Trude Leeser imprisoned in Vught concentration camp

Trude Leeser was niece of Hermann van Pels and was imprisoned in Vught from early 1943.

She worked there as a machine stitcher and was part of the Philips-Kommando.[1] On 3 June 1944, the approximately five hundred Jewish prisoners from this Kommando, including Trude Leeser, were sent to Auschwitz.[2] She survived this camp and several others, and was released in 1945.


  1. ^ https://collections.arolsen-archives.org/en/document/380584 (geraadpleegd 14 september 2002).
  2. ^ Arolsen Archives - International Center on Nazi Persecution, Bad Arolsen, Document ID: 130328407 (Trude LEESER)