Philosophy of life, Bep Voskuijl

Bep Voskuijl was Dutch Reformed by birth.

Johan Voskuijl, Bep's father, belonged to the Reformed church according to his family card.[1] Bep's mother and maternal relatives were Dutch Reformed.[2] Family members report that the family was Dutch Reformed and that the children attended Christian schools.[3]

Bep's husband, Cor van Wijk, was Catholic. Their civil marriage took place on 26 May 1954 and the church dedication followed the same day in the Church of the Holy Martyrs of Gorcum, Linnaeushof 95, Watergraafsmeer, Amsterdam.[4] All four of their children were baptised in the Catholic church.[5]


  1. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Gezinskaarten (toegangsnummer 5421): Gezinskaart J.H. Voskuijl.
  2. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Gezinskaartem (toegangsnummer 5421): Gezinskaart Willem Sodenkamp.
  3. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Getuigenverhalen I, interview Joop van Wijk; Getuigenverhalen II, Dina Voskuijl; interview Dina Voskuijl 28 april 2011.
  4. ^ AFS, Anne Frank Collectie, reg. code A_Voskuijl_I_004: Familiestamboek van Cornelis van Wijk en Elisabeth Voskuijl, 15 mei 1946.
  5. ^ Volgens een mededeling van zoon Joop van Wijk had de katholieke familie van Wijk bezwaren tegen het huwelijk en moest Bep beloven om de kinderen naar catechisatie en katholieke scholen te sturen. Mededeling Joop van Wijk, 23 augustus 2010.