Karl Essers
Karl Essers was a business partner of Otto Frank.
Karl Essers was a business partner of Otto Frank. In 1933 a 'Depot Limburg' of the Nederlandsche Opekta Mij. was located at Essers' address in Heerlen.[1]
As a German, he served in the German army in the First World War. He lost the sight in both eyes because of the war.[2] In Aachen, he owned the business C. Essers & Co., Mechanische Bürsten- und Pinselfabrik.[3]
In the Heerlen population register, he was listed as the representative of the 'fa. C. Essers en Co., Borstelfabr.' in Aachen.[4] In the Commercial Register, his company was listed as 'Trading in brushes and grinding and polishing equipment'. The new trade name from October 1934 was 'Cea-Mop' factory.[5] This company manufactured floor wax and the tools required for its use. He also profited from the sale of Opekta.[2]
Otto Frank noted down Esser's name and telephone number (4689) in his diary of 1937.[6]
Esser's son (Herbert Joseph, 1922) studied chemistry in Delft after secondary school. Because of his nationality he had to serve in the German army and was killed on 22 August 1943. When the war front approached Heerlen, he and his wife left for Germany.[7] Because he was seen as an enemy subject, the Nederlandsch Beheersinstituut confiscated his possessions. In his defence, Essers stated that the customers for his products only included hospitals, monasteries and Dutch businesses.[8]
Source personal data (date and place of death unknown).[4] Addresses: Roermonder Strasse, Aachen;[3] Schaesbergerweg 23, Heerlen (1928);[4] Kölnerstrass 415, Neuss am Rhein.[2]
- ^ “Uitnoodiging voor de Opekta-Demonstratie”, Limburgsch Dagblad, 3 juli 1933.
- a, b, c Nationaal Archief, (NL-HaNA), Den Haag, Nederlandsch Beheersinstituut (NBI) (toegang, inv. nr. 3862: beheersdossier C.W. Essers, notitie van accountant H. Stips (beheerder) over C.W. Essers voor NBI te Klimmen, 27 maart 1950.
- a, b Aachener Adressbuch 1926.
- a, b, c Rijckheyt Centrum voor regionale geschiedenis, Heerlen, Bevolkingsregister Heerlen (microfiche): Gezinskaart K.W. Essers.
- ^ “Handelsregister voor de Zuid-Limburgsche Mijnstreek, Heerlen”, Limburgsch Dagblad, 8 oktober 1934.
- ^ Anne Frank Stichting, Anne Frank Collectie, Otto Frank Archief, reg. code OFA_001: Agenda 1937, 1 januari; Naamlijst voor den interlocalen telefoondienst van Nederland, januari 1937, uitgegeven door het Hoofdbestuur van de P.T.&T., p. 742.
- ^ NL-HaNA, NBI, inv. nr. 3862: Schrijven Essers aan NBI te Den Haag, 8 november 1952.
- ^ NL-HaNA, NBI, inv. nr. 3862: Schrijven Essers aan de Raad voor het Rechtsherstel te Den Haag, 25 februari 1953.
Digital files (1)
Nieuwe Venlosche Courant, 31 december 1936