1939); Jekerstraat 65 II, Amsterdam (February 1946).[3]
- ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Opekta_IV_001a: Opekta-reclamefilm.
- ^ Privébezit familie Jansen: Brief "Isa" aan "Beste Job", 20 januari 1936.
- a, b, c, d Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten ( toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart I. Monas.
- ^ "Korfbal", Laarder Courant de Bel, 11 februari 1930.
- ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_AFrank_III_055/098.
- ^ Anne included the card announcing the birth in her diary. Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 28 September 1942, in: The Diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical edition, prep. by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD); transl. [from the Dutch] by Arnold J. Pomerans, B.M. Mooyaaert-Doubleday and Susan Massotty. New York, NY [etc.] Doubleday, 2003.
- ^ SAA, Burgerlijke Stand (toegang 5009), inv. nr. 6588: register van huwelijksakten, deel 65-W I, akte 157.
- ^ NIOD Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Generalkommissariat für das Sicherheitswesen (Höhere SS- und Polizeiführer Nord-West) (toegang 077), inv. nr. 1429: gedrukte lijst met groen omslag d.d. 8 september 1942. Dr Hans Calmeyer was a German lawyer who worked within the occupation government during the occupation. The Calmeyer-list refers to a list compiled by Calmeyer of people with proof that they were not or were only partly Jewish. Wikipedia: Hans Georg Calmeyer.
- ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegnangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart M. Monas (1919).
- ^ AFS, AFC, Otto Frank Archiet (OFA), reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan Robert en Lottie Frank, 26 juli 1945; AFS. AFC, reg. code OFA_002: Agenda Otto Frank, 18 juli 1945.
- ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 12 december 1945.
- ^ NIOD, The Diary of Anne Frank.
- ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Gezinskaarten (toegangsnummer 5422): Gezinskaart I. Monas (1887).