Frank family address - Ganghoferstrasse Frankfurt

The Frank family were registered at this address for two years.

When Edith Frank and Otto Frank moved to Ganghoferstrasse 24 in March 1931, the family's economic situation had deteriorated. Late December 1932, Otto Frank gave notice of cancelling the lease on Ganghoferstrasse as of 31 March 1933 "as a result of the changed economic circumstances", as stated in the surviving termination letter. The family moved to an apartment in the house built by Otto Frank's parents near Beethovenplatz in Westend, where Otto's mother lives and where Otto Frank grew up.[1]

A memorial plaque commemorates Anne Frank's stay at the Ganghoferstraße address,[2] as well as a memorial installation at Dornbusch subway station.[3]


  1. ^ Jürgen Steen, 'Die Familie Anne Franks: von der Ganghoferstraße in die Emigration', Institut für Stadtgeschichte (IfS), Frankfurt am Main 1933-1945 (geraadpleegd 12 januari 2024).
  2. ^ IfS, Frankfurt am Main 1933-1945, Gedenktafel für Anne Frank, Ganghoferstraße 24 (geraadpleegd 12 januari 2024). 
  3. ^ IfS, Frankfurt am Main 1933-1945, Anne Frank-Gedenkwand (geraadpleegd 12 januari 2024).