Cissy van Marxveldt

Cissy van Marxveldt was a Dutch writer whose books Anne Frank read.

Cissy van Marxveldt (pen name of Setske Beek-de Haan) was a Dutch writer[1] whose books Anne Frank read in the Secret Annex. From 1915 she published in Panorama. She married Leo Beek in 1916. In 1919 the first part of the successful Joop ter Heul series appeared. For Anne.[2] Van Marxveldt's books were a source of pleasure and inspiration. She regularly wrote about them in her diary, and introduced a kind of private Jopopinoloekico club.[3]

The phone number of Cissy van Marxveldt ('van Beek, Bussum') was in Otto Frank's diary for 1946. [4] In 2006, Van Marxveldt's son Leo Beek said during an interview that Otto Frank had asked his mother in 1946 for her opinion on the quality of his daughter's diary. He also wanted to know from her whether she considered it suitable for publication. Van Marxveldt responded positively.[5]


  1. ^ Monica Soeting, Cissy van Marxveldt: een biografie, Proefschrift Universiteit Groningen, 2017. Also see: Wikipedia: Cissy van Marxveldt. For literature by and about Cissy van Marxveldt, see the Digitale Bibliotheek voor de Nederlandse Letteren. Most of Van Marxveldt's can be retrieved from Delpher, the website of Koninklijke Bibliotheek, with digitized historical Dutch newspaper, books, magazines and radiobulletins from libraries, museums and other heritage institutions.
  2. ^ Monica Soeting, Tot hier en niet verder: spanningen in leven en werk van Cissy van Marxveldt, in: Biografie Bulletin, 16 (2006), p. 12-17; Monica Soeting, De deemoed voorbij: Cissy van Marxveldt en haar rebellenclub, in: De Parelduiker, 13 (2008), 1, p. 23-37; Monica Soeting, Dear diary, dear comrade : fiction and non-fiction in the diaries of Setske de Haan, Joop ter Heul and Anne Frank, in: European Journal of Life Writing, 7  (2018), p. CP183-CP199.
  3. ^ Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 28 September 1942 (10th), 4 and 6 October 1942, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  4. ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA__003: Agenda Otto Frank 1946.
  5. ^ Soeting, De deemoed voorbij, p. 37.

Digital files (1)

Joop ter Heul-serie