Keg Thee en Koffie, firma C. (C. Keg Tea and Coffee Co.)

Branch of a Zaandam wholesale company in coffee, tea and packaged foods, located next door to Otto Frank's business premises.

Fotograaf onbekend. Afkomstig uit privécollectie

Personeel van Keg voor het pand Prinsengracht 265, omstreeks 1947

Fotograaf onbekend. Afkomstig uit privécollectie Copyright: Status onduidelijk

This branch of a wholesale company of coffee, tea and packaged foodstuffs was located at Prinsengracht 265, Amsterdam, next to Otto Frank's business premises (as of 1 December 1940).

As well as Opekta and Gies & Co. (and other companies), Keg regularly suffered from burglaries. The staff was therefore assigned night-time guard duty.[1] Before the period in hiding, there were several known burglaries in the building. One of these was committed via the then vacant neighboring building 263.[2] Reports were made by branch manager Jacob Boon and warehouse manager Hendrik Mussche.

Keg also had to contend with crime after the liberation: 'On behalf of N.V. Keg's Groothandel, P 265 in A-dam, a report is made of the theft of 7½ KG raisins, from a shipment of 2900 KG, sent from R-dam to the addressee by expedition. Bijloo.'[3]

Because the building on Prinsengracht had a basement and no ground floor, Keg had a garage at Egelantiersstraat 8.[4]

On 5 February 1940, there was a collision on Columbusplein in which a Keg van, driven by H.J. Mooseker, was involved.[5]


  1. ^ Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Centraal Archief Bijzondere Rechtspleging, inv. nr. 23892: Rijksrecherche, p.v.b. 86/1963 v.H.
  2. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nrs. 6437 en 6439: Rapporten Marnixstraat van 29 juli en 2 september 1940, en 8 maart 1941.
  3. ^ SAA, Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nr. 3274: Meldingsrapp. wachtcomm. recherche 17-18 november 1945, mut. 14.00.
  4. ^ SAA, Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nr. 6382: Afschrift rapport Westerstraat, 27 april 1942, 15.00 uur.
  5. ^ SAA, Gemeentepolitie Amsterdam, inv. nr. 5933: Rapport Willem Schoutenstraat, 5-6 februari 1940.