Karl Brandi

Karl Brandi was a German historian whose books were read by Anne Frank.

Karl Brandi (1886 - 1946) was a German historian[1] at Göttingen University.[2] He wrote the comprehensive 'Kaiser Karl V. Werden und Schicksal einer Persönlichkeit und eines Weltreiches' (1942). The Dutch translation is called 'Keizer Karel V. Vorming en lot van een persoonlijkheid en van een wereldrijk' (Emperor Charles V. Formation and Fate of a Personality and of a World Empire). Anne read this book in the Secret Annex.


  1. ^ Zie https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Brandi.
  2. ^ Referred to by Anne as a professor at Göttingen university. Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 27 April 1944, in: The Collected Works;, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.