GET /en/api/persons/c5b99cc8-5554-49f4-921d-337712791ef6?format=api
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    "id": 2103,
    "image": null,
    "pictures": [],
    "url": "",
    "subjects": [
    "published": true,
    "uuid": "c5b99cc8-5554-49f4-921d-337712791ef6",
    "first_name": "Edward Welling",
    "last_name": "Stull",
    "infix": "",
    "title": "Edward Welling Stull",
    "title_nl": "Edward Welling Stull",
    "title_en": "Edward Welling Stull",
    "content": "<p>Edward Welling Stull (1918-1922) was the pilot of the bomber that crashed in the Spaarndammer district&nbsp;on <strong>22 March 1944</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> He was the last one to jump out of the plane just before the crash and landed near the Westersuikerfabriek on Van Noordtkade. He was shot at by German soldiers, but remained unharmed.&nbsp;His co-pilot Samuel Showalter however, broke an ankle.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Anne wrote&nbsp;about this in her diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"43a2j\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>Emiel Ros, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bommenwerper op Spaarndammerbuurt 1944</a>. Ros heeft zijn onderzoek naar deze vliegtuigcrash op 20 maart 2014 in een gesprek toegelicht.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"43a2j\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Referred to by Anne as: <em>the crew was able to parachute out</em>. Anne Frank, Diary Version A and B, 23 March 1944, in: <em>The Collected Works,&nbsp;</em>transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "content_nl": "<p>Edward Welling Stull (1918-1922)&nbsp;was piloot van de bommenwerper die op <strong>22 maart 1944</strong> in de Spaarndammerbuurt neerstortte.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Hij sprong vlak voor de crash als laatste uit het toestel en kwam in de buurt van de Westersuikerfabriek op de Van Noordtkade terecht. Hij werd door Duitse militairen beschoten, maar bleef ongedeerd.&nbsp;Zijn co-piloot Samuel Showalter daarentegen, brak een enkel.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Anne schrijft hierover in haar dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"43a2j\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>Emiel Ros, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bommenwerper op Spaarndammerbuurt 1944</a>. Ros heeft zijn onderzoek naar deze vliegtuigcrash op 20 maart 2014 in een gesprek toegelicht.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"43a2j\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Wordt door Anne aangeduid als: <em>afgesprongen bemanning</em>. Anne Frank, Dagboek A en B, 23 maart 1944, in: <em>Verzameld werk</em>, Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2013.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "content_en": "<p>Edward Welling Stull (1918-1922) was the pilot of the bomber that crashed in the Spaarndammer district&nbsp;on <strong>22 March 1944</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> He was the last one to jump out of the plane just before the crash and landed near the Westersuikerfabriek on Van Noordtkade. He was shot at by German soldiers, but remained unharmed.&nbsp;His co-pilot Samuel Showalter however, broke an ankle.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Anne wrote&nbsp;about this in her diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"43a2j\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5t3vh\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>Emiel Ros, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Bommenwerper op Spaarndammerbuurt 1944</a>. Ros heeft zijn onderzoek naar deze vliegtuigcrash op 20 maart 2014 in een gesprek toegelicht.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"43a2j\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Referred to by Anne as: <em>the crew was able to parachute out</em>. Anne Frank, Diary Version A and B, 23 March 1944, in: <em>The Collected Works,&nbsp;</em>transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "birth_date": null,
    "death_date": null,
    "gender": "male",
    "birth_place": "",
    "birth_country": "",
    "death_place": "",
    "death_country": "",
    "summary": "Stull was the pilot of the bomber that crashed in the Spaarndammer district on 22 March 1944.",
    "summary_nl": "Stull was piloot van de bommenwerper die neerstortte op 22 maart 1944 in de Spaarndammerbuurt.",
    "summary_en": "Stull was the pilot of the bomber that crashed in the Spaarndammer district on 22 March 1944.",
    "same_as": null,
    "files": []