Rika Kuperus - de Rooij

Rika Kuperus was head teacher of the Sixth Montessori School.

Hendrika (Rika) Kuperus was the head teacher of the Sixth Montessori School. Anne Frank was in her class in 1940-1941.

On 5 November 1925 in Amsterdam, she married Sjoerd Kuperus, who died on 4 July 1988.[1] From 1926 on she worked at the First Montessori School in Amsterdam.[2] Out of three teachers from this school, the municipality chose her in 1934 to be the principal of the newly formed Sixth Montessori School. The fact that she had been passed over for an earlier nomination and that she was the breadwinner of her family weighed in the balance.[3]

Anne wrote that she was in class 6C with Mrs Kuperus.[4] According to the school's Parents' Fund administration, Anne was in class 6A in school year 1940-1941.[5] Otto Frank gave Kuperus the diary to read as early as the beginning of 1946.[6] He sent her a copy of The Secret Annex in 1947. In the accompanying letter he wrote: "You knew her so well, you understood her nature and she loved you so much".[7] Rika Kuperus gave a book presentation on The Secret Annex in about 1970.[8]

Source personal data.[9] Addresses: Deurloostraat 34 III, Amsterdam; Koudum (’64).[10]


  1. ^ Centraal Bureau voor Genealogie (CBG), Den Haag: Persoonskaart H.A.M. de Rooij.
  2. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Afdeling Onderwijs, toegang 5191, inv. nr. 9995: Stamkaart H.A.M. Kuperus-de Rooij.
  3. ^ SAA, Afdeling Onderwijs, inv. nr. 5630, volgnr. 4796: Concept en voordracht, 21 en 22 september 1934.
  4. ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 16 June 1942, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  5. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC ), reg. code A_Montessori_I_027: Kasschriftje.
  6. ^ AFS, AFC, Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_100: Mw. Kuperus aan Otto Frank, 18 maart 1946.
  7. ^ AFC, AFC, reg. code OFA_100: Otto Frank aan mw. Kuperus, juni 1947.
  8. ^ Kopie bij: AFS, Getuigenarchief Kuperus-de Rooy.
  9. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart H.A.M. de Rooij; CBG: Persoonskaart H.A.M. de Rooij.
  10. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart H.A.M. de Rooij.