GET /en/api/locations/bcfae2a9-9686-442a-a108-f29c7800cc69?format=api
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    "id": 37,
    "files": [],
    "main_image": null,
    "latitude": "51.940244",
    "longitude": "6.052437",
    "events": [
            "id": 172,
            "main_image": null,
            "url": "",
            "subjects": [
            "persons": [
            "location": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "fbed9b07-9ffe-430a-b661-7e785859133a",
            "name": "Victor Kugler escapes during an air raid",
            "name_nl": "Victor Kugler ontsnapt bij een luchtaanval",
            "name_en": "Victor Kugler escapes during an air raid",
            "content": "<p>Due to the advance of Allied troops, the prisoners were sent on foot towards Germany at the end of March. During this march, Victor Kugler managed to escape. About his escape and journey home, Kugler wrote the following in <strong>1963</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;On that day [28 March] about 600 prisoners left Wageningen and marched across Renkum, Heelsum, Oosterbeek, Arnhem, Westervoort to Zevenaar, with the intention of proceeding to Germany the next day. On the outskirts of Zevenaar, our column was attacked and fired on by English Spitfires. There were unfortunately some casualties. I took advantage of the confusion and fled into the field.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"m49up\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>After Kugler fled into the field, he reportedly went into hiding &#39;with a farmer, Mr Barends&#39; and then left by bicycle heading towards the IJssel River. In Lathum, he waited several days in a brickworks until he could be ferried across the river. In Barneveld, he almost fell into the hands of the Gestapo, but on Good Friday he returned home to Hilversum, where he hid until the liberation.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m49up\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The chronology of Kugler&#39;s escape as he describes it himself may not be entirely accurate. Good Friday fell on<strong> 30 March</strong> in<strong> 1945</strong>. That would mean that everything would have to have taken place in two days, while he wrote that he spent several days at Barends and also several days at the brickworks. Either he escaped&nbsp;earlier than 28 March, or he only got home after Good Friday.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>A diarist from Barneveld noted that on<strong> 27 March 1945</strong>, people were taken off the streets there to dig tank barriers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"u2bhd\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Possibly this was the moment Kugler managed to escape what he called the Gestapo in Barneveld.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Records from the Historical Society in Zevenaar indicate that the day of Kugler&#39;s escape may have been <strong>24 March 1945</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;24-03-1945 Around noon, a German car was destroyed by an Allied fighter. At half past three an Allied fighter carried&nbsp;out an attack on artillery on Arnhemseweg. A column of OT diggers returning from Oosterbeek was hit by 2 bombs. W. Donk (aged 44) and W. Nagtegaal (aged 24) from Utrecht and a German soldier were killed.&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"igx1b\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<div>&nbsp;\r\n<div>\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m49up\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, dossier 97791: Aanvraagformulier A, Centraal Afwikkelbureau Duitse Schadeuitkeringen, ingevuld door Kugler en gestempeld 3 september 1963.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"u2bhd\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Gemeentearchief Barneveld, Documentatiecollectie Tweede Wereldoorlog, bestandsnummer 408, dagboeken Gonny Noorlander, notitie 27 maart 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"igx1b\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Mailwisseling met de Historische Vereniging in Zevenaar, 1 november 2010.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
            "content_nl": "<p>Door de opmars van de geallieerde troepen werden de gevangenen eind maart te voet richting Duitsland gestuurd. Tijdens deze tocht wist Victor Kugler te ontsnappen. Over zijn ontvluchting en thuisreis schreef Kugler in <strong>1963</strong> het volgende:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&lsquo;Op die dag [28 maart] vertrokken ongeveer 600 gevangen uit Wageningen en marcheerden over Renkum, Heelsum, Oosterbeek, Arnhem, Westervoort naar Zevenaar, met de bedoeling de volgende dag naar Duitsland te gaan. Bij de ingang van Zevenaar werd onze colonne door Engelse Spitfires aangevallen en beschoten. Er vielen helaas enige doden. Ik maakte van de verwarring gebruik en vluchtte in het veld.&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"m49up\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>Nadat Kugler het veld in was gevlucht zou hij zijn ondergedoken &lsquo;bij een boer, de heer Barends&rsquo; en vervolgens per fiets naar de IJssel zijn vertrokken. In Lathum wachtte hij enkele dagen in een steenbakkerij tot hij de rivier kon worden overgezet. In Barneveld viel hij bijna in handen van de Gestapo, maar op Goede Vrijdag zou hij weer zijn thuisgekomen in Hilversum, waar hij zich tot de bevrijding verborgen hield.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m49up\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De chronologie van Kuglers ontsnapping zoals hij die zelf beschrijft kan niet helemaal kloppen. Goede Vrijdag viel in&nbsp;<strong>1945</strong><strong>&nbsp;</strong>op<strong>&nbsp;30 maart</strong>. Alles zou dan in twee dagen hebben moeten plaatsvinden, terwijl hij schreef enkele dagen bij Barends en ook enkele dagen in de steenfabriek te zijn geweest. Ofwel hij ontsnapt eerder dan&nbsp;28 maart, ofwel hij was pas na Goede Vrijdag thuis.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Een dagboekschrijfster uit Barneveld noteerde dat daar op<strong>&nbsp;27 maart 1945</strong>&nbsp;mensen van de straat zijn geplukt om tankversperringen te graven.<sup data-footnote-id=\"u2bhd\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup>&nbsp;Mogelijk was dit het moment dat Kugler in Barneveld aan wat hij de Gestapo noemde wist te ontsnappen.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Uit gegevens van de Historische Vereniging in Zevenaar blijkt dat de dag van Kuglers ontsnapping mogelijk <strong>24 maart 1945</strong>&nbsp;was:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&lsquo;24-03-1945 Tegen 12 uur wordt een Duitse auto vernietigd door een Geallieerde jager. Om half vier voert een Geallieerde jager een aanval uit op geschut aan de Arnhemseweg. Een colonne OT gravers die uit Oosterbeek terugkomt wordt getroffen door 2 bommen. W. Donk (44 jaar) en W. Nagtegaal (24 jaar) uit Utrecht en een Duitse soldaat komen hierbij om het leven.&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"igx1b\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<div>&nbsp;\r\n<div>\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m49up\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, dossier 97791: Aanvraagformulier A, Centraal Afwikkelbureau Duitse Schadeuitkeringen, ingevuld door Kugler en gestempeld 3 september 1963.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"u2bhd\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Gemeentearchief Barneveld, Documentatiecollectie Tweede Wereldoorlog, bestandsnummer 408, dagboeken Gonny Noorlander, notitie 27 maart 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"igx1b\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>E-mail Historische Vereniging in Zevenaar, 1 november 2010.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
            "content_en": "<p>Due to the advance of Allied troops, the prisoners were sent on foot towards Germany at the end of March. During this march, Victor Kugler managed to escape. About his escape and journey home, Kugler wrote the following in <strong>1963</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;On that day [28 March] about 600 prisoners left Wageningen and marched across Renkum, Heelsum, Oosterbeek, Arnhem, Westervoort to Zevenaar, with the intention of proceeding to Germany the next day. On the outskirts of Zevenaar, our column was attacked and fired on by English Spitfires. There were unfortunately some casualties. I took advantage of the confusion and fled into the field.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"m49up\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>After Kugler fled into the field, he reportedly went into hiding &#39;with a farmer, Mr Barends&#39; and then left by bicycle heading towards the IJssel River. In Lathum, he waited several days in a brickworks until he could be ferried across the river. In Barneveld, he almost fell into the hands of the Gestapo, but on Good Friday he returned home to Hilversum, where he hid until the liberation.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m49up\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The chronology of Kugler&#39;s escape as he describes it himself may not be entirely accurate. Good Friday fell on<strong> 30 March</strong> in<strong> 1945</strong>. That would mean that everything would have to have taken place in two days, while he wrote that he spent several days at Barends and also several days at the brickworks. Either he escaped&nbsp;earlier than 28 March, or he only got home after Good Friday.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>A diarist from Barneveld noted that on<strong> 27 March 1945</strong>, people were taken off the streets there to dig tank barriers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"u2bhd\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Possibly this was the moment Kugler managed to escape what he called the Gestapo in Barneveld.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Records from the Historical Society in Zevenaar indicate that the day of Kugler&#39;s escape may have been <strong>24 March 1945</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;24-03-1945 Around noon, a German car was destroyed by an Allied fighter. At half past three an Allied fighter carried&nbsp;out an attack on artillery on Arnhemseweg. A column of OT diggers returning from Oosterbeek was hit by 2 bombs. W. Donk (aged 44) and W. Nagtegaal (aged 24) from Utrecht and a German soldier were killed.&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"igx1b\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<div>&nbsp;\r\n<div>\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m49up\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>Het Nederlandse Rode Kruis (NRK), Den Haag, dossier 97791: Aanvraagformulier A, Centraal Afwikkelbureau Duitse Schadeuitkeringen, ingevuld door Kugler en gestempeld 3 september 1963.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"u2bhd\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Gemeentearchief Barneveld, Documentatiecollectie Tweede Wereldoorlog, bestandsnummer 408, dagboeken Gonny Noorlander, notitie 27 maart 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"igx1b\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Mailwisseling met de Historische Vereniging in Zevenaar, 1 november 2010.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n</div>\r\n</div>",
            "date": "1945-03-24",
            "date_start": null,
            "date_end": null,
            "summary": "In late March 1945, Victor Kugler was sent to Germany on foot with about 600 fellow prisoners. Near Zevenaar, the column came under fire from British aircraft. Kugler took advantage of the confusion and escaped. After a few days, he arrived home in Hilversum.",
            "summary_nl": "Eind maart 1945 werd Victor Kugler met ongeveer 600 medegevangenen lopend naar Duitsland gestuurd. Bij Zevenaar werd de kolonne door Britse vliegtuigen beschoten. Kugler maakte van de verwarring gebruik en vluchtte. Na een paar dagen kwam hij thuis in Hilversum.",
            "summary_en": "In late March 1945, Victor Kugler was sent to Germany on foot with about 600 fellow prisoners. Near Zevenaar, the column came under fire from British aircraft. Kugler took advantage of the confusion and escaped. After a few days, he arrived home in Hilversum.",
            "same_as": null,
            "files": []
    "subjects": [
            "id": 396124391,
            "image": null,
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "f565de08-feb8-4e12-802d-b3f22ff193f4",
            "name": "Imprisonment",
            "name_nl": "Gevangenschap",
            "name_en": "Imprisonment",
            "description": "",
            "description_nl": "",
            "description_en": "",
            "summary": "Imprisonment is the detention of people after an arrest or before or after trial.",
            "summary_nl": "Gevangenschap is het vasthouden van mensen na een arrestatie of, voor of na berechting.",
            "summary_en": "Imprisonment is the detention of people after an arrest or before or after trial.",
            "same_as": [
            "parent": 396124386,
            "files": []
    "related_locations": [
    "url": "",
    "published": true,
    "name": "Zevenaar - Arnhemseweg",
    "name_nl": "Zevenaar - Arnhemseweg",
    "name_en": "Zevenaar - Arnhemseweg",
    "uuid": "bcfae2a9-9686-442a-a108-f29c7800cc69",
    "content": "",
    "content_nl": "",
    "content_en": "",
    "position": "SRID=4326;POINT (6.052437 51.940244)",
    "summary": "The railway station and railway yard in Zevenaar were frequent targets of Allied air raids.",
    "summary_nl": "Het station en spooremplacement in Zevenaar waren veelvuldig doelwit van geallieerde luchtaanvallen.",
    "summary_en": "The railway station and railway yard in Zevenaar were frequent targets of Allied air raids.",
    "same_as": null,
    "street": "",
    "zipcode": "",
    "city": "Zevenaar",
    "state": "",
    "land": "Nederland",
    "location_events": [