Apollohal (Apollo Hall)

Sports hall and space for events and exhibitions in Amsterdam.

Fotograaf Paul Guermonprez. Beeldbank Stadsarchief Amsterdam

Apollohal, 1934

Fotograaf Paul Guermonprez. Beeldbank Stadsarchief Amsterdam

The building opened in 1934 and was used for exhibitions, sporting events and meetings for many years.[1]

Political meetings of all kinds were held there. Following the Nuremberg Laws, the Committee for Special Jewish Interests held a protest meeting in the Apollo Hall on 19 September 1935.[2] The hall also hosted the NSB party after the lost elections of 1937[3], and 'Unity through Democracy' with W. Schermerhorn.[4]

In 1940, the ice rink of the 'N.V. Sportfondsen Kunstijsbaan' at Linnaeusstraat was transferred to the Apollo Hall, and remained in use there until 1949 .[5]

On 13 December 1940, Anne wrote to her grandmother that she goes skating at the Ice Rink in the Apollo Hall.[6] On 13 January 1941, she wrote: "I spend every free minute at the Ice Rink."[7]


  1. ^ See: Wikipedia: Apollohal.
  2. ^ “De ontrechting der Joden in Duitschland”, Algemeen Handelsblad, 19 september 1935, ochtendeditie.
  3. ^ “De heer Mussert aan het woord”, Het Vaderland, 28 mei 1937, ochtendeditie.
  4. ^ “Eenheid door Democratie houdt propagandavergadering”, Algemeen Handelsblad, 15 november 1938, ochtendeditie.
  5. ^ Hansje Galesloot, 'Bevroren borstplaat', in: Ons Amsterdam, 179 (2008) 1 (januari), p. 26-29.
  6. ^ Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds (AFF), Bazel, Alice Frank, AFF_AlF_corr_18: Anne Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern en Stephan Elias, 13 december 1940.
  7. ^ AFF, Alice Frank, AFF_AlF_corr_18: Anne Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern en Stephan Elias, 13 januari 1941.