Rosey Pool

Rosey Pool was an English teacher at the Jewish Lyceum.

Rosey Pool was an English teacher at the Jewish Lyceum in 1941-1942, where Anne Frank went to school. [1]She married B.F. Kramer in Berlin in 1932. The marriage was dissolved in 1935.[2] At the beginning of 1939 she left Berlin for Amsterdam and started teaching English to German-Jweish immmigrants. According to Otto Frank, she gave Edith English lessons. In the autumn of 1941 she took a seat on a committee that drew up guidelines for language training at Jewish schools.[3] According to one of her former pupils, Rosey Pool spoke "terrible" English.[4] 

Around 1950 she worked on an English translation of Het Achterhuis ('The Secret Annex'). Otto Frank thought that she had the right feeling for Anne, but I cannot judge her English qualities.[5] However, the translation was found to be inadequate.[6]

Documents relating to her work as a cultural anthropologist are in the keeping of the University of Sussex in Brighton.[7]

Source personal data.[8] Addresses: Berlin; Nieuwe Prinsengracht 120hs (1939), Geleenstraat 11 III (1945), Paletstraat 14hs (1945), London (1950).[2]


  1. ^ Zie haar herinneringen: Rosey Pool, "Anne Frank: the child and the legend", in: World Order: A Bahá'í Magazine, 6 (1972) 3 (Spring), p. 51-56.
  2. a, b Stadsarchief Amsterdam, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer. 30238): Archiefkaart R.E. Pool.
  3. ^ Dienke Hondius, Absent. Herinneringen aan het Joods Lyceum Amsterdam 1941 - 1943, Amsterdam: Vassallucci, 2001, p.72.
  4. ^ Hondius, Absent, p.123.
  5. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell & Co., 22 november 1950.
  6. ^ AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell & Co., 21 november 1950.  
  7. ^ Zie http://www.sussex.ac.uk/library/speccoll/collection_introductions/pool.html (geraadpleegd 18 september 2014).
  8. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart R.E. Pool; Familiebericht, Het Parool, 1 oktober 1971. Zie verder Lonneke Geerlings, Pool, Rosa Eva, in: Digitaal Vrouwenlexicon van Nederland, https://resources.huygens.knaw.nl/vrouwenlexicon/lemmata/data/Pool [27/11/2017] en Lonneke Geerlings, De vele levens van Rosey Pool: strijdbaar van Westerbork tot Mississippi, Amsterdam: Atlas Contact, 2023. Dit is een bewerking van haar proefschrift, getiteld Survivor, agitator: Rosey E. Pool and the transatlantic century (Proefschrift Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 2019), https://research.vu.nl/en/publications/survivor-agitator-rosey-e-pool-and-the-transatlantic-century.