Leisure activities, Miep and Jan Gies

Miep and Jan Gies played cards with friends every week.

Little is known about leisure activities of Miep and Jan Gies. Various sources indicate that they played cards (canasta) each week with Jan, Kleiman and the Bunjes family, among others.[1] Miep wrote in 1970: 'We will be playing cards again on Friday.'[2]

Miep said in a 1992 interview: 'We spent time with the Kleimans. Kleiman had got a little car and he took us out in it.'[3] This was of course before 1959.


  1. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Getuigenarchief, Bunjes: Gesprek Erika Prins en Gertjan Broek met Joke Bunjes, 28 mei 2009.
  2. ^ AFS, Anne Frank Collectie, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA_078: Miep Gies aan Otto Frank, 17 april 1970.
  3. ^ AFS, Getuigenarchief, Santrouschitz: Transcriptie interview Wouter van de Sluis en Janrense Boonstra met Miep Gies, 1992, deel 5, p. 7.