Otto Müller

Otto Müller was an Austrian who applied for a visa with the support of the Nederlandsche Opekta Mij.

Otto Müller applied for a visa in 1938, in which he was supported by the Nederlandsche Opekta Mij. The identity of Otto Müller is still unknown. As a stateless person, he applied to the Dutch consul in Zurich for a visa. The Dutch authorities made inquiries and turned him down.

In a letter of 14 April 1938 to the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Justice called Müller: "(...) nothing but a refugee from the former Austria". Moreover, there was the fear that Müller, once in the Netherlands, would no longer leave. According to the Ministry of Justice, Müller was a playwright from whom not much could be expected for Dutch trade. The recommendation was therefore not to grant him a visa.[1]

The Ministry of Social Affairs replied on 7 July 1938. The Ministry of Justice wrote to the Procurator-General in Amsterdam on 29 July 1938 that Opekta could be informed that there were objections to Müller's admission to the Netherlands. The letter was signed by secretary-general Van Angeren.[2] His brother had previously been a supervisory director of Opekta.


  1. ^ Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Inventaris van de archieven van het Ministerie van Justitie: Verbaalarchief, (1853) 1915 – 1955 (1963); Kabinetsarchief, (1907) 1915 – 1940 (toegang 2.09.22), inv. nr. 11373, Verbaal 1234: Conceptbrief aan ministerie van sociale zaken d.d. 14 april 1938.
  2. ^ Noord-Hollands Archief, Haarlem, Parket van de Procureur-generaal te Amsterdam, 1930-1939 (toegang 307), inv. nr. 99: Brief secretaris-generaal van het Ministerie van Justitie aan de Procureur-generaal te Amsterdam, 29 juli 1938.

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Afwijzing Otto Müller