Leisure activities, Fritz Pfeffer

Fritz Pfeffer's hobbies included rowing and horse grooming.


There is a photo dated around 1925 of Fritz Pfeffer with two others in a rowing boat. Fritz Pfeffer was the strokeman.[1] According to Bernd Lindenthal, Pfeffer was a member of the Jewish rowing club 'Undine'.[2] There is also a photo of Pfeffer in rowing clothes at a boat in Seddinwall. It shows him holding his son Werner on his arm. The photo is dated 15 May 1932, Pentecost.[3] There is also an undated photo of Pfeffer with four others in a rowing boat, Pfeffer sitting in third place.[4]


There is an undated photo of Pfeffer on horseback.[5] By his own admission, Pfeffer had been involved in horse care on a daily basis since 1919. He argued this in his application for emigration to Chile, where he wanted to focus on Pferdenzucht professionally.[6]


There is a photo of Pfeffer on the terrace of hotel Vita Nova in Blaricum, dated May '39.[7] And a photograph of Pfeffer with Charlotte Kaletta on the Zuidelijke Wandelweg, dated 21 April 1940.[8] There is also a photograph of Pfeffer with Charlotte Kaletta on the boat to Harderwijk.[9]


While in hiding, Pfeffer learned Spanish with the help of a German-Spanish language course.[10] He possibly did this in view of the still existing desire to emigrate to South America.


  1. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), reg. code A_Pfeffer_III_038.
  2. ^ Bernd Lindenthal, “Fritz Pfeffer war der Zimmergenosse van Anne Frank. Zur Erinnerung an der Zahnarzt aus Giessen”, in: Mitteilungen des Oberhessischen Geschichtsverein, (2000) nr. 85, p. 97-131, aldaar p. 101. It is not clear on which source he bases this.
  3. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Pfeffer_III_053.
  4. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Pfeffer_III_040.
  5. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Pfeffer_III_048.
  6. ^ Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Ministerie van Justitie: Rijksvreemdelingendienst (RVD) en Taakvoorgangers, nummer toegang 2.09.45, inv. nr. 1031: Emigratieaanvraag, 13 januari 1939.
  7. ^  AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Pfeffer_III_015.
  8. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Pfefer_III_056.
  9. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Pfeffer_III_003.
  10. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code AFS.01552: Actividades Comerciales. Modernes Spanisch zur Auffrischung und Erweiterung Ihrer Kenntnisse.