Max van Kreveld

Max van Kreveld lived with the Van Pels family for some time.

Max van Kreveld was the son of a butcher who did business with Pectacon. He lived with the Van Pels family for some time. He grew up in Deventer and became a Bar Mitzvah there on 21 August 1920.[1] In 1925, he left his hometown to work for the paper wholesaler Catz in Rotterdam. In 1931, he switched to a friend's sanitary ware business.[2]

On 25 July 1934 he married Hanna Bonnettemaker in Amsterdam. They had a son on 10 July 1935.[3] The court pronounced the divorce on 10 December 1936, which was registered on 15 February 1937.[4]

From 19 August 1940 until 2 April 1941, Van Kreveld was registered with the Van Pels family on Zuider Amstellaan in Amsterdam. He left because of his second marriage, which took place on the latter date.[5] His second wife, Henriette Susan, was killed on 30 September 1942 in Auschwitz. Shortly after the liberation, he wrote to his ex-wife, who was then still in Westerbork. Neither of them knew where their son was.[6] He eventually turned up, but it is not clear from this correspondence how and when.

In 1947 Van Kreveld received a folder from Otto Frank about the publication of The Secret Annex. Otto wrote underneath that they had already discussed the book together and that the Van Pels family appeared in it under the name 'Van Daan'.[7] Furthermore, on 6 February 1950 Otto Frank gave him a copy of 'Weet je nog?' (Do You Remember?). Van Kreveld noted this event on the front flyleaf. In April 1995 he placed a dedication under it: "For my dear granddaughter Fleur".[8]

Source personal data.[9] Addresses: Deventer; Rotterdam; Amsterdam (1929); Waalstraat 70-I, Amsterdam (February 1940); Zuider Amstellaan 34-II, Amsterdam (19 August 1940).


  1. ^ “Advertentiën”, Nieuw Israelitiesch Weekblad, 13 augustus 1920.
  2. ^ Anne Frank Stichtring (AFS), Getuigenarchief Van Kreveld, B_Getuigen_I_072.014: handgeschreven levensschets van M.M. van Kreveld, ongedateerd.
  3. ^ Stadsarchief Amsterdam (SAA), Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Gezinskaarten (toegangsnummer 5422): Gezinskaart M.M. van Kreveld.
  4. ^ SAA, Burgerlijke Stand (toegang 5009), inv. nr. 6273: Register van huwelijksakten 1934, deel 26, 31f, akte 424.
  5. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart M.M. van Kreveld.
  6. ^ Joods Historisch Kwartier, Kenniscentrum, objectnrs. D014429 en D006304.
  7. ^ Privécollectie familie Van Kreveld: Folder Het Achterhuis van Uitgeverij Contact, met notitie en handtekening van Otto Frank.
  8. ^ Privécollectie familie Van Kreveld: Anne Frank, Weet je nog?, Amsterdam: Contact, 1949, met voorin notities van Max van Kreveld.
  9. ^ SAA, Dienst Bevolkingsregister, Archiefkaarten (toegangsnummer 30238): Archiefkaart M.M. van Kreveld; AFS, Getuigenarchief Van Kreveld: B_Getuigen_I_072.005: Overlijdensbericht Mozes Maximiliaan van Kreveld, 10 augustus 1997.