Leo Silberberg

Leo Silberberg was the father of Hello Silberberg, Anne Frank's friend.

Leo Silberberg was the father[1] of Helmut (Hello) Silberberg, who was a friend of Anne Frank. In Schlubin (now: Zslubin), Leo Silberberg learned the tailoring trade with his brother. Later, they started a clothing shop in Gelsenkirchen together[2] called 'Silberberg Herren-Moden', located from 1908 at Bochumer Strasse 12.[3] He married Selma Levie at the age of 42 and they had one son.[4] After Kristallnacht, he managed to escape to Brussels.[5]

Source personal data (date of born/death unknown).[4] Addresses: Gelsenkirchen. 


  1. ^ Anne refers to him as (one of) his parents. Anne Frank, Diary Version B, 1 July 1942, in: The Collected Works, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.
  2. ^ Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Getuigenverhalen 2012: Interview E. Silverberg, C003. 3:18-3:30.
  3. ^ Andreas Jordan, Helmut Silberberg, Gelzenzentrum.
  4. a, b AFS, Getuigenverhalen 2012: Interview E. Silverberg, C003.
  5. ^ AFS, Getuigenverhalen 2012: Interview E. Silverberg, C003. 10:40.