Fritz Pfeffer worked as a dentist in Berlin

Fritz Pfeffer worked as a dentist in Berlin from 1913.

Fritz Pfeffer worked as a dentist in Berlin from 1913. The practice was home-based at Passauerstraße 33. Consultation hours were initially from 10:00 to 12:00.[1] Later, consultation hours were from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00.[2] Between 1914 and 1918, Pfeffer served in the German army and was therefore absent for some time.

The last entry of consulting hours in the address book dates from 1931. From 1932, the address books had only the entry Zahnartzt. The last mention of Pfeffer in the Berlin address book was in 1938.[3] By his own account, Claus Buchtal was Pfeffer's patient from about 1930 to 1935.[4]


  1. ^ Berliner Adreßbuch 1913. Unter Benutzung von Amtlicher Quellen, jaargangen 1913-1938 (http://adressbuch.zlb.de).
  2. ^ Berliner Adreßbuch, diverse jaargangen.
  3. ^ Berliner Adreßbuch, jaargangen 1931-1938.
  4. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Getuigenarchief, Buchtal, Claus: Correspondentie.