Miep takes Moffie to the vet

When warehouse cat Moffie was sick in April 1944, Miep took her to the vet.

Warehouse cat Moffie (Boche) was suddenly very quiet and drooling one Saturday. Miep wrapped her in a cloth and took her to the clinic. That method of transportation was common in those days, as shown in a photo from the clinic's waiting room.

Anne later writes about this in het diary: "Miep quickly picked him up, wrapped him in a cloth, put him in her shopping bag and took him to the dog-and-cat clinic." It turned out to be not too serious. There was something wrong with Moffie's intestines and he was given a drink by the vet. Peter administered it to her a few times.[1]


  1. ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 15 April 1944, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.