Margriet der Nederlanden

Princess Margriet was the third daughter of Crown Princess Juliana and Prince Bernard.

Princess Margriet is the third daughter of Crown Princess Juliana and Prince Bernard.[1] She spent the first years of her life with her mother and sisters in Canada. In 1967, she married Pieter van Vollenhoven.[2] On the occasion of the birth in 1943, Ina Boudier-Bakker wrote the poem Prinsesje Margriet.[3]

Anne Frank was a frequent and rather vocal supporter of the Dutch Royal family, often to the irritation of the others in hiding. In 1943, a picture postcard was produced from a photograph of the Dutch Royal family, living in exile in Ottawa Canada, and then illegally distributed throughout the country, by, among others, the newspaper Trouw. The first special edition of this illegal newspaper appeared in early February 1943, under the name Oranje-Bode to celebrate the birth of Princess Margriet. Anne was given one of these cards, which she puts into her photo album. She later pins it to the wall, next to the image of the British Royal family, using a thumbtack.[4]

Source personal data.[2]


  1. ^ Anne refers to her as baby. Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 30 December 1943; Diary Version B, 21 September 1942, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  2. a, b Wikipedia: Princess Margriet of the Netherlands.
  3. ^ Lydia Winkel (samenst.), Toen… 1940 – 1945, 's-Gravenhage: Staatsdrukkerij, 1960, p. 31.
  4. ^ Collectie online: Ansichtkaart op de plaatjeswand in de kamer van Anne Frank met daarop een foto van koningin Wilhelmina, prins Bernard, kroonprinses Juliana en de prinsessen Margriet, Irene en Beatrix tijdens hun ballingschap in Ottawa, op de plaatjeswand van Anne Frank.