Leisure activities, Johannes Kleiman

Jan Gies enjoyed walking and cycling. He also played cards with friends every week.

According to his daughter Jopie, Kleiman had little free time due to his busy work.[1] Nevertheless, a number of his recreational activities are known. His daughter said that her father did enjoy walking and cycling. With her father, she once made a cycling trip to an uncle of his, who lived in Driehuis.[1]

Kleiman played canasta each week with Miep, Jan and the Bunjes family, among others.[2] Daughter Jopie Kleiman also talked about playing canasta with the Gies family, among others.[3] Kleiman wrote in a letter to Otto Frank on 5 February 1957 that Charlotte Kaletta was initially part of this card club, but she suddenly stopped coming. [4]

Miep told 1992 in an interview: 'Kleiman had got a little car and Kleiman took us out. Yes. We still have pictures of that, don't we, of Kleiman and Paul, in the snow. Oh, Kleiman was crazy about Paul. He got to sit in the front seat in the car, we went to Haarlem.'[5]


  1. a, b Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Getuigenarchief, Kleiman: Verslag gesprek met Erika Prins met Johanna van den Broek-Kleiman, 7 oktober 2010.
  2. ^ AFS, Getuigenarchief, Bunjes: Verslag gesprek Gertjan Broek en Erika Prins met Joke Bunjes, 28 mei 2009.
  3. ^ AFS, Getuigenarchief, Kleiman: Verslag gesprek met Erika Prins met Johanna van den Broek-Kleiman, 17 april 2009.
  4. ^ AFS, Anne Frank Collectie, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA_079: Johannes Kleiman aan Otto Frank, 5 februari 1957.
  5. ^ AFS, Getuigenarchief, Santrouschitz: Transcriptie interview Wouter van de Sluis en Janrense Boonstra met Miep Gies, 1992, deel 5, p. 7.