
Odessa is a port city in Ukraine on the Black Sea.

A headline from 30 March 1944 says: Odessa centre of Soviet attack.[1] On the night of 9-10 April, German troops evacuated the city.[2] On 10 April, the Red Army entered Odessa.[3] Odessa was mentioned in Anne's diary because of the battle that raged here at the end of March.[4]

Otto Frank, when returning from Auschwitz on 21 May 1945, left Odessa on the Monowai for Marseille.[5]


  1. ^ Het Vaderland, 30 maart 1944.
  2. ^ De Tijd, 11 april 1944.
  3. ^ L. de Jong, Het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden in de Tweede Wereldoorlog, deel 7Mei ’43 – Juni ’44, tweede helft, 's-Gravenhage: Nijhoff, 1976, p. 1293.
  4. ^ Anne Frank, Version A, 31 March 1944, in: The Collected Works; [transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty; transl. from the German language by Kirsten Warner and transl. from the Dutch language by Nancy Forest-Flier]. London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019. ISBN 978-1-4729-6491-5.
  5. ^ See: NOS 1944-145 - Het Bevrijdingsjaar: Overlevenden Auschwitz via Odessa naar Nederland.