Frans van Angeren

Frans van Angeren was a business partner of Otto Frank.

Frans van Angeren was a confectioner, tea room owner and business partner of Otto Frank. He represented Pomosin Werke in Utrecht, and employed Victor Kugler there for 10 years.[1] 

At the time of Otto Frank's naturalisation procedure, Van Angeren declared himself willing to act as a reference for him.[2] In the 1950s, he shut down his business due to a heart condition and high blood pressure.[3] In early 1959, however, he called Opekta, apparently about the takeover: he was afraid that everything would fall into Pomosin's hands.[4]

Following his death, the Utrechtsch Nieuwsblad published an article about him on 23 July 1960. When Kugler wrote to Otto Frank on 6 April 1973 that he had received the Yad Vashem medal on 4 April, he added: “Herrn van  Anger’n Geburtstag”.[5]

Van Angeren was married to W.J.A. Hofhuis (1893-1986), a sister of Joop. He was the godfather of Joop's son Frans (’35).[6] He was also a brother of the General Secretary and later Minister of Justice J.R.M. van Angeren.

Source personal data.[7] Addresses: Lange Viestraat 14, Utrecht; Biltovenseweg 4, De Bilt (May ’35); Karel Doormanlaan 7, flat 1, 4 hoog (May ’58).[7]


  1. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_100: Otto Frank aan J.R.M. van Angeren, 6 februari 1948.
  2. ^ Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Ministerie van Justitie, Verbaalarchief, 1915-1955; Kabinetsarchief, 1915-1940, nummer toegang 2.09.22, inv. nr. 13402: Otto Frank aan Th. de Meester, 9 februari 1946.
  3. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_085: Joop Hofhuis aan Otto Frank, 15 oktober 1959.
  4. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_085: Jeanne Kwakernaak aan Otto Frank, 12 februari 1959.
  5. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_080: Victor Kugler aan Otto Frank, 6 april 1973.
  6. ^ Mededeling van Frans Hofhuis, 12 juli 2011.
  7. a, b Het Utrechts Archief, Utrecht, Handelsregister Utrecht, Kamer van Koophandel en Fabrieken Utrecht, dossier 2470.