Hans Klee

Hans Klee was an uncle of Anne Frank's friend Hanneli Goslar.

Dr Hans Klee was a brother of Ruth Goslar-Klee and an uncle of Hanneli.

After Kristallnacht, Hans Klee's parents joined his sister Ruth's family in Amsterdam. On 21 November 1938, his brother-in-law Hans Goslar tried to draw attention to the dangers to which Hans Klee was also exposed.[1] It is not known if this had any effect, but Klee, who was still in Berlin at the time, eventually fled to Switzerland.

There he became a member of the Zionist Action Committee in 1946 and later vice-president of the Swiss Zionist Federation and a member of the European Executive of the World Confederation of General Zionists and of the World Union of Oeuvre de Secours aux Enfants.[2]

In the summer and autumn of 1945, Otto Frank worked to ensure that Hans Klee was reunited with his nieces Hanneli and Gabi Goslar in Switzerland.[3] That finally happened on 5 December 1945.[4]In January 1946, several meetings with Klee were noted in Otto's diary.[5]

Klee also appreared in Otto's diaries in March and August 1947.[6]

Upon his death, an obituary by Georg Hirsch was published in the Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad.[7]

Source personal data.[2]


  1. ^ Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Verbaalarchief Ministerie van Justitie, 1915 - 1955 (toegang 2.09.22), inv. nr 11583: bijlage bij verbaal 1193: Brief mr. M. Schorlesheim aan A. van Zoelen (Rijksveldwacht), 21 november 1938.
  2. a, b “Hans Klee, zionist leader, dies in Switzerland; escaped from nazi’s”,  JTA Daily New Bulletin (Jewish Telegraphic Agency, New York), jaargang 41, nr. 100, 25 mei 1959.
  3. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_004: Agenda 1945, 25 en 29 september, 6, 9 en 12 oktober en 1 november.
  4. ^ AFS, Getuigenverhalen I, transcriptie interview Hanneli Pick – Goslar door David de Jongh, 6 mei 2009, p. 2, tijdcode 12:38:24 – 12:39:31.
  5. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_003: Agenda 1946, 15 en 17 januari, 13 september.
  6. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_004: Agenda 1947, 7, 8 en 10 maart, 22 augustus.
  7. ^ “Hans Klee”, Nieuw Israelietisch Weekblad, 5 juni 1959.