GET /en/api/persons/78a18f1e-59fb-4f63-bcfa-00c4c966e709?format=api
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    "id": 2052,
    "image": {
        "id": 949,
        "uuid": "32dc02c9-925d-46ea-be0d-8c6c3fa94566",
        "name": "Gezinus Gringhuis",
        "title": "Gezinus Gringhuis",
        "alt": "Fotograaf: onbekend. Collectie: NIOD Amsterdam (Beeldbank WO2).",
        "url": "",
        "path": "",
        "filetype": "image",
        "description": "Gezinus Gringhuis was een van de drie agenten die betrokken was bij de inval in het Achterhuis en de arrestatie van de onderduikers.",
        "author": "De collectie kan worden ingezet voor publiek",
        "copyright": "Status onduidelijk"
    "pictures": [],
    "url": "",
    "subjects": [
    "published": true,
    "uuid": "78a18f1e-59fb-4f63-bcfa-00c4c966e709",
    "first_name": "Gezinus",
    "last_name": "Gringhuis",
    "infix": "",
    "title": "Gezinus Gringhuis",
    "title_nl": "Gezinus Gringhuis",
    "title_en": "Gezinus Gringhuis",
    "content": "<p>Gezinus Gringhuis was one of the detectives who raided the building at Prinsengracht 263 on <strong>4 August 1944</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5a2k8\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;He joined the Amsterdam police force in <strong>1918</strong>. He worked there until the German occupation of the Netherlands began.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>He was a member of the Jewish Affairs Bureau from<strong> 21 August 1942</strong> to <strong>27 April 1943</strong> and then of the <em>Sicherheitsdienst</em>&nbsp;(SD) until <strong>30 April 1944</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"xbzef\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> In the latter office, he supervised the storage of confiscated household effects of Jewish households in Amsterdam. From <strong>1 May</strong> to <strong>1 November 1944</strong>, he belonged to the Special Branch (also known as <em>Gruppe V</em>) of the Criminal Investigation Department in The Hague. This meant that, although the department was under the actual leadership of SD staff, he was not a member of the SD during the raid on the Secret Annex, and was not charged with tracking down people in hiding, Jewish or otherwise.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7da4q\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After working at the Special Branch, he returned to the Amsterdam police force. There, he worked for the Economic Affairs department. On <strong>1 May 1945</strong> &mdash; less than a week before he was sentenced &mdash; he filed a police report against an Amsterdammer who transported a batch of wheat without a licence.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mv3uq\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After an initial death sentence, Gringhuis received a life sentence on appeal. He was also deprived of various rights: to hold office, to serve in the armed forces and to vote and stand for election.<sup data-footnote-id=\"l57uc\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><em>Source personal data</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"utg15\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<div>\r\n<div>\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5a2k8\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart G. Gringhuis.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"xbzef\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>For more information about Gringhuis&#39; activities during the war: Ad van Liempt &amp; Jan Kompagnie (red.),&nbsp;<em>Jodenjacht: de onthutsende rol van de Nederlandse politie in de Tweede Wereldoorlog,&nbsp;</em>Amsterdam: Balans, 2011, p. 147-148, 181-184.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7da4q\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Nationaal Archief, Den Haag (NL-HaNA), Zuivering Politie, inv. nr. 2212: Brief Burgemeester Amsterdam inzake pensioenrechten aan het Hoofd Afdeling Politie (Zuivering) Ministerie van Justitie, 3 juni 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mv3uq\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>SAA, Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nr. 2087: Rapport HB. S. VI. Economische Zaken, 1 mei 1945, mut. 9.00.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"l57uc\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NL-HaNA, Centraal Archief van de Bijzondere Rechtspleging, inv. nr. 75395: Exploit d.d. 16 december 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"utg15\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart G. Gringhuis; Melissa M&uuml;ller,<em> Anne Frank. De biografie</em>, 5e, geheel herziene druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 358.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
    "content_nl": "<p>Gezinus Gringhuis was &eacute;&eacute;n van de rechercheurs die op <strong>4 augustus 1944</strong>&nbsp;het pand Prinsengracht 263 binnenvielen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5a2k8\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Hij trad in <strong>1918</strong> in dienst van het Amsterdamse politiekorps. Daar werkte&nbsp;hij tot de Duitse bezetting van Nederland begon.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Hij maakte van <strong>21 augustus 1942</strong> tot <strong>27 april 1943</strong> deel uit van Bureau Joodsche Zaken en vervolgens tot en met <strong>30 april 1944</strong> van de <em>Sicherheitsdienst</em> (SD).<sup data-footnote-id=\"xbzef\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> In die laatste functie hield hij toezicht op de opslag van in beslag genomen inboedels van Joodse huishoudens in Amsterdam. Van <strong>1 mei </strong>tot <strong>1 november 1944</strong> behoorde hij tot de Bijzondere Afdeling (ook wel <em>Gruppe V</em>&nbsp;genoemd) van de Recherchecentrale in Den Haag. Dit hield in dat hij, hoewel de Afdeling onder feitelijke leiding van SD&rsquo;ers stond, tijdens de inval in het Achterhuis geen deel uitmaakte van de SD en niet belast was met het opsporen van al dan niet Joodse onderduikers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7da4q\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Na zijn werk bij de Bijzondere Afdeling kwam hij weer bij het Amsterdamse politiekorps terug. Hij deed daar dienst bij de afdeling Economische Zaken. Op <strong>1 mei 1945 </strong>&ndash; minder dan een week voordat hij veroordeeld werd&ndash; maakte hij nog een proces-verbaal op tegen een Amsterdammer, die een partijtje tarwe vervoerde&nbsp;zonder vergunning.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mv3uq\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Na een aanvankelijk doodvonnis kreeg Gringhuis in cassatie een levenslange gevangenisstraf. Daarnaast werd hij ontzet uit verschillende rechten: het bekleden van ambten, het dienen bij de gewapende macht en het actieve en passieve kiesrecht.<sup data-footnote-id=\"l57uc\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><em>Bron persoonsgegevens</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"nxoeo\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<div>\r\n<div>\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5a2k8\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart G. Gringhuis.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"xbzef\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie voor meer informatie over Gringhuis&rsquo; werkzaamheden tijdens de oorlogsjaren: Ad van Liempt &amp; Jan Kompagnie (red.),&nbsp;<em>Jodenjacht: de onthutsende rol van de Nederlandse politie in de Tweede Wereldoorlog,&nbsp;</em>Amsterdam: Balans, 2011, p. 147-148, 181-184.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7da4q\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Nationaal Archief(NL-HaNA), Den Haag, Zuivering Politie, inv. nr. 2212: Brief Burgemeester Amsterdam inzake pensioenrechten aan het Hoofd Afdeling Politie (Zuivering) Ministerie van Justitie, 3 juni 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mv3uq\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>SAA, Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nr. 2087: Rapport HB. S. VI. Economische Zaken, 1 mei 1945, mut. 9.00.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"l57uc\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NL-HaNA, Centraal Archief van de Bijzondere Rechtspleging, inv. nr. 75395: Exploit d.d. 16 december 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"nxoeo\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart G. Gringhuis; Melissa M&uuml;ller, <em>Anne Frank. De biografie</em>, 5e, geheel herziene druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 358.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
    "content_en": "<p>Gezinus Gringhuis was one of the detectives who raided the building at Prinsengracht 263 on <strong>4 August 1944</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5a2k8\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;He joined the Amsterdam police force in <strong>1918</strong>. He worked there until the German occupation of the Netherlands began.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>He was a member of the Jewish Affairs Bureau from<strong> 21 August 1942</strong> to <strong>27 April 1943</strong> and then of the <em>Sicherheitsdienst</em>&nbsp;(SD) until <strong>30 April 1944</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"xbzef\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> In the latter office, he supervised the storage of confiscated household effects of Jewish households in Amsterdam. From <strong>1 May</strong> to <strong>1 November 1944</strong>, he belonged to the Special Branch (also known as <em>Gruppe V</em>) of the Criminal Investigation Department in The Hague. This meant that, although the department was under the actual leadership of SD staff, he was not a member of the SD during the raid on the Secret Annex, and was not charged with tracking down people in hiding, Jewish or otherwise.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7da4q\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After working at the Special Branch, he returned to the Amsterdam police force. There, he worked for the Economic Affairs department. On <strong>1 May 1945</strong> &mdash; less than a week before he was sentenced &mdash; he filed a police report against an Amsterdammer who transported a batch of wheat without a licence.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mv3uq\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After an initial death sentence, Gringhuis received a life sentence on appeal. He was also deprived of various rights: to hold office, to serve in the armed forces and to vote and stand for election.<sup data-footnote-id=\"l57uc\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><em>Source personal data</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"utg15\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<div>\r\n<div>\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5a2k8\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart G. Gringhuis.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"xbzef\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>For more information about Gringhuis&#39; activities during the war: Ad van Liempt &amp; Jan Kompagnie (red.),&nbsp;<em>Jodenjacht: de onthutsende rol van de Nederlandse politie in de Tweede Wereldoorlog,&nbsp;</em>Amsterdam: Balans, 2011, p. 147-148, 181-184.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7da4q\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Nationaal Archief, Den Haag (NL-HaNA), Zuivering Politie, inv. nr. 2212: Brief Burgemeester Amsterdam inzake pensioenrechten aan het Hoofd Afdeling Politie (Zuivering) Ministerie van Justitie, 3 juni 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mv3uq\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>SAA, Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nr. 2087: Rapport HB. S. VI. Economische Zaken, 1 mei 1945, mut. 9.00.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"l57uc\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NL-HaNA, Centraal Archief van de Bijzondere Rechtspleging, inv. nr. 75395: Exploit d.d. 16 december 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"utg15\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart G. Gringhuis; Melissa M&uuml;ller,<em> Anne Frank. De biografie</em>, 5e, geheel herziene druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2013, p. 358.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
    "birth_date": "1895-09-28",
    "death_date": "1975-11-05",
    "gender": "male",
    "birth_place": "Onstwedde",
    "birth_country": "Nederland",
    "death_place": "Winschoten",
    "death_country": "Nederland",
    "summary": "Gringhuis was one of the detectives who raided the premises at Prinsengracht 263 on 4 August 1944.",
    "summary_nl": "Gringhuis was één van de rechercheurs die op 4 augustus 1944 het pand Prinsengracht 263 binnenvielen.",
    "summary_en": "Gringhuis was one of the detectives who raided the premises at Prinsengracht 263 on 4 August 1944.",
    "same_as": null,
    "files": []