Names of Victor Kugler

Variations of Victor Kugler's name.

The surname Kugler comes from Victor's mother Emilie Kugler. The name of his father is not known.[1] The spelling of the name Victor Kugler changed many times over the years.

  • Victor Kugler's christening card shows the name Victor KÅ­gler, with a breve on the u.[2]
  • His school report for the 1906-'07 school year shows Viktor Kugler, without breve on the u. The name is also written this way on other school reports. In the 1912-'13 school year, the spelling with the breve occurs once again. Reports from the years 1915 and 1916 alternate between the two versions.[3]
  • He himself used Viktor Kugler to sign the poem Deutsch sein in his Stammbuch, dated 17 August 1916.[4]
  • A 1920 "Lehr-Brief" of the Handwerkskammer Münster also mentions Victor Kugler.[5]
  • Victor Gustave Kügler is listed on his diploma in Commercial Correspondence dated 21 March 1923.[6]
  • The population register of Hilversum registered him as Viktor Gustav Kügler in 1933. Later, this was changed again to Kugler on instructions from the Civil Registry of Utrecht.[7]
  • The CoC file of Gies and Co. lists Victor Gustav Kugler.[8]
  • According to his 1928 marriage certificate, his 1941 driving licence and a reference card in the Amsterdam population register, it was Viktor Gustav Kugler.[9]
  • His death certificate dated 15 December 1981 lists Victor Kugler.[10]

Whether the variations arose from carelessness or from other causes is not clear. It is possible that the breve, which came above the 'u' in older official documents, was later mistaken for an umlaut. The addition Gustav or Gustave was first used in the Netherlands.

When Anne Frank wrote the second version (the B version) of her diary, she wrote a list of the names she wanted to give the people in a book to be published later. She gave Victor Kugler the name Harry Kraler.[11] In the first edition of the diary (1947), this became Mr Kraler.[12]

Fake name

After his escape during transport to Germany, Victor Kugler used a personal identification card in the name of Johannes Kuinders born 12 December 1900 in Soest, living at Da Costastraat 36 in Zwolle and working as an assistant at the PTT. This date of birth was a doubling of his actual date of birth of 6 June.[13]


  1. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS),  Ane Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Kugler_I_026: Geburts- und Taufschein Viktor Kugler, 12 mei 1928.
  2. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_001: Doopbewijs van Victor Kugler.
  3. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_003: Schoolrapport van Viktor Kugler van de Allgemeine Volks- und Bürgerschule in Hohenelbe, schooljaar 1906-1907 & A_Kugler_I_011: Schoolrapport van het Norbertinum zu Hamborn, Rektoratschule van Viktor Kugler, schooljaar 1912-1913.
  4. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_018: "Stammbuch Viktor Kugler":
  5. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_022: Lehrbrief Handwerkskammer te Münster van Victor Kugler, 7 september 1920.
  6. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_024: Diploma Nederlandsche Handelscorrespondentie, afgegeven aan Victor Gustav Kugler.
  7. ^ Bevolkingsregister Hilversum, Gezinskaart V.G. Kugler.
  8. ^ Noord-Hollands Archief, Haarlem, Handelsregister Hilversum, inv. nr. 199: Dossier 8859, Aakteletter a.
  9. ^ Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht, Burgerlijke Stand Utrecht, inv. nr. 358, aktenr. 81; AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_029: Persoonsbewijs van Victor Gustav Kugler; Stadsarchief Amsterdam, toegangsnummer 30238: Verwijskaart in het Bevolkingsregister van Amsterdam.
  10. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_050: Overlijdensakte van Victor Kugler.
  11. ^ 'Pseudoniemenlijstje', in: Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), De dagboeken van Anne Frank, 5e, verbeterde en uitgebreide druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 70.
  12. ^ Anne Frank, Het Achterhuis: dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944, Amsterdam: Contact, 1947.
  13. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_033: Persoonsbewijs 039971 t.n.v. J. Kuinders.