Prad, Reclameadvies- en advertentiebureau (Prad Advertising Consultancy and Agency)
Prad was an advertising agency Otto Frank was in contact with after the war.
Address: Herengracht 168, Amsterdam.[1]
Prad was an advertising agency that Otto Frank was in contact with after the war. Before the war, Maurice Aronson had been very successful with his advertising agency Arc's. When he set up another agency after the war, he again looked for a four-letter name. He considered choosing Prograd (Progression and advertising), but eventually accepted his wife's suggestion to call the business Prad.[2]
In 1949, Prad agency offered Otto Frank two proof drawings, made by illustrator and painter Arthur Goldsteen, for the proposed publication of the little story written by Anne while in hiding, Weet je nog? (Do You Remember?) and Een biologieles (A biology lesson).[1] Ultimately, the cover and illustrations will be made by Kees Kelfkens [3]
In 1963, Prad was one of the largest advertising agencies in the Netherlands.[4]
- a, b Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_101: M.A. Aronson aan Otto Frank, 3 mei 1949.
- ^ Wikipedia: Maurits Aronson.
- ^ See: Anne Frank, Weet je nog?Verhalen en sprookjes, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1949.
- ^ Wikipedia: Prad (reclamebureau).