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        "name": "BMAB00022000123_001",
        "title": "Uitgeverij Contact, Prinsengracht 795-97, 1962",
        "alt": "Vervaardiger: C.P. Schaap. Stadsarchief Amsterdam",
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        "filetype": "image",
        "description": "",
        "author": "De collectie kan worden ingezet voor het publiek",
        "copyright": "Publiek Domein"
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    "events": [
            "id": 245,
            "main_image": {
                "id": 1012,
                "uuid": "ba1c277d-c749-4fb3-8051-97bc967558cb",
                "name": "Het Achterhuis",
                "title": "Omslag van Het Achterhuis",
                "alt": "Collectie: Anne Frank Stichting",
                "url": "",
                "path": "",
                "filetype": "image",
                "description": "Omslag van de eerste uitgave van Het Achterhuis (1947).",
                "author": "De collectie kan worden ingezet voor publiek",
                "copyright": "Status onduidelijk"
            "url": "",
            "subjects": [
            "persons": [
            "location": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "4fea69ad-a50b-45d1-89ef-b68428864012",
            "name": "Het Achterhuis is published",
            "name_nl": "Het Achterhuis wordt gepubliceerd",
            "name_en": "Het Achterhuis is published",
            "content": "<p>The first edition of <em>Het Achterhuis</em> <em>(&#39;The Secret Annex&#39;) </em>appeared on <strong>25 June 1947</strong> in publisher Contact&#39;s <em>Proloog</em>&nbsp;series.<sup data-footnote-id=\"joyyc\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> Otto Frank notes on that date in his diary: &quot;I Book&quot;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"cghrr\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn late <strong>September 1945</strong>, Otto Frank made excerpts from the diary for friends and his family to read in translation.<sup data-footnote-id=\"s7f6t\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> This was because he felt there was too much in the original diary that was not intended for others.<sup data-footnote-id=\"o3cql\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> Around <strong>November 1945</strong>, he decided to publish his daughter&#39;s diary anyway.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qzwlp\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> In retrospect, he said about this that friends had convinced him not to keep this document for himself.<sup data-footnote-id=\"77hnc\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> But finding a publisher proved difficult.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n1cd1\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup><br />\r\nOtto Frank stated that his friend Werner Cahn (to whom he had read the original manuscript and who worked at Querido publishers) had taken typescript II to Annie Romein-Verschoor without his knowledge.<sup data-footnote-id=\"txjww\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> In his diary of <strong>22 March 1946</strong>, Otto Frank noted: &quot;Werner Cahn-(Romein)&quot;. <sup data-footnote-id=\"2tj10\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Annie Romein had the manuscript read by her husband, Jan Romein. He wrote the article <em>Kinderstem </em>(A Child&#39;s Voice) that appeared&nbsp;on the front page of <em>Het Parool</em> on&nbsp;<strong>3 April 1946</strong>. After this, Contact Publishers wanted to publish the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n4hwi\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> On <strong>10 September 1946</strong>, Otto Frank sent the signed contract back to Contact Publishers. He had stipulated that he himself retained the translation and film rights and that if the diary sold out, the publisher undertook to prepare a new edition within six months.<sup data-footnote-id=\"y0dv5\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe basis for the edition was the typescript II compiled by Otto Frank. The publisher edited this text and removed passages related to sexuality. <sup data-footnote-id=\"7x0sr\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup> The foreword was by Annie Romein-Verschoor and not, as initially planned, an adapted version of the <em>Parool </em>article <em>Kinderstem</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m4lql\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> Ab Cauvern later stated that he had written the epilogue and that Otto Frank had adapted it.<sup data-footnote-id=\"wcev1\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup> An advance copy of the diary appeared in <em>De Nieuwe Stem.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"4h9gf\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe first edition of the diary was published on <strong>25 June 1947</strong> in an edition of 3,000 copies, which were sold out with the publisher by early <strong>July</strong> <strong>1947</strong>.</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>\r\n<p>&#39;<em> Ja, Anne&#39;s Buch liegt t&auml;glich vor mir, t&auml;glich rufen Leute an, ich habe viel Korrespondenz und es halt mich mehr in Atem als das Gesch&auml;ft. Es geht mir ja auch n&auml;her! (...) Der Verlag ist ausverkauft, in Gesch&auml;ften ist auch schon viel Frage und in vielen die vorhandenen Exemplare weg, Nachlieferung kann ja nicht vorgenommen werden</em> &#39;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"j3chr\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup></p>\r\n</blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>The second edition, in <strong>December 1947</strong>, had a print run of 5,000.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fc31y\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe Otto Frank Archive contains a list of names of the friends, acquaintances, politicians and dignitaries to whom Otto Frank sent a first edition of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fi1o2\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup> He remained actively involved in publishing the diary even after the first edition was published.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uy7f3\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"joyyc\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Voor de achtergrond van de uitgave en het verkoopsucces van Het Achterhuis, zie: Lisa Kuitert,&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">De uitgave van Het Achterhuis van Anne Frank</a>, in: De Boekenwereld: Tijdschrift voor Boek en Prent ; Jrg. 24 nr. 1 &nbsp;(oktober 2007), p. 18-27.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"cghrr\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_004: Agenda Otto Frank 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"s7f6t\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>See: Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022;&nbsp;Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London : Biteback Publishing, 2022</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"o3cql\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qzwlp\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"77hnc\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_070: Bitte schreiben Sie mir etwas &uuml;ber Anne Frank, p. 8.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n1cd1\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Er was weinig belangstelling voor oorlogsliteratuur, aldus Annie Romein-Verschoor, in: <em>Omzien in verwondering 2</em>, Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspres, 1971, p. 109; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_089: Jan Romein, notitie, 28 juli z.j.&nbsp;Uitgeverij Querido wees het af. Zie: NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn. In de wetenschappelijke editie worden ook nog Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij, Uitgeverij H. Meulenhoff en Uitgeverij de Republiek der Letteren genoemd als mogelijke uitgevers. Zie: Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 78.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"txjww\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_070: Bitte schreiben Sie mir etwas &uuml;ber Anne Frank, p. 8. Werner Cahn beweerde hetzelfde. Zie: NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn. Jan Romein herinnerde zich later dat Otto Frank zelf het manuscript bij zijn vrouw bracht met het verzoek te bemiddelen bij het vinden van een uitgever. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_089. Annie Romein-Verschoor herinnerde zich dat Otto Frank zelf het dagboek bij haar bracht. <em>Omzien in verwondering 2</em>, p. 109.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2tj10\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_003: Agenda Otto Frank 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n4hwi\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Kees Lekkerkerker.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"y0dv5\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact, contract, 1 augustus 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7x0sr\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Chris Blom, 6 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m4lql\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Contract; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 16 oktober 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"wcev1\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Ab Cauvern; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact, 2 mei 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4h9gf\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Fragmenten uit het dagboek van Anne Frank, in: <em>De Nieuwe Stem. Maandblad voor Cultuur en Politiek</em>, 1 (1946) 6; AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_37.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"j3chr\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 16 oktober 1946; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 7 juli 1947; Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Alice Frank, AFF_AlF_corr_10.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fc31y\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Otto Franks Staat van inlichtingen t.b.v. naturalisatieprocedure noemt de eerste twee uitgaven van resp. 3.000 en 5.000 stuks. Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Ministerie van Justitie, Verbaalarchief, 1915-1955; Kabinetsarchief, 1915-1940, nummer toegang 2.09.22, inv. nr. 13402, volgnr. 2234: Staat van inlichtingen bij naturalisatie, 25 februari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fi1o2\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_100.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uy7f3\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "content_nl": "<p>De eerste editie van Het Achterhuis verscheen&nbsp;op <strong>25 juni 1947</strong> in de Proloogreeks van uitgeverij Contact.<sup data-footnote-id=\"x8dmg\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> Otto Frank noteert op die datum in zijn agenda: <em>I Boek</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"cghrr\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Eind <strong>september 1945</strong> maakte Otto Frank uittreksels van het dagboek om aan vrienden en zijn familie in vertaling te kunnen laten lezen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pqh0w\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> Dit omdat hij vond&nbsp;dat er in het originele dagboek te veel stond wat niet voor anderen bestemd was.<sup data-footnote-id=\"o3cql\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup>&nbsp;Omstreeks <strong>november 1945</strong> besloot hij het dagboek van zijn dochter toch te publiceren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qzwlp\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> Achteraf zei&nbsp;hij hierover dat vrienden hem overtuigd hadden dat hij dit document niet voor zich zelf mocht houden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"77hnc\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> Maar het bleek&nbsp;moeilijk om een uitgever te vinden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n1cd1\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank verklaarde&nbsp;dat zijn vriend Werner Cahn (aan wie hij het oorspronkelijke manuscript had&nbsp;voorgelezen en die bij uitgeverij Querido werkte) buiten zijn medeweten typescript II naar Annie Romein-Verschoor had gebracht.<sup data-footnote-id=\"txjww\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup>&nbsp;In zijn agenda van <strong>22 maart 1946</strong> noteerde&nbsp;Otto Frank: Werner Cahn-(Romein). <sup data-footnote-id=\"2tj10\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Annie Romein liet&nbsp;het manuscript lezen aan haar man, Jan Romein. Van zijn hand verscheen&nbsp;op de voorpagina van <em>Het Parool</em> van <strong>3 april 1946</strong> het artikel: <em>Kinderstem</em>. Hierna wil de Uitgeverij Contact het dagboek uitgeven.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n4hwi\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Op <strong>10 september 1946</strong> stuurde&nbsp;Otto Frank het contract ondertekend terug naar Uitgeverij Contact. Hij had&nbsp;bedongen dat hij zelf de vertaal- en filmrechten behield en dat als het dagboek was uitverkocht de uitgever zich verplichtte na zes maanden een nieuwe uitgave voor te bereiden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"y0dv5\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De basis voor de uitgave was het door Otto Frank samengestelde typescript II. De uitgever redigeerde&nbsp;deze tekst en verwijderde&nbsp;passages die met seksualiteit te maken hadden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7x0sr\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup> Het voorwoord was van Annie Romein-Verschoor en niet, zoals aanvankelijk het plan was, een aangepaste versie van het <em>Parool-</em>artikel <em>Kinderstem</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m4lql\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> Ab Cauvern&nbsp;heeft verklaard dat hij het slotwoord had&nbsp;geschreven en dat&nbsp;Otto Frank het had&nbsp;aangepast.<sup data-footnote-id=\"wcev1\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup>&nbsp;Er verscheen&nbsp;een voorpublicaties van het dagboek in <em>De Nieuwe Stem.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"4h9gf\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De eerste druk van het dagboek verscheen&nbsp;op <strong>25 juni 1947</strong> in een oplage van 3.000 exemplaren die begin <strong>juli 1947</strong> bij de uitgever waren uitverkocht.</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;<em>Ja, Anne&rsquo;s Buch liegt t&auml;glich vor mir, t&auml;glich rufen Leute an, ich habe viel Korrespondenz und es halt mich mehr in Atem als das Gesch&auml;ft. Es geht mir ja auch n&auml;her! (&hellip;) Der Verlag ist ausverkauft, in Gesch&auml;ften ist auch schon viel Frage und in vielen die vorhandenen Exemplare weg, Nachlieferung kann ja nicht vorgenommen werden</em>&rsquo;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"j3chr\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>De tweede druk, in <strong>december 1947</strong>, had&nbsp;een oplage van 5.000.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fc31y\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In het Otto Frank Archief bevindt zich een namenlijst van de vrienden, bekenden, politici en hoogwaardigheidsbekleders aan wie Otto Frank een eerste druk van het dagboek toestuurde.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fi1o2\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup>&nbsp;Hij bleef&nbsp;zich, ook na het verschijnen van de eerste editie, actief bezighouden met de uitgave van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uy7f3\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"x8dmg\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Voor de achtergrond van de uitgave en het verkoopsucces van Het Achterhuis, zie: Lisa Kuitert,&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">De uitgave van Het Achterhuis van Anne Frank</a>, in: De Boekenwereld: Tijdschrift voor Boek en Prent ; Jrg. 24 nr. 1 &nbsp;(oktober 2007), p. 18-27.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"cghrr\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_004: Agenda Otto Frank 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pqh0w\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie: Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022;&nbsp;Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London : Biteback Publishing, 2022.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"o3cql\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qzwlp\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"77hnc\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_070: Bitte schreiben Sie mir etwas &uuml;ber Anne Frank, p. 8.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n1cd1\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Er was weinig belangstelling voor oorlogsliteratuur, aldus Annie Romein-Verschoor, in: <em>Omzien in verwondering 2</em>, Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspres, 1971, p. 109; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_089: Jan Romein, notitie, 28 juli z.j.&nbsp;Uitgeverij Querido wees het af. Zie: NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn. In de wetenschappelijke editie worden ook nog Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij, Uitgeverij H. Meulenhoff en Uitgeverij de Republiek der Letteren genoemd als mogelijke uitgevers. Zie: Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 78.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"txjww\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_070: Bitte schreiben Sie mir etwas &uuml;ber Anne Frank, p. 8. Werner Cahn beweerde hetzelfde. Zie: NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn. Jan Romein herinnerde zich later dat Otto Frank zelf het manuscript bij zijn vrouw bracht met het verzoek te bemiddelen bij het vinden van een uitgever. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_089. Annie Romein-Verschoor herinnerde zich dat Otto Frank zelf het dagboek bij haar bracht. <em>Omzien in verwondering 2</em>, p. 109.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2tj10\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_003: Agenda Otto Frank 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n4hwi\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Kees Lekkerkerker.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"y0dv5\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact, contract, 1 augustus 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7x0sr\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Chris Blom, 6 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m4lql\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Contract; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 16 oktober 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"wcev1\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Ab Cauvern; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact, 2 mei 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4h9gf\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Fragmenten uit het dagboek van Anne Frank, in: <em>De Nieuwe Stem. Maandblad voor Cultuur en Politiek</em>, 1 (1946) 6; AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_37.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"j3chr\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 16 oktober 1946; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 7 juli 1947; Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Alice Frank, AFF_AlF_corr_10.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fc31y\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Otto Franks Staat van inlichtingen t.b.v. naturalisatieprocedure noemt de eerste twee uitgaven van resp. 3.000 en 5.000 stuks. Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Ministerie van Justitie, Verbaalarchief, 1915-1955; Kabinetsarchief, 1915-1940, nummer toegang 2.09.22, inv. nr. 13402, volgnr. 2234: Staat van inlichtingen bij naturalisatie, 25 februari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fi1o2\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_100.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uy7f3\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "content_en": "<p>The first edition of <em>Het Achterhuis</em> <em>(&#39;The Secret Annex&#39;) </em>appeared on <strong>25 June 1947</strong> in publisher Contact&#39;s <em>Proloog</em>&nbsp;series.<sup data-footnote-id=\"joyyc\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> Otto Frank notes on that date in his diary: &quot;I Book&quot;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"cghrr\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn late <strong>September 1945</strong>, Otto Frank made excerpts from the diary for friends and his family to read in translation.<sup data-footnote-id=\"s7f6t\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> This was because he felt there was too much in the original diary that was not intended for others.<sup data-footnote-id=\"o3cql\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> Around <strong>November 1945</strong>, he decided to publish his daughter&#39;s diary anyway.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qzwlp\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> In retrospect, he said about this that friends had convinced him not to keep this document for himself.<sup data-footnote-id=\"77hnc\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> But finding a publisher proved difficult.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n1cd1\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup><br />\r\nOtto Frank stated that his friend Werner Cahn (to whom he had read the original manuscript and who worked at Querido publishers) had taken typescript II to Annie Romein-Verschoor without his knowledge.<sup data-footnote-id=\"txjww\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> In his diary of <strong>22 March 1946</strong>, Otto Frank noted: &quot;Werner Cahn-(Romein)&quot;. <sup data-footnote-id=\"2tj10\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Annie Romein had the manuscript read by her husband, Jan Romein. He wrote the article <em>Kinderstem </em>(A Child&#39;s Voice) that appeared&nbsp;on the front page of <em>Het Parool</em> on&nbsp;<strong>3 April 1946</strong>. After this, Contact Publishers wanted to publish the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n4hwi\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> On <strong>10 September 1946</strong>, Otto Frank sent the signed contract back to Contact Publishers. He had stipulated that he himself retained the translation and film rights and that if the diary sold out, the publisher undertook to prepare a new edition within six months.<sup data-footnote-id=\"y0dv5\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe basis for the edition was the typescript II compiled by Otto Frank. The publisher edited this text and removed passages related to sexuality. <sup data-footnote-id=\"7x0sr\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup> The foreword was by Annie Romein-Verschoor and not, as initially planned, an adapted version of the <em>Parool </em>article <em>Kinderstem</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m4lql\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> Ab Cauvern later stated that he had written the epilogue and that Otto Frank had adapted it.<sup data-footnote-id=\"wcev1\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup> An advance copy of the diary appeared in <em>De Nieuwe Stem.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"4h9gf\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe first edition of the diary was published on <strong>25 June 1947</strong> in an edition of 3,000 copies, which were sold out with the publisher by early <strong>July</strong> <strong>1947</strong>.</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>\r\n<p>&#39;<em> Ja, Anne&#39;s Buch liegt t&auml;glich vor mir, t&auml;glich rufen Leute an, ich habe viel Korrespondenz und es halt mich mehr in Atem als das Gesch&auml;ft. Es geht mir ja auch n&auml;her! (...) Der Verlag ist ausverkauft, in Gesch&auml;ften ist auch schon viel Frage und in vielen die vorhandenen Exemplare weg, Nachlieferung kann ja nicht vorgenommen werden</em> &#39;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"j3chr\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup></p>\r\n</blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>The second edition, in <strong>December 1947</strong>, had a print run of 5,000.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fc31y\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nThe Otto Frank Archive contains a list of names of the friends, acquaintances, politicians and dignitaries to whom Otto Frank sent a first edition of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fi1o2\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup> He remained actively involved in publishing the diary even after the first edition was published.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uy7f3\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"joyyc\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Voor de achtergrond van de uitgave en het verkoopsucces van Het Achterhuis, zie: Lisa Kuitert,&nbsp;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">De uitgave van Het Achterhuis van Anne Frank</a>, in: De Boekenwereld: Tijdschrift voor Boek en Prent ; Jrg. 24 nr. 1 &nbsp;(oktober 2007), p. 18-27.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"cghrr\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_004: Agenda Otto Frank 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"s7f6t\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>See: Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022;&nbsp;Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London : Biteback Publishing, 2022</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"o3cql\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qzwlp\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"77hnc\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_070: Bitte schreiben Sie mir etwas &uuml;ber Anne Frank, p. 8.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n1cd1\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Er was weinig belangstelling voor oorlogsliteratuur, aldus Annie Romein-Verschoor, in: <em>Omzien in verwondering 2</em>, Amsterdam: De Arbeiderspres, 1971, p. 109; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_089: Jan Romein, notitie, 28 juli z.j.&nbsp;Uitgeverij Querido wees het af. Zie: NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn. In de wetenschappelijke editie worden ook nog Uitgeverij De Bezige Bij, Uitgeverij H. Meulenhoff en Uitgeverij de Republiek der Letteren genoemd als mogelijke uitgevers. Zie: Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 78.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"txjww\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_070: Bitte schreiben Sie mir etwas &uuml;ber Anne Frank, p. 8. Werner Cahn beweerde hetzelfde. Zie: NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn. Jan Romein herinnerde zich later dat Otto Frank zelf het manuscript bij zijn vrouw bracht met het verzoek te bemiddelen bij het vinden van een uitgever. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_089. Annie Romein-Verschoor herinnerde zich dat Otto Frank zelf het dagboek bij haar bracht. <em>Omzien in verwondering 2</em>, p. 109.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2tj10\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_003: Agenda Otto Frank 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n4hwi\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Kees Lekkerkerker.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"y0dv5\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact, contract, 1 augustus 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7x0sr\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Chris Blom, 6 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m4lql\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Contract; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 16 oktober 1946.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"wcev1\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Ab Cauvern; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact, 2 mei 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4h9gf\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Fragmenten uit het dagboek van Anne Frank, in: <em>De Nieuwe Stem. Maandblad voor Cultuur en Politiek</em>, 1 (1946) 6; AFS, AFC, reg. code A_Kugler_I_37.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"j3chr\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 16 oktober 1946; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 7 juli 1947; Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Alice Frank, AFF_AlF_corr_10.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fc31y\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Otto Franks Staat van inlichtingen t.b.v. naturalisatieprocedure noemt de eerste twee uitgaven van resp. 3.000 en 5.000 stuks. Nationaal Archief, Den Haag, Ministerie van Justitie, Verbaalarchief, 1915-1955; Kabinetsarchief, 1915-1940, nummer toegang 2.09.22, inv. nr. 13402, volgnr. 2234: Staat van inlichtingen bij naturalisatie, 25 februari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fi1o2\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_100.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uy7f3\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "date": "1947-06-25",
            "date_start": null,
            "date_end": null,
            "summary": "The first edition of Het Achterhuis was published by Contact Publishers.",
            "summary_nl": "De eerste editie van Het Achterhuis wordt gepubliceerd door Uitgeverij Contact.",
            "summary_en": "The first edition of Het Achterhuis was published by Contact Publishers.",
            "same_as": null,
            "files": []
    "subjects": [
            "id": 396124419,
            "image": null,
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "f10c5572-ef2e-4ba0-995d-57828a30f7bd",
            "name": "Businesses",
            "name_nl": "Bedrijven",
            "name_en": "Businesses",
            "description": "<p>The objective of businesses&nbsp;is to sell products and/or services to customers, thereby generating revenue.</p>",
            "description_nl": "<p>Bedrijven hebben tot doel producten en/of diensten te verkopen aan klanten, waardoor omzet kan worden gedraaid.</p>",
            "description_en": "<p>The objective of businesses&nbsp;is to sell products and/or services to customers, thereby generating revenue.</p>",
            "summary": "Businesses aim to sell products and/or services to customers, thereby generating revenue.",
            "summary_nl": "Bedrijven hebben tot doel producten en/of diensten te verkopen aan klanten, waardoor omzet kan worden gedraaid.",
            "summary_en": "Businesses aim to sell products and/or services to customers, thereby generating revenue.",
            "same_as": [
            "parent": null,
            "files": []
            "id": 396124643,
            "image": null,
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "77e2d1df-a034-4a82-88b2-2a5ab0bb9471",
            "name": "The diary of Anne Frank",
            "name_nl": "Het dagboek van Anne Frank",
            "name_en": "The diary of Anne Frank",
            "description": "<h1>Exactly what writings by Anne Frank have been preserved?</h1>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>12 June 1942</strong> was Anne Frank&rsquo;s thirteenth birthday. Among the presents she received was a notebook: an almost square book with a red-white-gray checkered cover and a clasp. In this she was going to keep her diary. Her first diary ends on <strong>5 December 1942</strong>. Her second surviving diary book, a school exercise book, begins on 22 December 1943 and continues up to 17 April 1944. It is highly improbable that Anne Frank did not keep a diary between <strong>December 1942 and December 1943</strong>, so we must assume that this section has been lost. Her third and last diary volume, also a school exercise book, begins on <strong>17 April 1944</strong> and ends on <strong>1 August 1944</strong>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Other texts</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Besides her diary, Anne also wrote <em>Verhaaltjes, en gebeurtenissen uit het Achterhuis</em> (Tales from the Secret Annex)&nbsp;in a large accounts book, and she filled a small, narrow cash book with quotations: her <em>Mooie-Zinnenboek</em>&nbsp;(Favourite Quotes Notebook). This <em>Verhaaltjesboek</em> and <em>Mooie-Zinnenboek</em> have both been preserved.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Two versions</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>From <strong>June 1942</strong> onwards, the diaries of Anne Frank describe in a penetrating way the daily life of the eight Jewish people in hiding in the annex&nbsp;on the Prinsengracht canal in Amsterdam. Anne Frank rewrote her diary entries herself in the annex, with a view to them possibly being published after the war.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>She did this on sheets of carbon copy paper: the so-called &ldquo;loose sheets.&rdquo;&nbsp;On these loose sheets of paper she reorganised and rewrote her earlier diary entries: she reordered texts, sometimes combining entries from various dates under one date, and considerably shortening some sections. In this way she created a second version, in which the events of<strong> December 1942 to December 1943</strong> are described. The loose sheets have been preserved: their last entries date from <strong>29 March 1944</strong>. So the first version of the diary was not fully preserved, while the second version was unfinished.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Preparing&nbsp;for publication</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>To help in the search for a publisher for <em>Het Achterhuis</em> (The Secret Annex, as Anne had named her second version) Otto Frank had parts of the diary entries typed out in <strong>late 1945</strong>.<br />\r\nIn doing so he left out some sections, moved others and made some corrections. This created a typescript, but it was not yet a book. At Otto Frank&rsquo;s request, his friend Albert Cauvern then made a second typescript. With Otto Frank&rsquo;s permission, Cauvern changed nine of the thirteen names that Anne herself &ndash; with a view to possible publication &ndash; had invented for the people in hiding in the secret annexe and their helpers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Both typescripts have been preserved. Finally, an editor from Contact Publishers became the third person to work on the texts, correcting typing errors and bringing the manuscript into line with the publisher&rsquo;s style guide.&nbsp;All of this resulted in the first Dutch publication of <em>Het Achterhuis</em> in <strong>June 1947</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"s4srl\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Three versions under one cover</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank, who died <strong>19&nbsp; August 1980</strong>, stated in his will that all of his daughter&rsquo;s manuscripts should be left to the Dutch nation. The Dutch government transferred the stewardship of the manuscripts to the National Institute for War Documentation (<em>Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie</em>, RIOD), which later became the Dutch Institute for War Documentation (<em>Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie</em>, NIOD).</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1986</strong>, RIOD published the three versions of the diary described above &ndash; the preserved original diary entries, the version rewritten by Anne Frank herself, and the edition compiled by Otto Frank and published by Contact Publishers in <strong>1947</strong> &ndash; together under one cover: <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"i6bmx\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Five pages surface in 1998</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1998</strong>, five previously unknown pages from the diary of Anne Frank turned up. They were five loose sheets that Otto Frank had already set apart before the publication of the diary in <em>1947</em>. In all probability, Otto Frank did not want to make these diary fragments public because of Anne&rsquo;s rather hurtful observations about his first wife, who died in Auschwitz, and their marriage.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>They were made public by Cor Suyk, a former employee of the Anne Frank House. Suyk&rsquo;s explanation was that Otto Frank had given him the five sheets for safe keeping. The loose sheets were sold by Suyk to the Dutch nation, and subsequently added to the rest of the diary, which was held by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD). The five pages were first included in the fifth, revised edition of <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank</em> (2001).<sup data-footnote-id=\"2exkh\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The NIOD asked the Forensic Institute &ndash; which had already carried out extensive research into the authenticity of the diary in the first half of the <strong>1980&rsquo;s</strong> &ndash; to also investigate these five loose sheets. The Forensic Institute concluded after forensic document and handwriting analysis that &lsquo;the handwriting in the questioned documents and the handwriting in the reference material, consisting of loose sheets in the diary of Anne Frank, were produced &ndash; with a probability bordering on certainty &ndash; by the same hand.&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"1fq6r\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup>&nbsp;That is the most certain degree of identification that the Netherlands Forensic Institute can give. In other words: there is no reason whatsoever to presume that the five returned loose sheets were not written by Anne Frank.</p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"s4srl\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>Het Achterhuis: dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944</em>, met een woord vooraf door Annie Romein-Verschoor, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"i6bmx\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door Harry Paape, Gerrold van der Stroom en David Barnouw ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom,&nbsp;&#39;s-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij i.s.m. het&nbsp;Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 1986. For an American edition, see: <em>The diary of Anne Frank: the critical edition</em>, transl. by Arnold J.Pomerans &amp; Barbara M. Mooyaart-Doubleda, New York, NY: Doubleday, 1989.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2exkh\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door David Barnouw, Harry Paape en Gerrold van der Stroom ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom, 5e&nbsp;&nbsp;verbeterde en uitgebreide druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker i.s.m. het&nbsp;Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 2001. For an American edition, see. <em>The diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical edition</em>, transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans, Barbara M. Mooyaart-Doubleday &amp; Susan Massotty, New York, NY: Doubleday, 2003.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1fq6r\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite><em>The Diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical Edition</em>, p. 184.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_nl": "<h1>Welke geschriften van Anne Frank zijn precies bewaard gebleven?</h1>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>12 juni 1942</strong> was de dertiende verjaardag van Anne Frank. Ze kreeg onder andere een schrift: een bijna vierkant boekje met een harde rood-wit-grijs geruite omslag en een slotje. Hierin ging ze haar dagboek bijhouden. Haar eerste dagboek eindigt op <strong>5 december 1942</strong>. Haar tweede bewaard gebleven dagboek, een schoolschrift, begint op <strong>22 december 1943</strong> en loopt door tot <strong>17 april 1944</strong>. Het is zeer onwaarschijnlijk dat Anne Frank tussen <strong>december 1942 en december 1943</strong> geen dagboek heeft bijgehouden, dus we moeten aannemen dat dit deel verloren is gegaan. Haar derde en laatste dagboekdeel, ook een schoolschrift, begint op <strong>17 april 1944</strong> en eindigt op <strong>1 augustus 1944</strong>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Andere teksten</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Naast haar dagboek schreef Anne ook <em>Verhaaltjes, en gebeurtenissen uit het Achterhuis</em> in een grootboek en vulde zij een klein, smal kasboek met citaten: haar <em>Mooie Zinnenboek</em>. Dit <em>Verhaaltjesboek</em> en <em>Mooie Zinnenboek</em> zijn beide bewaard gebleven.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Twee versies</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>De dagboeken van Anne Frank beschrijven vanaf<strong> juni 1942</strong> op indringende wijze het dagelijks leven van de acht Joodse onderduikers in het achterhuis aan de Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. In het achterhuis heeft Anne Frank haar dagboekaantekeningen zelf herschreven met het oog op eventuele publicatie na de oorlog.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Zij deed dit op vellen doorschrijfpapier: de zogenaamde &quot;losse vellen&quot;. Op deze losse vellen reorganiseerde en herschreef zij haar eerdere dagboekaantekeningen: zij herschikte teksten, voegde soms aantekeningen van verschillende data samen onder &eacute;&eacute;n datum en kortte sommige delen aanzienlijk in. Zo ontstond een tweede versie, waarin de gebeurtenissen van <strong>december 1942 tot december 1943</strong> worden beschreven. De losse vellen zijn bewaard gebleven: de laatste aantekeningen ervan dateren van <strong>29 maart 1944</strong>. De eerste versie van het dagboek is dus niet volledig bewaard gebleven, terwijl de tweede versie onvoltooid is gebleven.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Voorbereiding voor publicatie</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Om een uitgever te vinden voor <em>Het Achterhuis</em> (zoals Anne haar tweede versie had genoemd) liet Otto Frank <strong>eind 1945</strong> delen van de dagboekaantekeningen uittypen.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Daarbij heeft hij sommige delen weggelaten, andere verplaatst en enkele correcties aangebracht. Zo ontstond een typoscript, maar het was nog geen boek. Op verzoek van Otto Frank maakte zijn vriend Albert Cauvern vervolgens een tweede typoscript. Met toestemming van Otto Frank veranderde Cauvern negen van de dertien namen die Anne zelf - met het oog op eventuele publicatie - had bedacht voor de onderduikers in het achterhuis en hun helpers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Beide typoscripten zijn bewaard gebleven. Tenslotte heeft een redacteur van Uitgeverij Contact als derde aan de teksten gewerkt, typefouten gecorrigeerd en het manuscript in overeenstemming gebracht met de stijlgids van de uitgeverij. Dit alles resulteerde in de eerste Nederlandse uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis</em> in <strong>juni 1947</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"a7y1w\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Drie versies onder &eacute;&eacute;n omslag</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank, die op <strong>19 augustus 1980</strong> overleed, verklaarde in zijn testament dat alle manuscripten van zijn dochter aan de Nederlandse staat moesten worden nagelaten. De Nederlandse regering droeg het beheer van de manuscripten over aan het Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (RIOD), dat later het Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) werd.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1986</strong> publiceerde het RIOD de drie hierboven beschreven versies van het dagboek - de bewaard gebleven originele dagboekaantekeningen, de door Anne Frank zelf herschreven versie en de door Otto Frank samengestelde uitgave die in <strong>1947</strong> door uitgeverij Contact werd uitgegeven - samen onder &eacute;&eacute;n omslag: <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"3n2i2\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Vijf pagina&#39;s duiken op in 1998</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1998</strong> doken vijf voorheen onbekende pagina&#39;s uit het dagboek van Anne Frank op. Het waren vijf losse bladen die Otto Frank al voor de publicatie van het dagboek in <strong>1947</strong> apart had gelegd. Otto Frank wilde deze dagboekfragmenten naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niet openbaar maken vanwege Annes nogal kwetsende opmerkingen over zijn in Auschwitz omgekomen eerste vrouw en hun huwelijk.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Ze zijn openbaar gemaakt door Cor Suyk, een voormalig medewerker van de Anne Frank Stichting. Suyk&#39;s verklaring was dat Otto Frank hem de vijf bladen in bewaring had gegeven. De losse vellen zijn door Suyk verkocht aan de Nederlandse staat en vervolgens gevoegd bij de rest van het dagboek, dat bij het Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) berustte. De vijf pagina&#39;s werden voor het eerst opgenomen in de vijfde druk van <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank</em> (2001).<sup data-footnote-id=\"t4ija\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup><br />\r\n<!-- gevolgd door <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank: Herziene Kritische Editie</em> (2003).--></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Het NIOD heeft het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium - dat in de eerste helft van de <strong>jaren tachtig</strong> al uitgebreid onderzoek had gedaan naar de authenticiteit van het dagboek - gevraagd ook deze vijf losse bladen te onderzoeken. Het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium concludeerde na forensisch document- en handschriftonderzoek dat &#39;het schrift voorkomend op het te onderzoeken materiaal enerzijds en het referentiemateriaal, bestaande uit het schrift op de losse vellen van het dagboek van Anne Frank anderzijds, zijn met aan zekerheid grenzende waarschijnlijkheid van dezelfde hand&#39;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"khtpk\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> Dat is de meest zekere mate van identificatie die het Nederlands Gerechtelijk Laboratorium kan geven. Met andere woorden: er is geen enkele reden om aan te nemen dat de vijf geretourneerde losse vellen niet door Anne Frank zijn geschreven.</p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"a7y1w\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>Het Achterhuis: dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944</em>, met een woord vooraf door Annie Romein-Verschoor, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"3n2i2\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door Harry Paape, Gerrold van der Stroom en David Barnouw ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom,&nbsp;&#39;s-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij i.s.m. het&nbsp;Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 1986.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"t4ija\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door David Barnouw, Harry Paape en Gerrold van der Stroom ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom, 5e&nbsp;&nbsp;verbeterde en uitgebreide druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker i.s.m. het&nbsp;Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 2001.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"khtpk\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite><em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e verbeterde en uitgebreide druk, p. 209.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_en": "<h1>Exactly what writings by Anne Frank have been preserved?</h1>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>12 June 1942</strong> was Anne Frank&rsquo;s thirteenth birthday. Among the presents she received was a notebook: an almost square book with a red-white-gray checkered cover and a clasp. In this she was going to keep her diary. Her first diary ends on <strong>5 December 1942</strong>. Her second surviving diary book, a school exercise book, begins on 22 December 1943 and continues up to 17 April 1944. It is highly improbable that Anne Frank did not keep a diary between <strong>December 1942 and December 1943</strong>, so we must assume that this section has been lost. Her third and last diary volume, also a school exercise book, begins on <strong>17 April 1944</strong> and ends on <strong>1 August 1944</strong>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Other texts</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Besides her diary, Anne also wrote <em>Verhaaltjes, en gebeurtenissen uit het Achterhuis</em> (Tales from the Secret Annex)&nbsp;in a large accounts book, and she filled a small, narrow cash book with quotations: her <em>Mooie-Zinnenboek</em>&nbsp;(Favourite Quotes Notebook). This <em>Verhaaltjesboek</em> and <em>Mooie-Zinnenboek</em> have both been preserved.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Two versions</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>From <strong>June 1942</strong> onwards, the diaries of Anne Frank describe in a penetrating way the daily life of the eight Jewish people in hiding in the annex&nbsp;on the Prinsengracht canal in Amsterdam. Anne Frank rewrote her diary entries herself in the annex, with a view to them possibly being published after the war.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>She did this on sheets of carbon copy paper: the so-called &ldquo;loose sheets.&rdquo;&nbsp;On these loose sheets of paper she reorganised and rewrote her earlier diary entries: she reordered texts, sometimes combining entries from various dates under one date, and considerably shortening some sections. In this way she created a second version, in which the events of<strong> December 1942 to December 1943</strong> are described. The loose sheets have been preserved: their last entries date from <strong>29 March 1944</strong>. So the first version of the diary was not fully preserved, while the second version was unfinished.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Preparing&nbsp;for publication</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>To help in the search for a publisher for <em>Het Achterhuis</em> (The Secret Annex, as Anne had named her second version) Otto Frank had parts of the diary entries typed out in <strong>late 1945</strong>.<br />\r\nIn doing so he left out some sections, moved others and made some corrections. This created a typescript, but it was not yet a book. At Otto Frank&rsquo;s request, his friend Albert Cauvern then made a second typescript. With Otto Frank&rsquo;s permission, Cauvern changed nine of the thirteen names that Anne herself &ndash; with a view to possible publication &ndash; had invented for the people in hiding in the secret annexe and their helpers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Both typescripts have been preserved. Finally, an editor from Contact Publishers became the third person to work on the texts, correcting typing errors and bringing the manuscript into line with the publisher&rsquo;s style guide.&nbsp;All of this resulted in the first Dutch publication of <em>Het Achterhuis</em> in <strong>June 1947</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"s4srl\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Three versions under one cover</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank, who died <strong>19&nbsp; August 1980</strong>, stated in his will that all of his daughter&rsquo;s manuscripts should be left to the Dutch nation. The Dutch government transferred the stewardship of the manuscripts to the National Institute for War Documentation (<em>Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie</em>, RIOD), which later became the Dutch Institute for War Documentation (<em>Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie</em>, NIOD).</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1986</strong>, RIOD published the three versions of the diary described above &ndash; the preserved original diary entries, the version rewritten by Anne Frank herself, and the edition compiled by Otto Frank and published by Contact Publishers in <strong>1947</strong> &ndash; together under one cover: <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"i6bmx\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Five pages surface in 1998</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1998</strong>, five previously unknown pages from the diary of Anne Frank turned up. They were five loose sheets that Otto Frank had already set apart before the publication of the diary in <em>1947</em>. In all probability, Otto Frank did not want to make these diary fragments public because of Anne&rsquo;s rather hurtful observations about his first wife, who died in Auschwitz, and their marriage.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>They were made public by Cor Suyk, a former employee of the Anne Frank House. Suyk&rsquo;s explanation was that Otto Frank had given him the five sheets for safe keeping. The loose sheets were sold by Suyk to the Dutch nation, and subsequently added to the rest of the diary, which was held by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation (NIOD). The five pages were first included in the fifth, revised edition of <em>De Dagboeken van Anne Frank</em> (2001).<sup data-footnote-id=\"2exkh\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The NIOD asked the Forensic Institute &ndash; which had already carried out extensive research into the authenticity of the diary in the first half of the <strong>1980&rsquo;s</strong> &ndash; to also investigate these five loose sheets. The Forensic Institute concluded after forensic document and handwriting analysis that &lsquo;the handwriting in the questioned documents and the handwriting in the reference material, consisting of loose sheets in the diary of Anne Frank, were produced &ndash; with a probability bordering on certainty &ndash; by the same hand.&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"1fq6r\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup>&nbsp;That is the most certain degree of identification that the Netherlands Forensic Institute can give. In other words: there is no reason whatsoever to presume that the five returned loose sheets were not written by Anne Frank.</p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"s4srl\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>Het Achterhuis: dagboekbrieven van 12 Juni 1942 - 1 Augustus 1944</em>, met een woord vooraf door Annie Romein-Verschoor, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"i6bmx\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door Harry Paape, Gerrold van der Stroom en David Barnouw ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom,&nbsp;&#39;s-Gravenhage: Staatsuitgeverij i.s.m. het&nbsp;Rijksinstituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 1986. For an American edition, see: <em>The diary of Anne Frank: the critical edition</em>, transl. by Arnold J.Pomerans &amp; Barbara M. Mooyaart-Doubleda, New York, NY: Doubleday, 1989.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2exkh\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door David Barnouw, Harry Paape en Gerrold van der Stroom ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom, 5e&nbsp;&nbsp;verbeterde en uitgebreide druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker i.s.m. het&nbsp;Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 2001. For an American edition, see. <em>The diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical edition</em>, transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans, Barbara M. Mooyaart-Doubleday &amp; Susan Massotty, New York, NY: Doubleday, 2003.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1fq6r\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite><em>The Diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical Edition</em>, p. 184.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "summary": "The \"Diary of Anne Frank\" refers to the various versions (A and B) of Anne Frank's handwritten diaries, as well as the trade editions and the stories.\r\nThe original diary of Anne Frank and a number of other documents written in her own hand have been exhibited in the Anne Frank House since 1986.",
            "summary_nl": "Onder het dagboek van Anne Frank wordt verstaan de verschillende versies (A en B) van de handgeschreven dagboeken van Anne Frank, alsmede de handelsedities en de verhaaltjes.\r\nHet originele dagboek van Anne Frank en een aantal andere documenten van haar hand worden sinds 1986 tentoongesteld in het Anne Frank Huis.",
            "summary_en": "The \"Diary of Anne Frank\" refers to the various versions (A and B) of Anne Frank's handwritten diaries, as well as the trade editions and the stories.\r\nThe original diary of Anne Frank and a number of other documents written in her own hand have been exhibited in the Anne Frank House since 1986.",
            "same_as": null,
            "parent": 396124649,
            "files": []
            "id": 396124590,
            "image": null,
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "8d6ef670-9210-45b5-8aa3-2a43fec200d7",
            "name": "Johannes Kleiman and the diary of Anne Frank",
            "name_nl": "Johannes Kleiman en het dagboek van Anne Frank",
            "name_en": "Johannes Kleiman and the diary of Anne Frank",
            "description": "<p>Johannes Kleiman had a major role in commemorating Anne Frank and the other people in hiding between the end of World War II and his death in <strong>1959</strong>.<br />\r\nHe was involved in the first publication of Anne Frank&#39;s diary in <strong>1947</strong>. He was also involved in the publication of <em>Do You Remember?</em> and the <em>Fables and Short Stories</em><em>&nbsp;</em>and<em> </em>actively worked to tell the story of the people in hiding to a wide audience. He gave tours of the Secret Annex at Prinsengracht 263 and corresponded about the memory of the people in hiding with several letter writers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In addition, bij remained involved in Otto Frank&#39;s business ventures, acting together with or on behalf of Otto Frank in that capacity. Johannes Kleiman also played a major role in the establishment and opening of the Anne Frank House and the Anne Frank Foundation. In doing so, he often stood in for&nbsp;Otto Frank, who lived in Basel, Switzerland.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>No correspondence has survived from the years around the first diary publication, but it has been preserved pretty much from Otto Frank&#39;s departure for Switzerland. A few letters give a fragmentary impression of Kleiman&#39;s involvement. Otto himself conducted the correspondence with those people&nbsp;who received a copy of the diary. On <strong>13 October 1948</strong>, however, it was Kleiman who provided the accompanying letter to Dr J. Groen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ns5zy\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Several helpers described, possibly at Otto Frank&#39;s request, how they had met Anne and what they knew of her writing. Kleiman described how he once laid eyes on a letter Anne wrote to her grandma as an 11-year-old in which she wittily recounted how all the housemates and family members were making out. He also mentioned writing in her diary, and how in it she fantasised how she would later participate in normal life again.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4x0xh\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>2 September 1952, </strong>Kleiman wrote to Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday about translations of the stories <em>Blurry the Explorer</em> and <em>Katrien</em>. Otto Frank was in Switzerland at the time, and&nbsp;subsequently left&nbsp;for England and America.<sup data-footnote-id=\"8hllg\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> Apparently Kleiman took care of the ongoing business.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In a letter dated <strong>27 February 1953</strong>, Kleiman called Anne a mediocre pupil, but thought her descriptions of the teachers (Keesing and Biegel) showed<em> &#39;powers of observation and expression</em> &#39;. He concluded the letter with a promotional P.S.:<em> &#39;You may be interested to know that a collection of stories and fairy tales by Anne Frank has also been published under the title: Do You Remember?&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"2dt7v\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank conducted the correspondence with publisher Contact about the diary and payments himself for many years. In a letter dated <strong>2 April 1957,</strong> Contact wrote that copies of the letters and financial statements&nbsp;were also sent to Kleiman.<sup data-footnote-id=\"i0mg0\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ns5zy\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_100: Johannes Kleiman aan J. Groen, 13 oktober 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4x0xh\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_079:&nbsp;Ongedateerd stuk. Miep Gies dateert haar stuk 18 maart 1951. Dat van Kleiman zal van rond dezelfde datum zijn.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"8hllg\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Johannes Kleiman aan B. Mooyaart-Doubleday, 2 september 1952.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2dt7v\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_079: Johannes Kleiman aan S. Braaksma-van Heerikhuizen, 27 februari 1953.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"i0mg0\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: W.F. Koobs aan Otto Frank, 2 april 1957.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_nl": "<p>Johannes Kleiman had tussen het einde van de Tweede Wereldoorlog en zijn overlijden in <strong>1959</strong> een grote rol in de herdenking van Anne Frank en de andere onderduikers.<br />\r\nHij was betrokken bij de eerste publicatie van het dagboek van Anne Frank in <strong>1947</strong>. Ook was hij betrokken bij de publicatie van <em>Weet je nog?</em> en de <em>Verhaaltjes en&nbsp;</em>zette hij zich actief in om het verhaal van de onderduikers te vertellen aan een groot publiek.&nbsp;Hij gaf rondleidingen in het Achterhuis van Prinsengracht 263 en correspondeerde over de herinnering aan de onderduik met meerdere briefschrijvers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Daarnaast bleef bij betrokken bij de zakelijke ondernemingen van Otto Frank, en trad in die hoedanigheid samen of namens Otto Frank op.&nbsp;Johannes Kleiman speelde ook een grote rol bij de totstandkoming en openstelling van het Anne Frank Huis en de Anne Frank Stichting.&nbsp;Hij nam daarbij vaak de honneurs waar van Otto Frank, die in het Zwitserse Bazel woonde.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Van de jaren rond de eerste dagboekuitgave is geen correspondentie bewaard gebleven, wel zo ongeveer vanaf&nbsp;het vertrek van Otto Frank naar Zwitserland. Enkele brieven geven een fragmentarische indruk van Kleimans betrokkenheid.&nbsp;Otto voerde&nbsp;zelf de correspondentie met degenen, die een exemplaar van het dagboek kregen. Op <strong>13 oktober 1948 </strong>echter was het Kleiman die het begeleidend schrijven aan dr. J. Groen verzorgde.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ns5zy\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Verschillende helpers beschreven, mogelijk op verzoek van Otto Frank, hoe ze Anne hadden leren kennen en wat ze van haar schrijven wisten. Kleiman beschreef&nbsp;hoe hij eens een brief, die Anne als elfjarige aan oma hand geschreven, onder ogen kreeg&nbsp;waarin zij op geestige wijze verhaalde&nbsp;hoe alle huisgenoten en familieleden het maakten. Ook noemde&nbsp;hij het schrijven van haar dagboek, en hoe zij daarin fantaseerde&nbsp;hoe ze later weer aan het gewone leven zou&nbsp;deelnemen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4x0xh\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Op <strong>2 september 1952 </strong>schreef&nbsp;Kleiman met Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday over vertalingen van de verhaaltjes&nbsp;<em>Blurry</em> en <em>Katrientje</em>. Otto Frank bevond&nbsp;zich toen in Zwitserland, en zou&nbsp;daarna naar Engeland en Amerika vertrekken.<sup data-footnote-id=\"8hllg\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> Blijkbaar nam Kleiman de lopende zaken waar.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Kleiman noemde&nbsp;Anne in een brief van <strong>27 februari 1953 </strong>een middelmatige scholier, maar vond&nbsp;haar beschrijvingen van de leraren (Keesing en Biegel) getuigen van &#39;<em>opmerkings- en uitdrukkingsvermogen</em>.&#39; Hij besloot de brief met het wervende P.S.: &#39;<em>Wellicht interesseert het U te weten, dat er van Anne Frank eveneens een bundeltje verhaaltjes en sprookjes is verschenen onder de titel: Weet je nog.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"2dt7v\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De correspondentie met uitgeverij Contact over het dagboek en de afrekeningen voerde&nbsp;Otto Frank jarenlang zelf. In een brief van <strong>2 april 1957</strong> schreef&nbsp;Contact dat kopie&euml;n van brief en afrekening eveneens naar Kleiman werden gestuurd.<sup data-footnote-id=\"i0mg0\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ns5zy\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_100: Johannes Kleiman aan J. Groen, 13 oktober 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4x0xh\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_079:&nbsp;Ongedateerd stuk. Miep Gies dateert haar stuk 18 maart 1951. Dat van Kleiman zal van rond dezelfde datum zijn.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"8hllg\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Johannes Kleiman aan B. Mooyaart-Doubleday, 2 september 1952.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2dt7v\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_079: Johannes Kleiman aan S. Braaksma-van Heerikhuizen, 27 februari 1953.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"i0mg0\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: W.F. Koobs aan Otto Frank, 2 april 1957.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_en": "<p>Johannes Kleiman had a major role in commemorating Anne Frank and the other people in hiding between the end of World War II and his death in <strong>1959</strong>.<br />\r\nHe was involved in the first publication of Anne Frank&#39;s diary in <strong>1947</strong>. He was also involved in the publication of <em>Do You Remember?</em> and the <em>Fables and Short Stories</em><em>&nbsp;</em>and<em> </em>actively worked to tell the story of the people in hiding to a wide audience. He gave tours of the Secret Annex at Prinsengracht 263 and corresponded about the memory of the people in hiding with several letter writers.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In addition, bij remained involved in Otto Frank&#39;s business ventures, acting together with or on behalf of Otto Frank in that capacity. Johannes Kleiman also played a major role in the establishment and opening of the Anne Frank House and the Anne Frank Foundation. In doing so, he often stood in for&nbsp;Otto Frank, who lived in Basel, Switzerland.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>No correspondence has survived from the years around the first diary publication, but it has been preserved pretty much from Otto Frank&#39;s departure for Switzerland. A few letters give a fragmentary impression of Kleiman&#39;s involvement. Otto himself conducted the correspondence with those people&nbsp;who received a copy of the diary. On <strong>13 October 1948</strong>, however, it was Kleiman who provided the accompanying letter to Dr J. Groen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ns5zy\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Several helpers described, possibly at Otto Frank&#39;s request, how they had met Anne and what they knew of her writing. Kleiman described how he once laid eyes on a letter Anne wrote to her grandma as an 11-year-old in which she wittily recounted how all the housemates and family members were making out. He also mentioned writing in her diary, and how in it she fantasised how she would later participate in normal life again.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4x0xh\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>2 September 1952, </strong>Kleiman wrote to Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday about translations of the stories <em>Blurry the Explorer</em> and <em>Katrien</em>. Otto Frank was in Switzerland at the time, and&nbsp;subsequently left&nbsp;for England and America.<sup data-footnote-id=\"8hllg\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> Apparently Kleiman took care of the ongoing business.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In a letter dated <strong>27 February 1953</strong>, Kleiman called Anne a mediocre pupil, but thought her descriptions of the teachers (Keesing and Biegel) showed<em> &#39;powers of observation and expression</em> &#39;. He concluded the letter with a promotional P.S.:<em> &#39;You may be interested to know that a collection of stories and fairy tales by Anne Frank has also been published under the title: Do You Remember?&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"2dt7v\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank conducted the correspondence with publisher Contact about the diary and payments himself for many years. In a letter dated <strong>2 April 1957,</strong> Contact wrote that copies of the letters and financial statements&nbsp;were also sent to Kleiman.<sup data-footnote-id=\"i0mg0\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ns5zy\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_100: Johannes Kleiman aan J. Groen, 13 oktober 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4x0xh\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_079:&nbsp;Ongedateerd stuk. Miep Gies dateert haar stuk 18 maart 1951. Dat van Kleiman zal van rond dezelfde datum zijn.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"8hllg\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Johannes Kleiman aan B. Mooyaart-Doubleday, 2 september 1952.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2dt7v\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_079: Johannes Kleiman aan S. Braaksma-van Heerikhuizen, 27 februari 1953.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"i0mg0\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: W.F. Koobs aan Otto Frank, 2 april 1957.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "summary": "Jo Kleiman was involved in publishing Anne Frank's diary and stories.",
            "summary_nl": "Jo Kleiman had bemoeienissen met de uitgave van het dagboek en de verhaaltjes van Anne Frank.",
            "summary_en": "Jo Kleiman was involved in publishing Anne Frank's diary and stories.",
            "same_as": null,
            "parent": 197,
            "files": []
            "id": 396124614,
            "image": {
                "id": 1013,
                "uuid": "dab8b2a0-ff64-4eff-b2bf-b9d9a810bc28",
                "name": "Krantenknipsels",
                "title": "Krantenknipsels",
                "alt": "Collectie: Anne Frank Stichting",
                "url": "",
                "path": "",
                "filetype": "image",
                "description": "Otto Frank wijdde een deel van zijn tijd aan processen tegen neonazis die beweerden dat het dagboek van zijn dochter een vervalsing was.",
                "author": "De collectie kan worden ingezet voor het publiek",
                "copyright": "AFS rechthebbende"
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "42405377-f044-4d4a-a988-f085228f8455",
            "name": "Otto Frank and the attacks on the authenticity of the diary",
            "name_nl": "Otto Frank en de aanvallen op de authenticiteit van het dagboek",
            "name_en": "Otto Frank and the attacks on the authenticity of the diary",
            "description": "<h1>The first allegations</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>The first allegations against the diary came in 1957 and 1958 in obscure Swedish and Norwegian periodicals. In them, among other claims, it was alleged that the American journalist and novelist Meyer Levin was the author of the diary. Levin wanted to make a stage adaptation and a film of the diary in the USA, but was not supported in this by Otto Frank. The conflict between Meyer Levin and Otto Frank reached the press, and was used by right-wing extremists as an argument to call the authenticity of the diary into question. It is unclear whether these first attacks on the diary were seen by Otto Frank, but the fact is that he did not lodge a complaint.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Lothar Stielau and Heinrich Buddeberg</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Early in 1959 he lodged a criminal complaint on the grounds of libel, slander, defamation, maligning the memory of a deceased person and antisemitic utterances against the German teacher Lothar Stielau (a teacher of English in Lübeck, and member of the extreme right-wing Deutsche Reichspartei). Stielau wrote in the magazine of the <em>Vereinigung ehemaliger Sch&uuml;ler und der Freunde der Obersch&uuml;le zur Dom e.V. L&uuml;beck</em> of <strong>10 October 1958</strong>, an essay &quot;Tom Sawyer&#39;s grosses Abenteuer&quot;, which included the passage: &#39;<em>&lsquo;The forged diaries of Eva Braun, of the Queen of England and the hardly more authentic one of Anne Frank may have earned several millions for the profiteers from Germany&#39;s defeat, but they have also raised our own hackles quite a bit.&rsquo;</em>&#39; (<em>&#39;Die gef&auml;lschten Tageb&uuml;cher der Eva Braun, der K&ouml;nigin von England und das nicht viel echtere der Anne Frank haben den Nutzniessern </em><em>der deutschen Niederlage zwar einige Millionen eingebracht, uns daf&uuml;r aber auch recht empfindlich werden lassen.&#39; ) </em></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank was a witness in the case, as were (among others) Miep Gies, Jan Gies and Bep Voskuyl.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0xk0o\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> Otto Frank, the publishers G. Bermann-Fischer and Lambert Schneider felt Stielau&#39;s allegation of falsity and the qualification &#39;profiteers of the German defeat&#39; were attacks on their honour.<sup data-footnote-id=\"o1y32\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>17 October 1961,</strong> the case was heard before the <em>III. Strafkammer des Landgericht L&uuml;beck</em>. Otto Frank also acted as a co-plaintiff. His criminal complaint was also directed against Stielau&rsquo;s fellow party member Heinrich Buddeberg, who defended Stielau in a letter sent to the <em>Lübecker Nachrichten</em> newspaper. Following a detailed and thorough investigation into the authenticity of Anne Frank&rsquo;s handwriting, the District Court in Lübeck ruled that the diary was authentic, and Otto Frank&rsquo;s complaint was upheld.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>A sentence was never passed because Stielau and Buddeberg withdrew their allegations on the basis of the preliminary investigation. This investigation and the cross-examination of the witnesses had convinced them that the diary was genuine. They expressed remorse over their statements, which they had made without any attempted corroboration.&nbsp; <sup data-footnote-id=\"h65y4\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> As a result, Otto Frank and the others withdrew their complaint, so the trial did not proceed any further. At this, Otto Frank agreed to a settlement, something that he later regretted: &lsquo;<em>Had I but known that there would be people who would consider a settlement in this case as insufficient proof [of the authenticity of the diary], I should certainly not have dropped the case.</em>&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"eq0c7\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Walter Hainke</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>21 November 1966</strong>, the Oberstaatsanwalt in Darmstadt wrote to Otto Frank about a letter, which Walter Hainke, in April of that year, had sent to the mayor of Offenbach. This was in response to the decision to name a new school in Offenbach <em>Anne Frank Schule</em>. Walter Hainke called Anne the<em> &quot;bedaurenwertens an Fleckfieber verstorbenes M&auml;dchen&quot;</em>, who was abused after her death by her<em> &quot;gesch&auml;ftst&uuml;chtige&quot;</em> family, which earned fortunes from the obviously forged diary. The Oberstaatsanwalt gave Otto Frank the opportunity to file a criminal complaint.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zo082\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> Otto Frank did so on <strong>9 December 1966.</strong> He was prepared to withdraw his complaint if Hainke publicly recanted his allegations.<sup data-footnote-id=\"estvo\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>18 February 1967</strong>, Otto Frank withdrew his indictment, despite the dubious wording of Hainke&#39;s recantation. Otto Frank felt that the case deserved little public attention and did not want additional attention through a trial. <sup data-footnote-id=\"rotns\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Publisher Ullstein and David Irving</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In the introduction to the book <em>Hitler und seine Feldherren</em>, David Irving wrote in <strong>1975</strong>:<em> &#39;Viele F&auml;lschungen sind aktenkundig wie diejenige des Tagebuchs der Anne Frank, hier erbrachte ein von einem New-Yorker Drehbuchautor angestrengter Zivilprozess den Beweis, dass er es in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vater des M&auml;dchens geschrieben hatte hatte.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"x0hzk\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote an affidavit <strong>on 12 October 1975</strong> in which he asserted that he was Anne&#39;s father, that the diary had been written by Anne herself and that in the Stielau case this had been sufficiently established - also by graphological research.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yro6c\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 27 October 1975,</strong> Ernst Cramer of Axel Springer Verlag (which had had a majority stake in Ullstein since 1959) wrote a letter of apology to Otto Frank. The order to remove the challenged passage from Irving&#39;s preface had been given months earlier, but the verification of its execution had gone wrong. Ties with Irving had since been severed.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ma4i8\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote on&nbsp;<strong>30 October 1975</strong> to his lawyer F. Fafflok that, although courteously stated, he took Cramer&#39;s letter as insincere. He did not believe in the order referred to and stressed the fact that the announcement of the book appeared in National Socialist magazines.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yulzl\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Fafflok wrote to Ullstein <strong>on 14 November 1975</strong> asking for compensation of DM 30,000 on behalf of Otto Frank, which would benefit the Anne Frank House.<sup data-footnote-id=\"truiz\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup><br />\r\nOtto Frank said that he initially went after the publisher for making the various disclosures and causing the damage.<sup data-footnote-id=\"06do3\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> Around <strong>27 November 1975,</strong> Otto Frank noted that he was not aware of any attacks on the authenticity of the diary since the Stielau case in 1961. After the publication of Irving&#39;s book, they increased again.<sup data-footnote-id=\"571d1\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 16 December 1975,</strong> Otto Frank approached an English lawyer to find out whether he could have Irving prosecuted (although the book had not been published in English).<sup data-footnote-id=\"umkqx\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 9 January 1976,</strong> Otto Frank expressed dissatisfaction with the pace at which Fafflok was tackling the Ullstein case.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ly54t\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup> According to a letter from Fafflok, allegations of falsity of the diary had now appeared in <em>Das Ostpreussenblatt, Deutsche Wochenzeitung and Neue Ordnung, </em>among others<em>.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"112s5\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 22 January 1976,</strong> Otto Frank wrote that he had been told from England that the chances against Irving were slim because his book had not been released there. <sup data-footnote-id=\"p6uhc\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Fafflok called on Ullstein on&nbsp;<strong>18 February 1976</strong> on behalf of Otto Frank to publish in major daily and weekly newspapers no later than <strong>26 February 1976</strong> the notice that the claim in Irving&#39;s preface was incorrect, and that the authenticity of the diary was established.<sup data-footnote-id=\"v115w\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup> The <em>B&ouml;rsenblatt f&uuml;r den Deutschen B&uuml;chhandlung</em> published Ullstein&#39;s correction <strong>on 30 April 1976</strong>, although in more circumlocutory terms than Otto Frank would have liked. <sup data-footnote-id=\"9up7w\"><a href=\"#footnote-20\" id=\"footnote-marker-20-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[20]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong>On 16 June 1976</strong> Kempner wrote to Otto Frank that Ernst Cramer of Springer Verlag offered the following:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Springer Verlag would pay DM 7,000 to Otto Frank/the Anne Frank House. In addition, Mr Springer would pay a further DM 10,000 to the Anne Frank House.</li>\r\n\t<li>The publisher would pay all court and legal fees.</li>\r\n\t<li>The publisher would again place an announcement in the <em>B&ouml;rsenblatt</em> and would call writers/publishers to account in the event of new allegations of forgery. <sup data-footnote-id=\"z3484\"><a href=\"#footnote-21\" id=\"footnote-marker-21-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[21]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 21 June 1976</strong> Otto Frank replied&nbsp;to Kempner that he accepted&nbsp;the proposal. He also informed Fafflok accordingly.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pmwre\"><a href=\"#footnote-22\" id=\"footnote-marker-22-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[22]</a></sup> Thereafter, the Irving issue remained quiet for over two years.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>15 October 1979</strong>, Irving made a proposal to Otto Frank to have the diaries examined for authenticity by the firm Hehner &amp; Cox, which had unmasked Canaris and Mussolini forgeries, among others.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7n6pm\"><a href=\"#footnote-23\" id=\"footnote-marker-23-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[23]</a></sup> Otto Frank replied on <strong>23 October 1979</strong> that he had already acceded to a similar request from the Hamburg court on condition that the taking of paper and ink samples would be done in his presence in Switzerland. <sup data-footnote-id=\"imk81\"><a href=\"#footnote-24\" id=\"footnote-marker-24-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[24]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Irving again urged Otto Frank on <strong>2 November 1979</strong> to submit to investigation by Hehner &amp; Cox, suggesting that rejection indicated there was something to hide.<sup data-footnote-id=\"28j0k\"><a href=\"#footnote-25\" id=\"footnote-marker-25-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[25]</a></sup> <strong>On 16 November 1979,</strong> Otto Frank replied that he trusted the competence of an expert appointed by a German court and did not appreciate further correspondence in the matter. <sup data-footnote-id=\"srruq\"><a href=\"#footnote-26\" id=\"footnote-marker-26-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[26]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Irving wrote to Otto Frank on <strong>16 January 1980</strong> that the latter wrongly refused to have the diary subjected to an impartial investigation. He believed this would reinforce the idea of a post-war fabrication.<sup data-footnote-id=\"78ve9\"><a href=\"#footnote-27\" id=\"footnote-marker-27-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[27]</a></sup> On <strong>4 February 1980</strong>, Irving sent Otto Frank a letter indicating that he had engaged a lawyer.<sup data-footnote-id=\"xv4vz\"><a href=\"#footnote-28\" id=\"footnote-marker-28-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[28]</a></sup> The Otto Frank Archive contains no further correspondence in this matter.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Richard Harwood</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In the aftermath of the Ullstein/Irving affair, Otto Frank came across a piece by Richard Harwood, published by the <em>Historical Review Press</em> in Surrey. He expressed his intention to bring a case against it as well.<sup data-footnote-id=\"vqi39\"><a href=\"#footnote-29\" id=\"footnote-marker-29-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[29]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><strong>11 March 1976</strong>: Harwood turned out to be the pseudonym of Richard Verrall. He appeared to be a member of the National Front. However, this was not certain. The pamphlet in question was titled <em>Did Six Million Really Die?</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"tf52g\"><a href=\"#footnote-30\" id=\"footnote-marker-30-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[30]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>30 November 1976</strong>: British magazine <em>Searchlight</em> determined that Harwood was indeed Verrall. <sup data-footnote-id=\"vdccu\"><a href=\"#footnote-31\" id=\"footnote-marker-31-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[31]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>4 December 1976</strong>: Otto Frank wanted to bring a case against Verrall, but doubted whether <em>Searchlight&#39;</em> s evidence was even legally conclusive.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ycndb\"><a href=\"#footnote-32\" id=\"footnote-marker-32-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[32]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>5 December 1977</strong>: Otto Frank and the other members of the Anne Frank Fund (Fritzi Frank-Markovits, Buddy Elias, Stephan Elias, Vincent Frank, Ernst Levy) decided to take legal action against Verrall and the <em>Historical Review Press.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"mctt9\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>22 May 1979</strong>: Otto Frank finally decided to abandon a court case in England, mainly for health reasons. <sup data-footnote-id=\"285e0\"><a href=\"#footnote-34\" id=\"footnote-marker-34-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[34]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>It was pointed out to him from various quarters that there were opportunities to testify without travelling to London and appearing in court in person. Such suggestions came from the British judiciary, among other places. <sup data-footnote-id=\"9le4o\"><a href=\"#footnote-35\" id=\"footnote-marker-35-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[35]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><strong>16 August 1979</strong>: given the major interest in the matter and the possibility of testifying from Switzerland, Otto Frank agreed to continue the case.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ioy5y\"><a href=\"#footnote-36\" id=\"footnote-marker-36-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[36]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>18 March 1980</strong>: Fritzi Frank-Markovits wrote to Appleman, who was going to bring the case, that Otto Frank was very ill. Moreover, the English consulate in Basel had now been closed, making it impossible to give testimony there. She also pointed out that the case had been stalled for seven months.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4f9zd\"><a href=\"#footnote-37\" id=\"footnote-marker-37-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[37]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>With that, the case petered out.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Robert Faurisson</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Through the Anne Frank House, Otto Frank received a letter dated <strong>5 March</strong> <strong>1977 </strong>from Faurisson, who expressed interest in the diary as a scholar at the University of Lyon. Otto replied that he was willing to receive him on&nbsp;<strong>9 March 1977</strong> and show him the original diaries.<sup data-footnote-id=\"1kr6f\"><a href=\"#footnote-38\" id=\"footnote-marker-38-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[38]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In a letter dated <strong>30 March</strong> <strong>1977</strong>, Otto Frank described Faurisson as an unsympathetic and suspicious man.<sup data-footnote-id=\"snx6d\"><a href=\"#footnote-39\" id=\"footnote-marker-39-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[39]</a></sup> On <strong>5 April 1978</strong>, Otto wrote that he had bad experiences with Faurisson, calling him a &quot;disturbed man&quot;. According to Otto Frank, Faurisson did not believe the whole story of the period in hiding.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ocybb\"><a href=\"#footnote-40\" id=\"footnote-marker-40-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[40]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In the course of his research, Faurisson also wrote to Kugler (on <strong>28 March 1977</strong>), the Gies couple (on <strong>4 September 1978</strong>), among others<sup data-footnote-id=\"3t4ce\"><a href=\"#footnote-41\" id=\"footnote-marker-41-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[41]</a></sup> and he visited Bep Voskuijl at home.<sup data-footnote-id=\"c5jl1\"><a href=\"#footnote-42\" id=\"footnote-marker-42-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[42]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Heinz Roth</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In 1976, Otto Frank brought a legal action before the District Court in Frankfurt against Heinz Roth, from Odenhausen in Germany. Through his own publishing company, Roth had distributed numerous neo-Nazi pamphlets with titles like <em>The Diary of Anne Frank &ndash; A Forgery</em>, and <em>The Diary of Anne Frank &ndash; The Great Fraud</em>, and in a reader&#39;s letter in <em>Neue Ordnung</em> he denied the authenticity of the diary, refering to the book of Robert Irving. Otto also responded with a letter to the editor, which was not initially published.<sup data-footnote-id=\"lrqt5\"><a href=\"#footnote-43\" id=\"footnote-marker-43-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[43]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote on <strong>30 March 1976</strong> that charges were pending against Roth, and that complaints had been made about the distribution of his pamphlet in Bochum, Hamburg and Wiesbaden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h83a9\"><a href=\"#footnote-44\" id=\"footnote-marker-44-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[44]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>22 June</strong> <strong>1978</strong>, the Frankfurt am Main court banned Roth from making certain claims in his publications. This concerned in particular the claims that the diary was a forgery and a scam by Otto Frank, and that this had been a proven fact for more than a decade. The court imposed a fine of DM500,000 or six months&#39; imprisonment for each offence.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m1ies\"><a href=\"#footnote-45\" id=\"footnote-marker-45-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[45]</a></sup> On appeal, Roth put forward the report of the French scientist Robert Faurisson in his defence, but this did not convince the German court. Although he had died in 1978, a higher appeal was still submitted to the Federal Supreme Court, which referred the case back to the Court of Appeal in Frankfurt. According to the Supreme Court, Roth had had too little opportunity to prove his allegations, and he should be given this opportunity in a retrial. The fact that the defendant had already been dead for two years apparently played no role in this judgement: ultimately the case never came before the Frankfurt Court of Appeal.Roth appealed, but this was rejected in <strong>1979</strong>. In the end, the case was not heard.<sup data-footnote-id=\"znwox\"><a href=\"#footnote-46\" id=\"footnote-marker-46-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[46]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Ernst R&ouml;mer</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>On the ocasion of the performances of <em>Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> in Hamburg, R&ouml;mer distributed pamphlets in <strong>February 1976</strong>. These contained a translation of an article from the <em>Historical Review Press</em>. The pamphlet had the headline<em> &#39;Best-seller, ein Schwindel&#39;</em>, and reappeared with the story about compensation to Meyer Levin. Otto Frank filed a lawsuit <strong>on 15 March 1976</strong>. Again, the findings of Minna Becker and Dr H&uuml;bner were cited. R&ouml;mer was given a fine of DM 1,500.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5lvnx\"><a href=\"#footnote-47\" id=\"footnote-marker-47-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[47]</a></sup> Otto Frank acted as a co-plaintiff and witness in this case.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5za3a\"><a href=\"#footnote-48\" id=\"footnote-marker-48-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[48]</a></sup>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Edgar Werner Geiss</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>During an appeal hearing in the R&ouml;mer case on <strong>28 August 1978</strong>, Geiss distributed pamphlets attacking the authenticity of the diary. Geiss also arrived with Meyer Levin. He was sentenced to six months with the alternative of a fine of DM 1,500.<sup data-footnote-id=\"302xv\"><a href=\"#footnote-49\" id=\"footnote-marker-49-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[49]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Start of the ballpoint myth</h1>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>1-2 April 1980</strong>: In the Birsfelden town hall, experts examined the manuscripts on behalf of the Hamburg court. This was in connection with the cases against R&ouml;mer and Geiss. They took samples of the paper and ink, and found, among other things, that correction marks - partly with biros due to later editing - had been applied. The paper and high-iron gallnut ink used were very common before <strong>1950</strong>. The exact age of the papers and inscriptions could not be determined unequivocally.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n0lil\"><a href=\"#footnote-50\" id=\"footnote-marker-50-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[50]</a></sup> Otto was already too ill at that point to play any part in it. At the time of his death, two cases were still running, one in Hamburg and one in Frankfurt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b57wa\"><a href=\"#footnote-51\" id=\"footnote-marker-51-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[51]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0xk0o\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_104: Aanklacht van de Staatsanwalt L&uuml;beck, 13 januari 1961. De helpers leggen verklaringen af over de onderduikperiode en het schrijven van Anne.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"o1y32\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_104: Tenlastelegging tegen Stielau en Buddeberg, p. 15.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h65y4\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Robert Kempner, 28 augustus 1975. Kempner was assistent-aanklager in de Neurenberg-processen en schreef <em>Anne Frank und Edith Stein. Zwei von Hunderttausend</em> (1968). Vanwege zijn persoonlijke bekendheid met Ullstein bemiddelt hij in de controverse op de achtergrond. Het Duitse strafrecht kent de mogelijkheid dat in bepaalde gevallen naast de staat, ook familieleden als aanklagers optreden. Otto Frank benutte die mogelijkheid verschillende keren.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eq0c7\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>The diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical edition</em>, prep. by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation; introd. by Harry Paape, Gerrold van der Stroom and David Barnouw; with a summary of the report by the Netherlands Forensic Institute comp. by H.J.J. Hardy; ed. by David Barnouw and Gerrold van der Stroom; transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans,&nbsp;transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans, Barbara M. Mooyaart-Doubleday &amp; Susan Massotty, New York, NY: Doubleday, 2003,&nbsp; p. 90.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zo082\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Staatsaanwalt Bluhm aan Otto Frank, 21 november 1966</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"estvo\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Otto Frank aan&nbsp;Staatsaanwalt Bluhm,&nbsp;9 december 1966.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"rotns\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Otto Frank aan herr Oberstatsanwalt, 18&nbsp;februari 1967.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"x0hzk\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>David Irving, <em>Hitler und seine Feldherren</em>, Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein Verlag, 1975; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan zijn juridisch adviseur Fritz Fafflok, 25 september 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yro6c\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Verklaring Otto Frank, 12 oktober 1975. Belangrijke getuigen-deskundigen in de Stielau zaak waren dr. Minna Becker, die handschrift onderzoek deed, en dr. Anne Marie H&uuml;bner. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ma4i8\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Ernst Cramer aan Otto Frank, 27 oktober 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yulzl\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fritz Fafflok, 30 oktober 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"truiz\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 14 november 1975.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"06do3\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fafflok, 27 november 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"571d1\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: P.S. voor Fritz Fafflok in conceptbrief Otto Frank aan W.J. Siedler van Ullstein.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"umkqx\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Andrew Bateson. Bateson heeft al eerder een succesvol proces tegen Irving gevoerd.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ly54t\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fafflok, 9 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"112s5\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 15 januari 1976.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"p6uhc\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld (Institute of Jewish Affairs, London).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"v115w\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 18 februari 1976.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"9up7w\" id=\"footnote-20\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-20-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Advertentie.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"z3484\" id=\"footnote-21\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-21-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Robert Kempner aan Otto Frank, 16 juni 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pmwre\" id=\"footnote-22\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-22-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Robert Kempner, 21 juni 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7n6pm\" id=\"footnote-23\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-23-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 15 oktober 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"imk81\" id=\"footnote-24\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-24-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan David Irving, 23 oktober 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"28j0k\" id=\"footnote-25\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-25-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 2 november 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"srruq\" id=\"footnote-26\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-26-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan David Irving, 16 november 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"78ve9\" id=\"footnote-27\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-27-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC. reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 16 januari 1980.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"xv4vz\" id=\"footnote-28\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-28-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 4 februari 1980.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vqi39\" id=\"footnote-29\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-29-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld, 22 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"tf52g\" id=\"footnote-30\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-30-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Martin Savitt aan Otto Frank. Savitt is voorzitter van de Defence &amp; Group Relations Department van The Board of Deputies of British Jews.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vdccu\" id=\"footnote-31\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-31-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Anne Frank Stichting aan Otto Frank, 30 november 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ycndb\" id=\"footnote-32\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-32-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Maurice Ludmer, 4 december 1976. Ludmer is hoofdredactreur van Searchlight.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mctt9\" id=\"footnote-33\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Memorandum Anne Frank-Fonds.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"285e0\" id=\"footnote-34\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-34-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Martin Savitt, 22 mei 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"9le4o\" id=\"footnote-35\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-35-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ioy5y\" id=\"footnote-36\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-36-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Stuart Appleman, 16 augustus 1979. Appleman is advocaat bij Parmenter &amp; Co. en behandelt de zaak in Engeland.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4f9zd\" id=\"footnote-37\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-37-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Fritzi Frank aan Stuart Appleman, 18 maart 1986.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1kr6f\" id=\"footnote-38\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-38-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Robert Faurisson, 9 maart 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"snx6d\" id=\"footnote-39\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-39-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan L. de Jong, 30 maart 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ocybb\" id=\"footnote-40\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-40-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan C. Blom, 5 april 1978. Blom is een vroegere medewerker van Uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"3t4ce\" id=\"footnote-41\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-41-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Diverse correspondentie inzake Faurisson.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"c5jl1\" id=\"footnote-42\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-42-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Bep Voskuijl aan Otto en Fritzi Frank, 29 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"lrqt5\" id=\"footnote-43\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-43-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA 107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 15 januari 1976 en Otto Frank aan Fritz Fafflok, 21 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h83a9\" id=\"footnote-44\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-44-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld, 30 maart 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m1ies\" id=\"footnote-45\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-45-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Bazel, Otto Frank, AFF_OtF_bdoc_03: Vonnis Landgericht Frankfurt am Main, 22 juni 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"znwox\" id=\"footnote-46\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-46-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Website Anne Frank Stichting, &quot;The authenticity of the diary of Anne Frank | Anne Frank House&quot; (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, geraadpleegd&nbsp;20 september 2022).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5lvnx\" id=\"footnote-47\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-47-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Vonnis Amtsgerich Hamburg, 13 januari 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5za3a\" id=\"footnote-48\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-48-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Antwoord op vragen in Senaat van Hamburg.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"302xv\" id=\"footnote-49\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-49-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Vonnis Amtsgericht Hamburg-Altona, 6 april 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n0lil\" id=\"footnote-50\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-50-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Rapport Bundeskriminalamt, 28 mei 1980.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"b57wa\" id=\"footnote-51\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-51-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_062: Necrologie Otto Frank door: onbekend, p. 3.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n\r\n<div>&nbsp;</div>",
            "description_nl": "<h1>De eerste aantijgingen</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>De eerste aantijgingen tegen het dagboek verschenen in <strong>1957</strong> en <strong>1958</strong> in obscure Zweedse en Noorse tijdschriften. Daarin werd onder meer beweerd dat de Amerikaanse journalist en romanschrijver Meyer Levin de auteur van het dagboek was. Levin wilde in de VS een toneelbewerking en een film van het dagboek maken, maar werd daarin niet gesteund door Otto Frank. Het conflict tussen Meyer Levin en Otto Frank haalde de pers en werd door rechtsextremisten gebruikt als argument om de authenticiteit van het dagboek in twijfel te trekken. Het is onduidelijk of Otto Frank deze eerste aanvallen op het dagboek heeft gezien, maar feit is dat hij geen klacht heeft ingediend.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Lothar Stielau en Heinrich Buddeberg</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Begin 1959 diende Otto tegen de Duitse leraar Lothar Stielau (leraar Engels in L&uuml;beck en lid van de extreem-rechtse <em>Deutsche Reichspartei</em>) een strafklacht in wegens smaad, laster, laster, belastering van de nagedachtenis van een overledene en antisemitische uitlatingen. Stielau schreef in het blad van de <em>Vereinigung ehemaliger Sch&uuml;ler und der Freunde der Obersch&uuml;le zur Dom e.V. L&uuml;beck</em>&nbsp;van <strong>10 oktober 1958</strong> een opstel &quot;Tom Sawyers grosses Abenteuer&quot;met daarin de passage: &quot;De vervalste dagboeken van Eva Braun, van de koningin van Engeland en het nauwelijks authentiekere dagboek van Anne Frank hebben de profiteurs van de Duitse nederlaag weliswaar enkele miljoenen opgeleverd, maar ze hebben ook onze eigen hachjes flink opgestookt.&quot; (&#39;<em>Die gef&auml;lschten Tageb&uuml;cher der Eva Braun, der K&ouml;nigin von England und das nicht viel echtere der Anne Frank haben den Nutzniessern </em><em>der deutschen Niederlage zwar einige Millionen eingebracht, uns daf&uuml;r aber auch recht empfindlich werden lassen.&#39;&nbsp;</em></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank was getuige in de zaak, net als (o.a.) Miep Gies, Jan Gies en Bep Voskuyl.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0xk0o\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank, de uitgevers G. Bermann-Fischer en Lambert Schneider voelden zich door de aantijging van Stielau over de onechtheid en door de kwalificatie &#39;profiteurs van de Duitse nederlaag&#39;&nbsp;in hun eer gekrenkt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"o1y32\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>17 oktober 1961</strong> diende&nbsp;de zaak voor de <em>III. Strafkammer des Landgericht L&uuml;beck</em>. Otto Frank trad&nbsp;ook op als nevenaanklager. Zijn strafklacht was ook gericht tegen Stielau&#39;s partijgenoot Heinrich Buddeberg, die hem verdedigde in een brief aan de krant <em>L&uuml;becker Nachrichten</em>. Na een uitgebreid en grondig onderzoek naar de echtheid van het handschrift van Anne Frank oordeelde de rechtbank in L&uuml;beck dat het dagboek authentiek was en werd de klacht van Otto Frank gegrond verklaard.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Een vonnis is nooit uitgesproken omdat Stielau en Buddeberg op basis van het vooronderzoek hun beschuldigingen introkken. Dit onderzoek en het kruisverhoor van de getuigen hadden hen ervan overtuigd dat het dagboek echt was. Zij betuigden spijt over hun verklaringen, die zij zonder poging tot bevestiging hadden afgelegd. Dientengevolge trokken&nbsp;Otto Frank en de anderen hun klacht in, waardoor het proces geen verdere doorgang vond.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h65y4\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> Hierop ging Otto Frank akkoord met een schikking, iets waar hij later spijt van kreeg: Als ik geweten had dat er mensen zijn voor&nbsp; wie een vergelijk in deze zaak iet&nbsp;&nbsp;als onvoldoende bewijs geldt [voor de echtheid van het dagboek], had ik het proeces wel doorgezet.&quot;<sup data-footnote-id=\"yd2zk\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Walter Hainke</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>De Oberstaatsanwalt in Darmstadt schreef op&nbsp;<strong>21 november 1966</strong> aan Otto Frank over een brief, die Walter Hainke, in april van dat jaar, aan de burgemeester van Offenbach stuurde. Dit naar aanleiding van het besluit een nieuwe school in Offenbach <em>Anne Frank Schule</em>&nbsp;te noemen. Walter Hainke noemde&nbsp;Anne het &#39;<em>bedaurenwertens an Fleckfieber verstorbenes M&auml;dchen&#39;</em>, dat na haar dood werd&nbsp;misbruikt door haar &#39;<em>gesch&auml;ftst&uuml;chtige&#39;</em>&nbsp;familie, die aan het overduidelijk vervalste dagboek schatten verdiende. De Oberstaatsanwalt stelde&nbsp;Otto Frank in de gelegenheid een strafklacht in te dienen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zo082\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank deed&nbsp;dat op <strong>9 december 1966.</strong> Hij was&nbsp;bereid zijn klacht in te trekken als Hainke zijn beweringen openlijk zou herroepen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"estvo\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Op <strong>18 februari 1967</strong> trok&nbsp;Otto Frank zijn aanklacht in, ondanks de dubieuze formulering van Hainkes herroeping. Otto Frank vond&nbsp;dat de zaak weinig publieke aandacht verdiende en wilde geen extra aandacht door een proces. <sup data-footnote-id=\"rotns\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Uitgeverij Ullstein en David Irving</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In de inleiding van het boek <em>Hitler und seine Feldherren</em>&nbsp;schreef&nbsp;David Irving in <strong>1975</strong>: &#39;<em>Viele F&auml;lschungen sind aktenkundig wie diejenige des Tagebuchs der Anne Frank, hier erbrachte ein von einem New-Yorker Drehbuchautor angestrengter Zivilprozess den Beweis, dass er es in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vater des M&auml;dchens geschrieben hatte.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"x0hzk\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank schreef&nbsp;<strong>12 oktober 1975</strong> een be&euml;digde verklaring&nbsp;waarin hij stelde de vader van Anne te zijn, dat het dagboek door Anne zelf was&nbsp;geschreven en dat dit in de zaak-Stielau genoegzaam - ook door grafologisch onderzoek - iwas&nbsp;vastgesteld.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yro6c\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>27 oktober 1975</strong> schreef&nbsp;Ernst Cramer van Axel Springer Verlag (meerderheidsbelang in Ullstein sinds 1959) een excuusbrief aan Otto Frank. De opdracht om de gewraakte passage uit het voorwoord van Irving te schrappen, was al maanden eerder gegeven, maar de controle op de uitvoering was&nbsp;misgegaan. De banden met Irving waren&nbsp;inmiddels verbroken.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ma4i8\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank schreef&nbsp;<strong>30 oktober 1975</strong> aan zijn advocaat F. Fafflok dat hij de brief van Cramer, hoewel hoffelijk gesteld, als onoprecht opvatte. Hij geloofde&nbsp;niet in de genoemde opdracht en benadrukte het feit dat de aankondiging van het boek in nationaalsocialistische bladen verscheen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yulzl\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Fafflok schreef&nbsp;<strong>14 november 1975</strong> aan Ullstein dat hij namens Otto Frank een schadevergoeding vroeg&nbsp;van DM 30 000, die ten goede zou&nbsp;komen aan de Anne Frank Stichting.<sup data-footnote-id=\"truiz\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup><br />\r\nOtto Frank zei&nbsp;dat hij in eerste instantie achter de uitgever aanging, omdat die e.e.a. openbaarde&nbsp;en de schade veroorzaakte.<sup data-footnote-id=\"06do3\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup>&nbsp;Rond <strong>27 november 1975</strong> constateerde&nbsp;Otto Frank dat hem sinds de Stielau-zaak in 1961 geen aanvallen op de authenticiteit van het dagboek bekend waren. Na de uitgave van het boek van Irving namen ze weer toe.<sup data-footnote-id=\"571d1\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>16 december 1975</strong> benaderde&nbsp;Otto Frank een Engelse advocaat om uit te zoeken&nbsp;of hij Irving kon laten vervolgen (hoewel het boek niet in het Engels was&nbsp;verschenen).<sup data-footnote-id=\"umkqx\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>9 januari 1976</strong> toonde&nbsp;Otto Frank zich ontevreden met het tempo waarmee Fafflok de zaak Ullstein aanpakte.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ly54t\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup>&nbsp;Volgens een brief van Fafflok waren&nbsp;er inmiddels beweringen over onechtheid van het dagboek verschenen in o.a. <em>Das Ostpreussenblatt, Deutsche Wochenzeitung en Neue Ordnung.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"112s5\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>22 januari 1976</strong> schreef&nbsp;Otto Frank dat hem vanuit Engeland was gezegd dat de kansen tegen Irving gering waren, omdat zijn boek daar niet was uitgebracht. <sup data-footnote-id=\"p6uhc\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Fafflok riep&nbsp;Ullstein <strong>18 februari 1976</strong> namens Otto Frank op om uiterlijk <strong>26 februari 1976</strong> in grote dag- en weekbladen het bericht te plaatsen dat de bewering in het voorwoord van Irving onjuist was, en dat de authenticiteit van het dagboek vaststond.<sup data-footnote-id=\"v115w\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup>&nbsp;In het <em>B&ouml;rsenblatt f&uuml;r den Deutschen B&uuml;chhandlung</em> verscheen&nbsp;<strong>30 april 1976</strong> de rectificatie van Ullstein, hoewel in omfloerstere bewoordingen dan Otto Frank graag had gezien. <sup data-footnote-id=\"9up7w\"><a href=\"#footnote-20\" id=\"footnote-marker-20-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[20]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong>16 juni 1976</strong> schreef&nbsp;Kempner aan Otto Frank dat Ernst Cramer van Springer Verlag het volgende aanbood:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Springer Verlag zou DM 7.000 aan Otto Frank/Anne Frank Stichting betalen. Bovendien zou de heer Springer nog eens&nbsp;DM 10.000 aan de Anne Frank Stichting betalen.</li>\r\n\t<li>De uitgeverij zou alle gerechts- en advocatenkosten betalen.</li>\r\n\t<li>De uitgeverij zou opnieuw een advertentie in het <em>B&ouml;rsenblatt</em>&nbsp;plaatsen en zou bij nieuwe beweringen over vervalsing schrijvers/uitgevers daarop aanspreken. <sup data-footnote-id=\"z3484\"><a href=\"#footnote-21\" id=\"footnote-marker-21-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[21]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>21 juni 1976</strong> antwoordde&nbsp;Otto Frank aan Kempner dat hij het voorstel aanneemt. Hij stelt ook Fafflok daarvan in kennis.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pmwre\"><a href=\"#footnote-22\" id=\"footnote-marker-22-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[22]</a></sup>&nbsp;Vervolgens bleef&nbsp;het in de kwestie-Irving ruim twee jaar stil.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Op <strong>15 oktober 1979</strong> deed&nbsp;Irving aan Otto Frank het voorstel de dagboeken op echtheid te laten onderzoeken door de firma Hehner &amp; Cox, die onder meer vervalsingen van Canaris en Mussolini had&nbsp;ontmaskerd.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7n6pm\"><a href=\"#footnote-23\" id=\"footnote-marker-23-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[23]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank antwoorddde op <strong>23&nbsp;oktober 1979</strong> dat hij al op een soortgelijk verzoek van de Hamburgse rechtbank ingegaan was, op voorwaarde dat het afnemen van papier- en inktmonsters in zijn aanwezigheid in Zwitserland zou gebeuren. <sup data-footnote-id=\"imk81\"><a href=\"#footnote-24\" id=\"footnote-marker-24-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[24]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Irving drong&nbsp;op <strong>2 november 1979</strong> opnieuw bij Otto Frank aan op onderzoek door Hehner &amp; Cox, suggererend dat afwijzing erop duidde&nbsp;dat er iets te verbergen was.<sup data-footnote-id=\"28j0k\"><a href=\"#footnote-25\" id=\"footnote-marker-25-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[25]</a></sup>&nbsp;<strong>Op 16 november 1979</strong> antwoordde&nbsp;Otto Frank dat hij vertrouwde&nbsp;op de competentie van een door een Duitse rechtbank aangestelde deskundige en geen prijs stelde&nbsp;op verdere correspondentie. <sup data-footnote-id=\"srruq\"><a href=\"#footnote-26\" id=\"footnote-marker-26-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[26]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Irving schreef&nbsp;op <strong>16 januari 1980</strong> aan Otto Frank dat deze ten onrechte weigerde&nbsp;het dagboek aan een onpartijdig onderzoek te laten onderwerpen. Hij meende&nbsp;dat dit het idee van een naoorlogs maaksel zou&nbsp;versterken.<sup data-footnote-id=\"78ve9\"><a href=\"#footnote-27\" id=\"footnote-marker-27-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[27]</a></sup>&nbsp;Op <strong>4 februari 1980</strong> stuurde Irving Otto Frank een brief waaruit bleek&nbsp;dat hij een advocaat heeft ingezet.<sup data-footnote-id=\"xv4vz\"><a href=\"#footnote-28\" id=\"footnote-marker-28-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[28]</a></sup>&nbsp;Het Otto Frank Archief bevat geen verdere correspondentie in deze zaak.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Richard Harwood</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In de nasleep van de Ullstein/Irving affaire kwam&nbsp;Otto Frank een publicatie tegen&nbsp;van Richard Harwood, uitgegeven door de <em>Historical Review Press</em> in Surrey. Hij uit het voornemen ook daar een zaak tegen te beginnen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"vqi39\"><a href=\"#footnote-29\" id=\"footnote-marker-29-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[29]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><strong>11 maart 1976</strong>: Harwood bleek de schuilnaam van Richard Verrall&nbsp;te zijn. Hij bleek lid van het National Front te zijn. Zeker was&nbsp;dat echter niet. Het pamflet waar het om ging was&nbsp;getiteld <em>Did Six Million Really Die?</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"tf52g\"><a href=\"#footnote-30\" id=\"footnote-marker-30-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[30]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>30 november 1976</strong>: het Britse blad&nbsp;<em>Searchlight</em>&nbsp;stelde vast&nbsp;dat Harwood inderdaad Verrall was. <sup data-footnote-id=\"vdccu\"><a href=\"#footnote-31\" id=\"footnote-marker-31-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[31]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>4 december 1976</strong>: Otto Frank wilde een zaak tegen Verrall beginnen, maar twijfelde&nbsp;of het bewijs van <em>Searchlight</em> ook juridisch sluitend was.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ycndb\"><a href=\"#footnote-32\" id=\"footnote-marker-32-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[32]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>5 december 1977</strong>: Otto Frank en de andere leden van het Anne Frank Fonds (Fritzi Frank-Markovits, Buddy Elias, Stephan Elias, Vincent Frank, Ernst Levy) besloten&nbsp;tot juridische actie tegen Verrall en de <em>Historical Review Press.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"mctt9\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>22 mei 1979</strong>: Otto Frank besloot definitief af te zien van een rechtzaak in Engeland, hoofdzakelijk om gezondheidsredenen. <sup data-footnote-id=\"285e0\"><a href=\"#footnote-34\" id=\"footnote-marker-34-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[34]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>Van verschillende kanten werd&nbsp;hij erop gewezen dat er mogelijkheden waren te getuigen zonder persoonlijk naar London af te reizen en voor de rechtbank te verschijnen. Dergelijke geluiden kwamen onder meer uit de Britse rechterlijke macht. <sup data-footnote-id=\"9le4o\"><a href=\"#footnote-35\" id=\"footnote-marker-35-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[35]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><strong>16 augustus 1979</strong>: gezien het grote belang&nbsp;en de mogelijkheid vanuit Zwitserland te getuigen, ging&nbsp;Otto Frank akkoord met voortzetting van de zaak.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ioy5y\"><a href=\"#footnote-36\" id=\"footnote-marker-36-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[36]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>18 maart 1980</strong>: Fritzi Frank-Markovits schreef&nbsp;aan Appleman, die de zaak aanhangig zou maken, dat Otto Frank erg ziek was. Bovendien was&nbsp;het Engelse consulaat in Bazel inmiddels gesloten, waardoor het onmogelijk was&nbsp;geworden daar een getuigenverklaring af te leggen. Ze wees&nbsp;er ook op dat de zaak zeven maanden lang stilgelegen had.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4f9zd\"><a href=\"#footnote-37\" id=\"footnote-marker-37-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[37]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>Daarmee ging de zaak als een nachtkaars uit.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Robert Faurisson</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank kreeg&nbsp;via de Anne Frank Stichting een op <strong>5 maart 1977</strong> gedateerde brief van Faurisson, die als geleerde van de universiteit van Lyon interesse voor het dagboek toonde. Otto antwoordde&nbsp;bereid te zijn hem <strong>9 maart 1977</strong> te ontvangen en hem de originele dagboeken te tonen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"1kr6f\"><a href=\"#footnote-38\" id=\"footnote-marker-38-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[38]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank beschreef&nbsp;Faurisson in een brief van <strong>30 maart 1977</strong> als een onsympathieke en achterdochtige man.<sup data-footnote-id=\"snx6d\"><a href=\"#footnote-39\" id=\"footnote-marker-39-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[39]</a></sup>&nbsp;Op <strong>5 april 1978</strong> schreef&nbsp;Otto&nbsp;dat hij slechte ervaringen met Faurisson had, en noemde&nbsp;hem een &#39;gestoorde man&#39;.&nbsp;Faurisson geloofde&nbsp;volgens Otto Frank het hele onderduikverhaal niet.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ocybb\"><a href=\"#footnote-40\" id=\"footnote-marker-40-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[40]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Faurisson schreef&nbsp;in de loop van zijn onderzoek onder meer nog aan Kugler (op&nbsp;<strong>28 maart 1977</strong>), het echtpaar Gies (op <strong>4 september 1978</strong>)<sup data-footnote-id=\"3t4ce\"><a href=\"#footnote-41\" id=\"footnote-marker-41-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[41]</a></sup>&nbsp;en hij bezocht&nbsp;Bep Voskuijl thuis.<sup data-footnote-id=\"c5jl1\"><a href=\"#footnote-42\" id=\"footnote-marker-42-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[42]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Heinz Roth</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1976</strong> spande Otto Frank voor de rechtbank in Frankfurt een rechtszaak aan tegen Heinz Roth uit Odenhausen in Duitsland. Roth had via zijn eigen uitgeverij talrijke neonazi-pamfletten verspreid met titels als <em>Het dagboek van Anne Frank - een vervalsing</em> en <em>Het dagboek van Anne Frank - de grote fraude</em>, en in een lezersbrief in <em>Neue Ordnung</em> ontkende hij n.a.v. het Irving-boek de authenticiteit van het dagboek. Otto reageerde ook met en ingezonden brief, die vooralsnog niet geplaatst werd.<sup data-footnote-id=\"lrqt5\"><a href=\"#footnote-43\" id=\"footnote-marker-43-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[43]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank schreef op&nbsp;<strong>30 maart 1976</strong> dat er een aanklacht tegen Roth liep, en dat er klachten waren&nbsp;ingediend wegens verspreiding van diens pamflet in Bochum, Hamburg en Wiesbaden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h83a9\"><a href=\"#footnote-44\" id=\"footnote-marker-44-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[44]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De rechtbank van Frankfurt am Main verbood&nbsp;Roth op <strong>22 juni 1978</strong> om in zijn publicaties bepaalde beweringen te doen. Dit ging&nbsp;met name om de beweringen dat het dagboek een vervalsing en een zwendel van Otto Frank was, en dat dit al meer dan tien jaar als bewezen feit gold. De rechtbank stelde&nbsp;Roth een dwangsom van 500.000 DM of 6 maanden hechtenis per overtreding in het vooruitzicht.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m1ies\"><a href=\"#footnote-45\" id=\"footnote-marker-45-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[45]</a></sup>&nbsp;In hoger beroep voerde Roth het rapport van de Franse wetenschapper Robert Faurisson ter verdediging aan, maar dit overtuigde de Duitse rechtbank niet. Hoewel hij in <strong>1978</strong> was overleden, werd alsnog een hoger beroep ingesteld bij het <em>Bundesgerichtshof</em>, dat de zaak terugverwees naar het Hof van Beroep in Frankfurt. Volgens het Hooggerechtshof had Roth te weinig gelegenheid gehad om zijn beweringen te bewijzen en moest hij die kans krijgen in een nieuw proces. Het feit dat de verdachte al twee jaar dood was speelde bij dit oordeel kennelijk geen rol: de zaak kwam uiteindelijk nooit voor het Hof van Beroep in Frankfurt. Uiteindelijk werd&nbsp;de zaak niet behandeld.<sup data-footnote-id=\"znwox\"><a href=\"#footnote-46\" id=\"footnote-marker-46-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[46]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Ernst R&ouml;mer</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Bij de voorstellingen van <em>Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em>&nbsp;in Hamburg deelde&nbsp;R&ouml;mer in <strong>februari 1976</strong> pamfletten uit. Deze bevatten een vertaling van een artikel uit de <em>Historical Review Press</em>. Het pamflet had&nbsp;de kop &quot;<em>Bestseller - een leugen</em>&quot; (&#39;<em>Best-seller, ein Schwindel&#39;</em>), en kwam met een verhaal over de schadevergoeding aan Meyer Levin.&nbsp;Otto Frank diende&nbsp;<strong>15 maart 1976</strong> een aanklacht in. Opnieuw werden de bevindingen van Minna Becker en dr. H&uuml;bner aangehaald. R&ouml;mer kreeg&nbsp;een geldstraf van DM 1.500.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5lvnx\"><a href=\"#footnote-47\" id=\"footnote-marker-47-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[47]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank trad&nbsp;in deze zaak als nevenaanklager en getuige op.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5za3a\"><a href=\"#footnote-48\" id=\"footnote-marker-48-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[48]</a></sup>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Edgar Werner Geiss</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Tijdens een zitting in hoger beroep in de zaak-R&ouml;mer op <strong>28 augustus 1978</strong> verspreidde Edgar Werner Geiss pamfletten met aanvallen op de authenticiteit van het dagboek, met ene verwijzing naar het rumor rond Meyer Levin. Hij kreeg&nbsp;zes maanden subsidiair DM 1.500 boete.<sup data-footnote-id=\"302xv\"><a href=\"#footnote-49\" id=\"footnote-marker-49-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[49]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Begin van de balpen-mythe</h1>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>1-2 april 1980</strong>: In het gemeentehuis van Birsfelden onderzochten&nbsp;deskundigen in opdracht van de Hamburgse rechtbank de manuscripten. Dit in het kader van de zaken tegen R&ouml;mer en Geiss. Ze namen monsters van het papier en de inkt, en stelden onder meer vast dat er correctietekens &ndash; deels met balpen vanwege latere bewerkingen&nbsp;- aangebracht waren. Het gebruikte papier en hoog-ijzerhoudende galnoteninkt waren voor <strong>1950 </strong>zeer gebruikelijk. De precieze ouderdom van de papieren en de opschriften was&nbsp;niet eenduidig vast te stellen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n0lil\"><a href=\"#footnote-50\" id=\"footnote-marker-50-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[50]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto was op dat moment al te ziek om daar een rol in te spelen. Op het moment van zijn overlijden liepen&nbsp;er nog twee zaken, een in Hamburg en een in Frankfurt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b57wa\"><a href=\"#footnote-51\" id=\"footnote-marker-51-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[51]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0xk0o\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_104: Aanklacht van de Staatsanwalt L&uuml;beck, 13 januari 1961. De helpers leggen verklaringen af over de onderduikperiode en het schrijven van Anne.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"o1y32\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_104: Tenlastelegging tegen Stielau en Buddeberg, p. 15.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h65y4\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Robert Kempner, 28 augustus 1975. Kempner was assistent-aanklager in de Neurenberg-processen en schreef <em>Anne Frank und Edith Stein. Zwei von Hunderttausend</em> (1968). Vanwege zijn persoonlijke bekendheid met Ullstein bemiddelt hij in de controverse op de achtergrond. Het Duitse strafrecht kent de mogelijkheid dat in bepaalde gevallen naast de staat, ook familieleden als aanklagers optreden. Otto Frank benutte die mogelijkheid verschillende keren.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yd2zk\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank,&nbsp;<em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>,&nbsp;ingel. door David Barnouw, Harry Paape en Gerrold van der Stroom ; met de samenvatting van het rapport van het Gerechtelijk Laboratorium, opgesteld door H.J.J. Hardy; tekstverzorging door David Barnouw en Gerrold van der Stroom, 5e&nbsp;&nbsp;verbeterde en uitgebreide druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker i.s.m. het&nbsp;Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie, 2001, p. 107.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zo082\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Staatsaanwalt Bluhm aan Otto Frank, 21 november 1966</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"estvo\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Otto Frank aan&nbsp;Staatsaanwalt Bluhm,&nbsp;9 december 1966.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"rotns\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Otto Frank aan herr Oberstatsanwalt, 18&nbsp;februari 1967.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"x0hzk\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>David Irving, <em>Hitler und seine Feldherren</em>, Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein Verlag, 1975; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan zijn juridisch adviseur Fritz Fafflok, 25 september 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yro6c\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Verklaring Otto Frank, 12 oktober 1975. Belangrijke getuigen-deskundigen in de Stielau zaak waren dr. Minna Becker, die handschrift onderzoek deed, en dr. Anne Marie H&uuml;bner. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ma4i8\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Ernst Cramer aan Otto Frank, 27 oktober 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yulzl\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fritz Fafflok, 30 oktober 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"truiz\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 14 november 1975.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"06do3\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fafflok, 27 november 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"571d1\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: P.S. voor Fritz Fafflok in conceptbrief Otto Frank aan W.J. Siedler van Ullstein.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"umkqx\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Andrew Bateson. Bateson heeft al eerder een succesvol proces tegen Irving gevoerd.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ly54t\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fafflok, 9 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"112s5\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 15 januari 1976.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"p6uhc\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld (Institute of Jewish Affairs, London).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"v115w\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 18 februari 1976.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"9up7w\" id=\"footnote-20\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-20-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Advertentie.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"z3484\" id=\"footnote-21\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-21-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Robert Kempner aan Otto Frank, 16 juni 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pmwre\" id=\"footnote-22\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-22-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Robert Kempner, 21 juni 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7n6pm\" id=\"footnote-23\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-23-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 15 oktober 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"imk81\" id=\"footnote-24\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-24-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan David Irving, 23 oktober 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"28j0k\" id=\"footnote-25\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-25-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 2 november 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"srruq\" id=\"footnote-26\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-26-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan David Irving, 16 november 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"78ve9\" id=\"footnote-27\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-27-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC. reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 16 januari 1980.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"xv4vz\" id=\"footnote-28\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-28-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 4 februari 1980.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vqi39\" id=\"footnote-29\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-29-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld, 22 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"tf52g\" id=\"footnote-30\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-30-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Martin Savitt aan Otto Frank. Savitt is voorzitter van de Defence &amp; Group Relations Department van The Board of Deputies of British Jews.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vdccu\" id=\"footnote-31\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-31-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Anne Frank Stichting aan Otto Frank, 30 november 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ycndb\" id=\"footnote-32\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-32-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Maurice Ludmer, 4 december 1976. Ludmer is hoofdredactreur van Searchlight.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mctt9\" id=\"footnote-33\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Memorandum Anne Frank-Fonds.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"285e0\" id=\"footnote-34\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-34-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Martin Savitt, 22 mei 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"9le4o\" id=\"footnote-35\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-35-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ioy5y\" id=\"footnote-36\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-36-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Stuart Appleman, 16 augustus 1979. Appleman is advocaat bij Parmenter &amp; Co. en behandelt de zaak in Engeland.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4f9zd\" id=\"footnote-37\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-37-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Fritzi Frank aan Stuart Appleman, 18 maart 1986.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1kr6f\" id=\"footnote-38\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-38-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Robert Faurisson, 9 maart 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"snx6d\" id=\"footnote-39\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-39-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan L. de Jong, 30 maart 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ocybb\" id=\"footnote-40\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-40-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan C. Blom, 5 april 1978. Blom is een vroegere medewerker van Uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"3t4ce\" id=\"footnote-41\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-41-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Diverse correspondentie inzake Faurisson.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"c5jl1\" id=\"footnote-42\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-42-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Bep Voskuijl aan Otto en Fritzi Frank, 29 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"lrqt5\" id=\"footnote-43\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-43-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA 107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 15 januari 1976 en Otto Frank aan Fritz Fafflok, 21 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h83a9\" id=\"footnote-44\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-44-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld, 30 maart 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m1ies\" id=\"footnote-45\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-45-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Bazel, Otto Frank, AFF_OtF_bdoc_03: Vonnis Landgericht Frankfurt am Main, 22 juni 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"znwox\" id=\"footnote-46\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-46-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Website Anne Frank Stichting, &#39;De authenticiteit van het dagboek van Anne Frank&#39;, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, geraadpleegd&nbsp;20 september 2022.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5lvnx\" id=\"footnote-47\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-47-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Vonnis Amtsgerich Hamburg, 13 januari 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5za3a\" id=\"footnote-48\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-48-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Antwoord op vragen in Senaat van Hamburg.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"302xv\" id=\"footnote-49\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-49-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Vonnis Amtsgericht Hamburg-Altona, 6 april 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n0lil\" id=\"footnote-50\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-50-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Rapport Bundeskriminalamt, 28 mei 1980.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"b57wa\" id=\"footnote-51\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-51-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_062: Necrologie Otto Frank door: onbekend, p. 3.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n\r\n<div>&nbsp;</div>",
            "description_en": "<h1>The first allegations</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>The first allegations against the diary came in 1957 and 1958 in obscure Swedish and Norwegian periodicals. In them, among other claims, it was alleged that the American journalist and novelist Meyer Levin was the author of the diary. Levin wanted to make a stage adaptation and a film of the diary in the USA, but was not supported in this by Otto Frank. The conflict between Meyer Levin and Otto Frank reached the press, and was used by right-wing extremists as an argument to call the authenticity of the diary into question. It is unclear whether these first attacks on the diary were seen by Otto Frank, but the fact is that he did not lodge a complaint.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Lothar Stielau and Heinrich Buddeberg</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Early in 1959 he lodged a criminal complaint on the grounds of libel, slander, defamation, maligning the memory of a deceased person and antisemitic utterances against the German teacher Lothar Stielau (a teacher of English in Lübeck, and member of the extreme right-wing Deutsche Reichspartei). Stielau wrote in the magazine of the <em>Vereinigung ehemaliger Sch&uuml;ler und der Freunde der Obersch&uuml;le zur Dom e.V. L&uuml;beck</em> of <strong>10 October 1958</strong>, an essay &quot;Tom Sawyer&#39;s grosses Abenteuer&quot;, which included the passage: &#39;<em>&lsquo;The forged diaries of Eva Braun, of the Queen of England and the hardly more authentic one of Anne Frank may have earned several millions for the profiteers from Germany&#39;s defeat, but they have also raised our own hackles quite a bit.&rsquo;</em>&#39; (<em>&#39;Die gef&auml;lschten Tageb&uuml;cher der Eva Braun, der K&ouml;nigin von England und das nicht viel echtere der Anne Frank haben den Nutzniessern </em><em>der deutschen Niederlage zwar einige Millionen eingebracht, uns daf&uuml;r aber auch recht empfindlich werden lassen.&#39; ) </em></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank was a witness in the case, as were (among others) Miep Gies, Jan Gies and Bep Voskuyl.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0xk0o\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> Otto Frank, the publishers G. Bermann-Fischer and Lambert Schneider felt Stielau&#39;s allegation of falsity and the qualification &#39;profiteers of the German defeat&#39; were attacks on their honour.<sup data-footnote-id=\"o1y32\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>17 October 1961,</strong> the case was heard before the <em>III. Strafkammer des Landgericht L&uuml;beck</em>. Otto Frank also acted as a co-plaintiff. His criminal complaint was also directed against Stielau&rsquo;s fellow party member Heinrich Buddeberg, who defended Stielau in a letter sent to the <em>Lübecker Nachrichten</em> newspaper. Following a detailed and thorough investigation into the authenticity of Anne Frank&rsquo;s handwriting, the District Court in Lübeck ruled that the diary was authentic, and Otto Frank&rsquo;s complaint was upheld.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>A sentence was never passed because Stielau and Buddeberg withdrew their allegations on the basis of the preliminary investigation. This investigation and the cross-examination of the witnesses had convinced them that the diary was genuine. They expressed remorse over their statements, which they had made without any attempted corroboration.&nbsp; <sup data-footnote-id=\"h65y4\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> As a result, Otto Frank and the others withdrew their complaint, so the trial did not proceed any further. At this, Otto Frank agreed to a settlement, something that he later regretted: &lsquo;<em>Had I but known that there would be people who would consider a settlement in this case as insufficient proof [of the authenticity of the diary], I should certainly not have dropped the case.</em>&rsquo;<sup data-footnote-id=\"eq0c7\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Walter Hainke</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>21 November 1966</strong>, the Oberstaatsanwalt in Darmstadt wrote to Otto Frank about a letter, which Walter Hainke, in April of that year, had sent to the mayor of Offenbach. This was in response to the decision to name a new school in Offenbach <em>Anne Frank Schule</em>. Walter Hainke called Anne the<em> &quot;bedaurenwertens an Fleckfieber verstorbenes M&auml;dchen&quot;</em>, who was abused after her death by her<em> &quot;gesch&auml;ftst&uuml;chtige&quot;</em> family, which earned fortunes from the obviously forged diary. The Oberstaatsanwalt gave Otto Frank the opportunity to file a criminal complaint.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zo082\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> Otto Frank did so on <strong>9 December 1966.</strong> He was prepared to withdraw his complaint if Hainke publicly recanted his allegations.<sup data-footnote-id=\"estvo\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>18 February 1967</strong>, Otto Frank withdrew his indictment, despite the dubious wording of Hainke&#39;s recantation. Otto Frank felt that the case deserved little public attention and did not want additional attention through a trial. <sup data-footnote-id=\"rotns\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Publisher Ullstein and David Irving</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In the introduction to the book <em>Hitler und seine Feldherren</em>, David Irving wrote in <strong>1975</strong>:<em> &#39;Viele F&auml;lschungen sind aktenkundig wie diejenige des Tagebuchs der Anne Frank, hier erbrachte ein von einem New-Yorker Drehbuchautor angestrengter Zivilprozess den Beweis, dass er es in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Vater des M&auml;dchens geschrieben hatte hatte.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"x0hzk\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote an affidavit <strong>on 12 October 1975</strong> in which he asserted that he was Anne&#39;s father, that the diary had been written by Anne herself and that in the Stielau case this had been sufficiently established - also by graphological research.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yro6c\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 27 October 1975,</strong> Ernst Cramer of Axel Springer Verlag (which had had a majority stake in Ullstein since 1959) wrote a letter of apology to Otto Frank. The order to remove the challenged passage from Irving&#39;s preface had been given months earlier, but the verification of its execution had gone wrong. Ties with Irving had since been severed.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ma4i8\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote on&nbsp;<strong>30 October 1975</strong> to his lawyer F. Fafflok that, although courteously stated, he took Cramer&#39;s letter as insincere. He did not believe in the order referred to and stressed the fact that the announcement of the book appeared in National Socialist magazines.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yulzl\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Fafflok wrote to Ullstein <strong>on 14 November 1975</strong> asking for compensation of DM 30,000 on behalf of Otto Frank, which would benefit the Anne Frank House.<sup data-footnote-id=\"truiz\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup><br />\r\nOtto Frank said that he initially went after the publisher for making the various disclosures and causing the damage.<sup data-footnote-id=\"06do3\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> Around <strong>27 November 1975,</strong> Otto Frank noted that he was not aware of any attacks on the authenticity of the diary since the Stielau case in 1961. After the publication of Irving&#39;s book, they increased again.<sup data-footnote-id=\"571d1\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 16 December 1975,</strong> Otto Frank approached an English lawyer to find out whether he could have Irving prosecuted (although the book had not been published in English).<sup data-footnote-id=\"umkqx\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 9 January 1976,</strong> Otto Frank expressed dissatisfaction with the pace at which Fafflok was tackling the Ullstein case.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ly54t\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup> According to a letter from Fafflok, allegations of falsity of the diary had now appeared in <em>Das Ostpreussenblatt, Deutsche Wochenzeitung and Neue Ordnung, </em>among others<em>.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"112s5\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 22 January 1976,</strong> Otto Frank wrote that he had been told from England that the chances against Irving were slim because his book had not been released there. <sup data-footnote-id=\"p6uhc\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Fafflok called on Ullstein on&nbsp;<strong>18 February 1976</strong> on behalf of Otto Frank to publish in major daily and weekly newspapers no later than <strong>26 February 1976</strong> the notice that the claim in Irving&#39;s preface was incorrect, and that the authenticity of the diary was established.<sup data-footnote-id=\"v115w\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup> The <em>B&ouml;rsenblatt f&uuml;r den Deutschen B&uuml;chhandlung</em> published Ullstein&#39;s correction <strong>on 30 April 1976</strong>, although in more circumlocutory terms than Otto Frank would have liked. <sup data-footnote-id=\"9up7w\"><a href=\"#footnote-20\" id=\"footnote-marker-20-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[20]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\n<strong>On 16 June 1976</strong> Kempner wrote to Otto Frank that Ernst Cramer of Springer Verlag offered the following:</p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li>Springer Verlag would pay DM 7,000 to Otto Frank/the Anne Frank House. In addition, Mr Springer would pay a further DM 10,000 to the Anne Frank House.</li>\r\n\t<li>The publisher would pay all court and legal fees.</li>\r\n\t<li>The publisher would again place an announcement in the <em>B&ouml;rsenblatt</em> and would call writers/publishers to account in the event of new allegations of forgery. <sup data-footnote-id=\"z3484\"><a href=\"#footnote-21\" id=\"footnote-marker-21-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[21]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>On 21 June 1976</strong> Otto Frank replied&nbsp;to Kempner that he accepted&nbsp;the proposal. He also informed Fafflok accordingly.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pmwre\"><a href=\"#footnote-22\" id=\"footnote-marker-22-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[22]</a></sup> Thereafter, the Irving issue remained quiet for over two years.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>15 October 1979</strong>, Irving made a proposal to Otto Frank to have the diaries examined for authenticity by the firm Hehner &amp; Cox, which had unmasked Canaris and Mussolini forgeries, among others.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7n6pm\"><a href=\"#footnote-23\" id=\"footnote-marker-23-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[23]</a></sup> Otto Frank replied on <strong>23 October 1979</strong> that he had already acceded to a similar request from the Hamburg court on condition that the taking of paper and ink samples would be done in his presence in Switzerland. <sup data-footnote-id=\"imk81\"><a href=\"#footnote-24\" id=\"footnote-marker-24-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[24]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Irving again urged Otto Frank on <strong>2 November 1979</strong> to submit to investigation by Hehner &amp; Cox, suggesting that rejection indicated there was something to hide.<sup data-footnote-id=\"28j0k\"><a href=\"#footnote-25\" id=\"footnote-marker-25-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[25]</a></sup> <strong>On 16 November 1979,</strong> Otto Frank replied that he trusted the competence of an expert appointed by a German court and did not appreciate further correspondence in the matter. <sup data-footnote-id=\"srruq\"><a href=\"#footnote-26\" id=\"footnote-marker-26-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[26]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Irving wrote to Otto Frank on <strong>16 January 1980</strong> that the latter wrongly refused to have the diary subjected to an impartial investigation. He believed this would reinforce the idea of a post-war fabrication.<sup data-footnote-id=\"78ve9\"><a href=\"#footnote-27\" id=\"footnote-marker-27-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[27]</a></sup> On <strong>4 February 1980</strong>, Irving sent Otto Frank a letter indicating that he had engaged a lawyer.<sup data-footnote-id=\"xv4vz\"><a href=\"#footnote-28\" id=\"footnote-marker-28-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[28]</a></sup> The Otto Frank Archive contains no further correspondence in this matter.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Richard Harwood</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In the aftermath of the Ullstein/Irving affair, Otto Frank came across a piece by Richard Harwood, published by the <em>Historical Review Press</em> in Surrey. He expressed his intention to bring a case against it as well.<sup data-footnote-id=\"vqi39\"><a href=\"#footnote-29\" id=\"footnote-marker-29-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[29]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><strong>11 March 1976</strong>: Harwood turned out to be the pseudonym of Richard Verrall. He appeared to be a member of the National Front. However, this was not certain. The pamphlet in question was titled <em>Did Six Million Really Die?</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"tf52g\"><a href=\"#footnote-30\" id=\"footnote-marker-30-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[30]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>30 November 1976</strong>: British magazine <em>Searchlight</em> determined that Harwood was indeed Verrall. <sup data-footnote-id=\"vdccu\"><a href=\"#footnote-31\" id=\"footnote-marker-31-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[31]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>4 December 1976</strong>: Otto Frank wanted to bring a case against Verrall, but doubted whether <em>Searchlight&#39;</em> s evidence was even legally conclusive.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ycndb\"><a href=\"#footnote-32\" id=\"footnote-marker-32-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[32]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>5 December 1977</strong>: Otto Frank and the other members of the Anne Frank Fund (Fritzi Frank-Markovits, Buddy Elias, Stephan Elias, Vincent Frank, Ernst Levy) decided to take legal action against Verrall and the <em>Historical Review Press.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"mctt9\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>22 May 1979</strong>: Otto Frank finally decided to abandon a court case in England, mainly for health reasons. <sup data-footnote-id=\"285e0\"><a href=\"#footnote-34\" id=\"footnote-marker-34-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[34]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>It was pointed out to him from various quarters that there were opportunities to testify without travelling to London and appearing in court in person. Such suggestions came from the British judiciary, among other places. <sup data-footnote-id=\"9le4o\"><a href=\"#footnote-35\" id=\"footnote-marker-35-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[35]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<ul>\r\n\t<li><strong>16 August 1979</strong>: given the major interest in the matter and the possibility of testifying from Switzerland, Otto Frank agreed to continue the case.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ioy5y\"><a href=\"#footnote-36\" id=\"footnote-marker-36-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[36]</a></sup></li>\r\n\t<li><strong>18 March 1980</strong>: Fritzi Frank-Markovits wrote to Appleman, who was going to bring the case, that Otto Frank was very ill. Moreover, the English consulate in Basel had now been closed, making it impossible to give testimony there. She also pointed out that the case had been stalled for seven months.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4f9zd\"><a href=\"#footnote-37\" id=\"footnote-marker-37-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[37]</a></sup></li>\r\n</ul>\r\n\r\n<p>With that, the case petered out.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Robert Faurisson</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Through the Anne Frank House, Otto Frank received a letter dated <strong>5 March</strong> <strong>1977 </strong>from Faurisson, who expressed interest in the diary as a scholar at the University of Lyon. Otto replied that he was willing to receive him on&nbsp;<strong>9 March 1977</strong> and show him the original diaries.<sup data-footnote-id=\"1kr6f\"><a href=\"#footnote-38\" id=\"footnote-marker-38-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[38]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In a letter dated <strong>30 March</strong> <strong>1977</strong>, Otto Frank described Faurisson as an unsympathetic and suspicious man.<sup data-footnote-id=\"snx6d\"><a href=\"#footnote-39\" id=\"footnote-marker-39-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[39]</a></sup> On <strong>5 April 1978</strong>, Otto wrote that he had bad experiences with Faurisson, calling him a &quot;disturbed man&quot;. According to Otto Frank, Faurisson did not believe the whole story of the period in hiding.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ocybb\"><a href=\"#footnote-40\" id=\"footnote-marker-40-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[40]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In the course of his research, Faurisson also wrote to Kugler (on <strong>28 March 1977</strong>), the Gies couple (on <strong>4 September 1978</strong>), among others<sup data-footnote-id=\"3t4ce\"><a href=\"#footnote-41\" id=\"footnote-marker-41-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[41]</a></sup> and he visited Bep Voskuijl at home.<sup data-footnote-id=\"c5jl1\"><a href=\"#footnote-42\" id=\"footnote-marker-42-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[42]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Heinz Roth</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In 1976, Otto Frank brought a legal action before the District Court in Frankfurt against Heinz Roth, from Odenhausen in Germany. Through his own publishing company, Roth had distributed numerous neo-Nazi pamphlets with titles like <em>The Diary of Anne Frank &ndash; A Forgery</em>, and <em>The Diary of Anne Frank &ndash; The Great Fraud</em>, and in a reader&#39;s letter in <em>Neue Ordnung</em> he denied the authenticity of the diary, refering to the book of Robert Irving. Otto also responded with a letter to the editor, which was not initially published.<sup data-footnote-id=\"lrqt5\"><a href=\"#footnote-43\" id=\"footnote-marker-43-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[43]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote on <strong>30 March 1976</strong> that charges were pending against Roth, and that complaints had been made about the distribution of his pamphlet in Bochum, Hamburg and Wiesbaden.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h83a9\"><a href=\"#footnote-44\" id=\"footnote-marker-44-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[44]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>22 June</strong> <strong>1978</strong>, the Frankfurt am Main court banned Roth from making certain claims in his publications. This concerned in particular the claims that the diary was a forgery and a scam by Otto Frank, and that this had been a proven fact for more than a decade. The court imposed a fine of DM500,000 or six months&#39; imprisonment for each offence.<sup data-footnote-id=\"m1ies\"><a href=\"#footnote-45\" id=\"footnote-marker-45-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[45]</a></sup> On appeal, Roth put forward the report of the French scientist Robert Faurisson in his defence, but this did not convince the German court. Although he had died in 1978, a higher appeal was still submitted to the Federal Supreme Court, which referred the case back to the Court of Appeal in Frankfurt. According to the Supreme Court, Roth had had too little opportunity to prove his allegations, and he should be given this opportunity in a retrial. The fact that the defendant had already been dead for two years apparently played no role in this judgement: ultimately the case never came before the Frankfurt Court of Appeal.Roth appealed, but this was rejected in <strong>1979</strong>. In the end, the case was not heard.<sup data-footnote-id=\"znwox\"><a href=\"#footnote-46\" id=\"footnote-marker-46-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[46]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Ernst R&ouml;mer</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>On the ocasion of the performances of <em>Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> in Hamburg, R&ouml;mer distributed pamphlets in <strong>February 1976</strong>. These contained a translation of an article from the <em>Historical Review Press</em>. The pamphlet had the headline<em> &#39;Best-seller, ein Schwindel&#39;</em>, and reappeared with the story about compensation to Meyer Levin. Otto Frank filed a lawsuit <strong>on 15 March 1976</strong>. Again, the findings of Minna Becker and Dr H&uuml;bner were cited. R&ouml;mer was given a fine of DM 1,500.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5lvnx\"><a href=\"#footnote-47\" id=\"footnote-marker-47-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[47]</a></sup> Otto Frank acted as a co-plaintiff and witness in this case.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5za3a\"><a href=\"#footnote-48\" id=\"footnote-marker-48-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[48]</a></sup>.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Edgar Werner Geiss</h1>\r\n\r\n<p>During an appeal hearing in the R&ouml;mer case on <strong>28 August 1978</strong>, Geiss distributed pamphlets attacking the authenticity of the diary. Geiss also arrived with Meyer Levin. He was sentenced to six months with the alternative of a fine of DM 1,500.<sup data-footnote-id=\"302xv\"><a href=\"#footnote-49\" id=\"footnote-marker-49-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[49]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1>Start of the ballpoint myth</h1>\r\n\r\n<p><strong>1-2 April 1980</strong>: In the Birsfelden town hall, experts examined the manuscripts on behalf of the Hamburg court. This was in connection with the cases against R&ouml;mer and Geiss. They took samples of the paper and ink, and found, among other things, that correction marks - partly with biros due to later editing - had been applied. The paper and high-iron gallnut ink used were very common before <strong>1950</strong>. The exact age of the papers and inscriptions could not be determined unequivocally.<sup data-footnote-id=\"n0lil\"><a href=\"#footnote-50\" id=\"footnote-marker-50-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[50]</a></sup> Otto was already too ill at that point to play any part in it. At the time of his death, two cases were still running, one in Hamburg and one in Frankfurt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b57wa\"><a href=\"#footnote-51\" id=\"footnote-marker-51-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[51]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0xk0o\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_104: Aanklacht van de Staatsanwalt L&uuml;beck, 13 januari 1961. De helpers leggen verklaringen af over de onderduikperiode en het schrijven van Anne.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"o1y32\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_104: Tenlastelegging tegen Stielau en Buddeberg, p. 15.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h65y4\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Robert Kempner, 28 augustus 1975. Kempner was assistent-aanklager in de Neurenberg-processen en schreef <em>Anne Frank und Edith Stein. Zwei von Hunderttausend</em> (1968). Vanwege zijn persoonlijke bekendheid met Ullstein bemiddelt hij in de controverse op de achtergrond. Het Duitse strafrecht kent de mogelijkheid dat in bepaalde gevallen naast de staat, ook familieleden als aanklagers optreden. Otto Frank benutte die mogelijkheid verschillende keren.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eq0c7\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>The diary of Anne Frank: the revised critical edition</em>, prep. by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation; introd. by Harry Paape, Gerrold van der Stroom and David Barnouw; with a summary of the report by the Netherlands Forensic Institute comp. by H.J.J. Hardy; ed. by David Barnouw and Gerrold van der Stroom; transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans,&nbsp;transl. by Arnold J. Pomerans, Barbara M. Mooyaart-Doubleday &amp; Susan Massotty, New York, NY: Doubleday, 2003,&nbsp; p. 90.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zo082\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Staatsaanwalt Bluhm aan Otto Frank, 21 november 1966</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"estvo\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Otto Frank aan&nbsp;Staatsaanwalt Bluhm,&nbsp;9 december 1966.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"rotns\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_111: Brief Otto Frank aan herr Oberstatsanwalt, 18&nbsp;februari 1967.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"x0hzk\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>David Irving, <em>Hitler und seine Feldherren</em>, Frankfurt am Main: Ullstein Verlag, 1975; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan zijn juridisch adviseur Fritz Fafflok, 25 september 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yro6c\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Verklaring Otto Frank, 12 oktober 1975. Belangrijke getuigen-deskundigen in de Stielau zaak waren dr. Minna Becker, die handschrift onderzoek deed, en dr. Anne Marie H&uuml;bner. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ma4i8\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Ernst Cramer aan Otto Frank, 27 oktober 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yulzl\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fritz Fafflok, 30 oktober 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"truiz\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 14 november 1975.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"06do3\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fafflok, 27 november 1975.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"571d1\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: P.S. voor Fritz Fafflok in conceptbrief Otto Frank aan W.J. Siedler van Ullstein.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"umkqx\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Andrew Bateson. Bateson heeft al eerder een succesvol proces tegen Irving gevoerd.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ly54t\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Fafflok, 9 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"112s5\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 15 januari 1976.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"p6uhc\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld (Institute of Jewish Affairs, London).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"v115w\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 18 februari 1976.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"9up7w\" id=\"footnote-20\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-20-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Advertentie.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"z3484\" id=\"footnote-21\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-21-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Robert Kempner aan Otto Frank, 16 juni 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pmwre\" id=\"footnote-22\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-22-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan Robert Kempner, 21 juni 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7n6pm\" id=\"footnote-23\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-23-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 15 oktober 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"imk81\" id=\"footnote-24\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-24-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan David Irving, 23 oktober 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"28j0k\" id=\"footnote-25\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-25-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 2 november 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"srruq\" id=\"footnote-26\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-26-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan David Irving, 16 november 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"78ve9\" id=\"footnote-27\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-27-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC. reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 16 januari 1980.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"xv4vz\" id=\"footnote-28\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-28-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: David Irving aan Otto Frank, 4 februari 1980.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vqi39\" id=\"footnote-29\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-29-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld, 22 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"tf52g\" id=\"footnote-30\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-30-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Martin Savitt aan Otto Frank. Savitt is voorzitter van de Defence &amp; Group Relations Department van The Board of Deputies of British Jews.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vdccu\" id=\"footnote-31\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-31-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Anne Frank Stichting aan Otto Frank, 30 november 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ycndb\" id=\"footnote-32\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-32-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Maurice Ludmer, 4 december 1976. Ludmer is hoofdredactreur van Searchlight.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mctt9\" id=\"footnote-33\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Memorandum Anne Frank-Fonds.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"285e0\" id=\"footnote-34\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-34-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Martin Savitt, 22 mei 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"9le4o\" id=\"footnote-35\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-35-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ioy5y\" id=\"footnote-36\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-36-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Otto Frank aan Stuart Appleman, 16 augustus 1979. Appleman is advocaat bij Parmenter &amp; Co. en behandelt de zaak in Engeland.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4f9zd\" id=\"footnote-37\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-37-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_112: Fritzi Frank aan Stuart Appleman, 18 maart 1986.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1kr6f\" id=\"footnote-38\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-38-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Robert Faurisson, 9 maart 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"snx6d\" id=\"footnote-39\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-39-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan L. de Jong, 30 maart 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ocybb\" id=\"footnote-40\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-40-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan C. Blom, 5 april 1978. Blom is een vroegere medewerker van Uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"3t4ce\" id=\"footnote-41\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-41-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Diverse correspondentie inzake Faurisson.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"c5jl1\" id=\"footnote-42\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-42-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Bep Voskuijl aan Otto en Fritzi Frank, 29 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"lrqt5\" id=\"footnote-43\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-43-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA 107: Fritz Fafflok aan Ullstein Verlag, 15 januari 1976 en Otto Frank aan Fritz Fafflok, 21 januari 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h83a9\" id=\"footnote-44\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-44-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_107: Otto Frank aan C.C. Aronsfeld, 30 maart 1976.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"m1ies\" id=\"footnote-45\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-45-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Familiearchief Anne Frank-Fonds, Bazel, Otto Frank, AFF_OtF_bdoc_03: Vonnis Landgericht Frankfurt am Main, 22 juni 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"znwox\" id=\"footnote-46\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-46-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Website Anne Frank Stichting, &quot;The authenticity of the diary of Anne Frank | Anne Frank House&quot; (<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a>, geraadpleegd&nbsp;20 september 2022).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5lvnx\" id=\"footnote-47\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-47-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Vonnis Amtsgerich Hamburg, 13 januari 1977.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5za3a\" id=\"footnote-48\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-48-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Antwoord op vragen in Senaat van Hamburg.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"302xv\" id=\"footnote-49\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-49-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Vonnis Amtsgericht Hamburg-Altona, 6 april 1979.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"n0lil\" id=\"footnote-50\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-50-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_108: Rapport Bundeskriminalamt, 28 mei 1980.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"b57wa\" id=\"footnote-51\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-51-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_062: Necrologie Otto Frank door: onbekend, p. 3.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>\r\n\r\n<div>&nbsp;</div>",
            "summary": "From the late 1950’s until his death in 1980, Otto Frank opposed attacks on the authenticity of the diary in his words and writings, but also by legal means.",
            "summary_nl": "Vanaf eind jaren vijftig tot aan zijn dood in 1980 heeft Otto Frank zich verzet tegen aanvallen op de authenticiteit van het dagboek. In woord en geschrift, maar ook met juridische middelen.",
            "summary_en": "From the late 1950’s until his death in 1980, Otto Frank opposed attacks on the authenticity of the diary in his words and writings, but also by legal means.",
            "same_as": null,
            "parent": 396124643,
            "files": []
            "id": 396124613,
            "image": null,
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "60010658-62d2-4c3e-bb62-14f0f43117e3",
            "name": "Otto Frank and the publication of Anne's Fables and Short Stories",
            "name_nl": "Otto Frank en de uitgave van Annes verhaaltjes",
            "name_en": "Otto Frank and the publication of Anne's Fables and Short Stories",
            "description": "<p>Even before the publication of &#39;The Secret Annex&#39;, Otto Frank approached several publishers to publish Anne&#39;s short stories, which she had written while in hiding.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Anne started writing these stories in the <strong>summer of&nbsp;1943</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;A break in the Secret Annex&nbsp;sketches. A few weeks ago I started writing a story, something I made up from beginning to end, and I&#39;ve enjoyed it so much that the products of my pen are piling up<em>.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"uqepm\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;The short stories are recorded in the diary, on loose sheets and in a cardboard notebook: Short stories, and events from the Secret Annex described by Anne Frank. Dedicated Thursday 2 September 1943.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"wsk2q\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>Anne got the idea to publish them during the period in hiding: &#39;<em>Dear Kitty, (&hellip;) I want to ask the magazine The Prince if they&#39;ll take one of my fairy tales, under a pseudonym of course. But up to now all my fairy tales have been too long, so I don&#39;t think I have much of a chance&#39;.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"ju0bt\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank related in <strong>1959</strong> that Anne asked Jo Kleiman to send the story <em>Blurry the Explorer</em>, among others, under the name of his daughter Corrie (a pseudonym for Jopie Kleiman). But Kleiman thought this was too dangerous. <sup data-footnote-id=\"hxksg\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After Otto Frank retrieved his daughter&#39;s writings, he first had the short stories written out and translated to send to his family <strong>in autumn 1945</strong>. The first story is: <em>Blurry, der Weltentdekker [sic], </em>which is about a little bear.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0dstr\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote to his mother on <strong>12 December 1945</strong>:<em> &#39;Frl. Sch&uuml;tz wird Dir wohl eine Uebersetzung von Annes M&auml;rchen Eva&#39;s Traum senden, was sie mir im letzten Jahr zum Geburtstag gegeben hatte.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"kmg56\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></em></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In the little story <em>Why?</em> Otto Frank recognised the influence of the letter he had sent her when she was 10 and which she had pasted in her diary, through the text:<em> &#39;It will be a support to me for life</em>.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"f5yre\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup> According to Otto Frank, the little story <em>Give!</em> was childishly idealistic, but typical of Anne. Following the example of her mother and grandmother, she used the oft-used phrase:<em> &#39;No one has yet become poor from giving.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"doura\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Otto Frank found the story <em>A Maths Lesson</em> telling about Anne&#39;s psychology.<sup data-footnote-id=\"d7tmj\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On two occasions, Contact Publishers rejected the manuscript of the short stories.<sup data-footnote-id=\"1cki3\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Then Otto Frank tried in vain to interest other publishers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"98y8y\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup> Eventually, he and Contact came to an agreement. The publisher suggested editing the collection in such a way that <em>Kaatje</em>, judged to be less strong, would not be included. Moreover, the school memories were given a place in the back, mainly because of their importance for Anne&#39;s &quot;psychology&quot;. In <strong>1949.</strong> Contact nevertheless published<em>&nbsp;Do You</em>&nbsp;<em>Remember? Fables and Short Stories</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"puuvg\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup><br />\r\nA wider selection of Anne&#39;s stories was also published by Contact in <strong>1960</strong>: <em>Tales from the House Behind</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"eoneu\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> The publisher would have preferred a complete&nbsp;edition but understood that Otto Frank did not want the &quot;weaker parts&quot; published.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7shgu\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uqepm\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, Diary Version B, 7 August 1943, in: <em>The Collected Works</em>, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"wsk2q\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Omdat er geen dagboekaantekeningen van 6 december1942 tot 22 december 1943 in de A-versie zijn overgeleverd, is het niet duidelijk of Anne Frank in deze periode de verhaaltjes eerst in haar (tweede niet overgeleverde) dagboek heeft opgeschreven en wellicht later in het verhaaltjesboek in het net heeft overgeschreven.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ju0bt\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 21 April 1944, in: <em>The Collected Works</em>.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hxksg\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_101: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact / Gilles de Neve, 3 oktober 1959.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0dstr\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september en 11 november 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kmg56\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 12 december 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"f5yre\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS), Madison, WI, Goodrich/Hackett papers 1927-1961, Box no 2, correspondence 1952-1956: Brief Otto Frank aan Frances Goodrich en Albert Hacketts, 1 januari 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"doura\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>WHS, Goodrich/Hackett papers 1927-1961, Box no 2, correspondence 1952-1956: Brief Otto Frank aan Frances Goodrich en Albert Hackett, 7 april 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"d7tmj\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact, 5 juli 1949.&nbsp;&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1cki3\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 5 november 1946 en 17 januari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"98y8y\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090:&nbsp;Brief van De Bezige Bij aan Otto Frank,16 januari 1946 (&#39;te zwak, te onrijp en te weinig evenwichtig&#39;); Brief Otto Frank aan uitgeverij de Telg, 4 december 1946; Briefkaart van de Arbeiderspers aan Otto Frank, 22 december 1947; Brief van uitgeverij de Driehoek aan Otto Frank, 28 februari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"puuvg\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>Weet je nog? Verhalen en sprookjes.</em> Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Contact, 1949.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eoneu\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam/ Antwerpen: Contact, 1960.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7shgu\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 13 oktober 1959.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_nl": "<p>Nog voor publicatie van &#39;Het Achterhuis&#39; benaderde Otto Frank verschillende uitgevers om Annes verhaaltjes uit te geven, die zij tijdens de onderduikperiode had&nbsp;geschreven.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Anne begon&nbsp;met het schrijven van deze verhaaltjes in de <strong>zomer van 1943</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;Een onderbreking in de Achterhuisschetsen. Ik ben een paar weken geleden begonnen om eens een verhaal te schrijven, iets dat helemaal verzonnen is en heb daar zo&#39;n plezier aan gekregen dat m&#39;n pennekinderen zich opstapelen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uqepm\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;De verhaaltjes zijn opgetekend in het dagboek, op de losse vellen en in een gekartonneerd schrift:&nbsp;<em>Verhaaltjes, en gebeurtenissen uit het Achterhuis beschreven door Anne Frank. Ingewijd Donderdag 2 september 1943.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"wsk2q\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></em></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>Tijdens de onderduik kreeg&nbsp;Anne het idee om ze uit te geven: &#39;Liefste Kitty, (&hellip;) Ik wil bij de &quot;Prins&quot;&nbsp;aanvragen of ze een sprookje van me plaatsen, natuurlijk onder een pseudoniem, maar daar mijn sprookjes tot nu toe nog te lang zijn, denk ik niet dat ik veel kans op slagen heb.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"ju0bt\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank vertelde&nbsp;hierover in <strong>1959</strong> dat Anne aan Jo Kleiman vroeg&nbsp;om onder andere het verhaaltje <em>Blurry</em> op te sturen onder de naam van zijn dochter Corrie (=&nbsp;pseudoniem voor Jopie Kleiman). Maar Kleiman vond&nbsp;dit te gevaarlijk.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hxksg\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Nadat Otto Frank de geschriften van zijn dochter kreeg, liet hij <strong>najaar 1945</strong> eerst&nbsp;de verhaaltjes uitschrijven en vertalen om aan zijn familie te sturen. Het eerste verhaaltje is: Blurry, der Weltentdekker [sic], dat gaat over een beertje.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0dstr\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup>&nbsp; Otto Frank schreef&nbsp;aan zijn moeder op <strong>12 december 1945</strong>: &#39;<em>Frl. Sch&uuml;tz wird Dir wohl eine Uebersetzung von Annes M&auml;rchen Eva&rsquo;s Traum senden, was sie&nbsp;mir im letzten Jahr zum Geburtstag gegeben hatte</em>.<em>&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"kmg56\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In het verhaaltje <em>Waarom?</em> herkende&nbsp;Otto Frank de invloed van de brief die hij haar op haar tiende had&nbsp;gestuurd en die zij in haar dagboek had&nbsp;geplakt, door de tekst: &#39;Het zal me een steun voor het leven zijn.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"f5yre\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup>&nbsp;Het verhaaltje <em>Geef!</em>&nbsp;was&nbsp;volgens Otto Frank kinderlijk idealistisch, maar wel typisch Anne. In navolging van haar moeder en grootmoeder gebruikte&nbsp;ze het veel gebezigde zinnetje: &#39;Niemand is nog van geven arm geworden.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"gfg18\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup>&nbsp;Het verhaal <em>Een Wiskunde-les</em> vond&nbsp;Otto Frank veelzeggend over de psychologie van Anne.<sup data-footnote-id=\"d7tmj\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Tot tweemaal toe wees Uitgeverij Contact het manuscript van de verhaaltjes af.<sup data-footnote-id=\"1cki3\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup>&nbsp;Vervolgens probeerde&nbsp;Otto Frank tevergeefs andere uitgeverijen te interesseren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"98y8y\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup>&nbsp;Uiteindelijk werden&nbsp;hij en Contact het toch eens. De uitgeverij stelde&nbsp;voor de bundel zodanig te redigeren dat <em>Kaatje</em>, beoordeeld als minder sterk, er niet in kwam. Bovendien kregen de schoolherinneringen een plaats achterin, vooral vanwege hun belang voor de &quot;psychologie&quot; van Anne.&nbsp;Zo&nbsp;verscheen&nbsp;in&nbsp;<strong>1949</strong> <em>Weet je nog? Verhalen en sprookjes</em> toch bij Contact.<sup data-footnote-id=\"puuvg\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup><br />\r\nIn <strong>1960</strong> verscheen&nbsp;bij Contact ook nog een ruimere selectie van Anne&rsquo;s verhaaltjes: <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"eoneu\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup>&nbsp;De uitgever wilde het liefst een integrale uitgave maar begreep&nbsp;dat Otto Frank de &quot;zwakkere gedeelten&quot; niet gepubliceerd wilde zien.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7shgu\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uqepm\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, Dagboek B, 7 augustus 1943, in: <em>Verzameld werk</em>, Amsterdam: Prometheus, 2013.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"wsk2q\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Omdat er geen dagboekaantekeningen van 6 december1942 tot 22 december 1943 in de A-versie zijn overgeleverd, is het niet duidelijk of Anne Frank in deze periode de verhaaltjes eerst in haar (tweede niet overgeleverde) dagboek heeft opgeschreven en wellicht later in het verhaaltjesboek in het net heeft overgeschreven.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ju0bt\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, Dagboek A, 21 april 1944, in: <em>Verzameld werk</em>.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hxksg\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_101: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact / Gilles de Neve, 3 oktober 1959.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0dstr\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september en 11 november 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kmg56\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 12 december 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"f5yre\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS), Madison, WI, Goodrich/Hackett papers 1927-1961, Box no 2, correspondence 1952-1956: Brief Otto Frank aan Frances Goodrich en Albert Hacketts, 1 januari 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gfg18\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>WHS, Goodrich/Hackett papers 1927-1961, Box no 2, correspondence 1952-1956: Brief Otto Frank aan Frances Goodrich en Albert Hackett, 7 april 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"d7tmj\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact, 5 juli 1949.&nbsp;&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1cki3\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 5 november 1946 en 17 januari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"98y8y\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090:&nbsp;Brief van De Bezige Bij aan Otto Frank,16 januari 1946 (&#39;te zwak, te onrijp en te weinig evenwichtig&#39;); Brief Otto Frank aan uitgeverij de Telg, 4 december 1946; Briefkaart van de Arbeiderspers aan Otto Frank, 22 december 1947; Brief van uitgeverij de Driehoek aan Otto Frank, 28 februari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"puuvg\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>Weet je nog? Verhalen en sprookjes.</em> Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Contact, 1949.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eoneu\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam/ Antwerpen: Contact, 1960.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7shgu\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 13 oktober 1959.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_en": "<p>Even before the publication of &#39;The Secret Annex&#39;, Otto Frank approached several publishers to publish Anne&#39;s short stories, which she had written while in hiding.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Anne started writing these stories in the <strong>summer of&nbsp;1943</strong>:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote>&#39;A break in the Secret Annex&nbsp;sketches. A few weeks ago I started writing a story, something I made up from beginning to end, and I&#39;ve enjoyed it so much that the products of my pen are piling up<em>.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"uqepm\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;The short stories are recorded in the diary, on loose sheets and in a cardboard notebook: Short stories, and events from the Secret Annex described by Anne Frank. Dedicated Thursday 2 September 1943.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"wsk2q\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>Anne got the idea to publish them during the period in hiding: &#39;<em>Dear Kitty, (&hellip;) I want to ask the magazine The Prince if they&#39;ll take one of my fairy tales, under a pseudonym of course. But up to now all my fairy tales have been too long, so I don&#39;t think I have much of a chance&#39;.</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"ju0bt\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank related in <strong>1959</strong> that Anne asked Jo Kleiman to send the story <em>Blurry the Explorer</em>, among others, under the name of his daughter Corrie (a pseudonym for Jopie Kleiman). But Kleiman thought this was too dangerous. <sup data-footnote-id=\"hxksg\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After Otto Frank retrieved his daughter&#39;s writings, he first had the short stories written out and translated to send to his family <strong>in autumn 1945</strong>. The first story is: <em>Blurry, der Weltentdekker [sic], </em>which is about a little bear.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0dstr\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote to his mother on <strong>12 December 1945</strong>:<em> &#39;Frl. Sch&uuml;tz wird Dir wohl eine Uebersetzung von Annes M&auml;rchen Eva&#39;s Traum senden, was sie mir im letzten Jahr zum Geburtstag gegeben hatte.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"kmg56\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></em></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In the little story <em>Why?</em> Otto Frank recognised the influence of the letter he had sent her when she was 10 and which she had pasted in her diary, through the text:<em> &#39;It will be a support to me for life</em>.&#39;<sup data-footnote-id=\"f5yre\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup> According to Otto Frank, the little story <em>Give!</em> was childishly idealistic, but typical of Anne. Following the example of her mother and grandmother, she used the oft-used phrase:<em> &#39;No one has yet become poor from giving.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"doura\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Otto Frank found the story <em>A Maths Lesson</em> telling about Anne&#39;s psychology.<sup data-footnote-id=\"d7tmj\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On two occasions, Contact Publishers rejected the manuscript of the short stories.<sup data-footnote-id=\"1cki3\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Then Otto Frank tried in vain to interest other publishers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"98y8y\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup> Eventually, he and Contact came to an agreement. The publisher suggested editing the collection in such a way that <em>Kaatje</em>, judged to be less strong, would not be included. Moreover, the school memories were given a place in the back, mainly because of their importance for Anne&#39;s &quot;psychology&quot;. In <strong>1949.</strong> Contact nevertheless published<em>&nbsp;Do You</em>&nbsp;<em>Remember? Fables and Short Stories</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"puuvg\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup><br />\r\nA wider selection of Anne&#39;s stories was also published by Contact in <strong>1960</strong>: <em>Tales from the House Behind</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"eoneu\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> The publisher would have preferred a complete&nbsp;edition but understood that Otto Frank did not want the &quot;weaker parts&quot; published.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7shgu\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uqepm\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, Diary Version B, 7 August 1943, in: <em>The Collected Works</em>, transl. from the Dutch by Susan Massotty, London [etc.]: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2019.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"wsk2q\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Omdat er geen dagboekaantekeningen van 6 december1942 tot 22 december 1943 in de A-versie zijn overgeleverd, is het niet duidelijk of Anne Frank in deze periode de verhaaltjes eerst in haar (tweede niet overgeleverde) dagboek heeft opgeschreven en wellicht later in het verhaaltjesboek in het net heeft overgeschreven.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ju0bt\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, Diary Version A, 21 April 1944, in: <em>The Collected Works</em>.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hxksg\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_101: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact / Gilles de Neve, 3 oktober 1959.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0dstr\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september en 11 november 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kmg56\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 12 december 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"f5yre\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS), Madison, WI, Goodrich/Hackett papers 1927-1961, Box no 2, correspondence 1952-1956: Brief Otto Frank aan Frances Goodrich en Albert Hacketts, 1 januari 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"doura\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>WHS, Goodrich/Hackett papers 1927-1961, Box no 2, correspondence 1952-1956: Brief Otto Frank aan Frances Goodrich en Albert Hackett, 7 april 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"d7tmj\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Otto Frank aan Uitgeverij Contact, 5 juli 1949.&nbsp;&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"1cki3\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 5 november 1946 en 17 januari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"98y8y\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090:&nbsp;Brief van De Bezige Bij aan Otto Frank,16 januari 1946 (&#39;te zwak, te onrijp en te weinig evenwichtig&#39;); Brief Otto Frank aan uitgeverij de Telg, 4 december 1946; Briefkaart van de Arbeiderspers aan Otto Frank, 22 december 1947; Brief van uitgeverij de Driehoek aan Otto Frank, 28 februari 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"puuvg\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>Weet je nog? Verhalen en sprookjes.</em> Amsterdam/Antwerpen: Contact, 1949.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eoneu\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank, <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam/ Antwerpen: Contact, 1960.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7shgu\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Uitgeverij Contact aan Otto Frank, 13 oktober 1959.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "summary": "Otto Frank was actively involved in the publication of Anne's diary and her short stories.",
            "summary_nl": "Otto Frank was naast de publicatie van het dagboek van Anne actief betrokken bij de uitgave van haar verhaaltjes.",
            "summary_en": "Otto Frank was actively involved in the publication of Anne's diary and her short stories.",
            "same_as": null,
            "parent": 396124643,
            "files": []
            "id": 396124612,
            "image": {
                "id": 1006,
                "uuid": "7b8219a0-f26c-4cbd-88ba-263604d50da1",
                "name": "Dagboekvertalingen",
                "title": "",
                "alt": "Fotograaf: Allard Bovenberg. Collectie: Anne Frank Stichting.",
                "url": "",
                "path": "",
                "filetype": "image",
                "description": "De eerste vertaling van het dagboek van Anne Frank verscheen in Duitsland in 1950, in hetzelfde jaar gevolgd door een Franse vertaling. In 1952 verschenen de eerste Britse en Amerikaanse edities.",
                "author": "De collectie kan worden ingezet voor publiek",
                "copyright": "AFS rechthebbende"
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "82631f2a-775a-491a-9108-54d4b94c9b1a",
            "name": "Otto Frank and the translations of Het Achterhuis",
            "name_nl": "Otto Frank en de vertalingen van 'Het Achterhuis'",
            "name_en": "Otto Frank and the translations of Het Achterhuis",
            "description": "<p>Otto Frank also wanted a German and English translation of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"dba33\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> As with the Dutch edition, he had to go to great lengths to interest foreign publishers. Only after the success of the French edition did this change. Otto Frank was closely involved in the translations and also in choosing the writers of the foreword.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>French translation</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Calmann-L&eacute;vy published <em>Le Journal d&#39;Anne Frank</em>, the first foreign edition of the diary, in <strong>March 1950</strong>. This translation was based on the first edition of <em>Het Achterhuis</em>&nbsp;published by Contact and had a foreword by Daniel-Rops.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ksrlf\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote to Gilles de Neve of Contact on <strong>27 January 1949</strong> that Calmann-L&eacute;vy had the manuscript. On <strong>7 March 1949</strong>, Otto Frank signed the contract with Editions Calman-L&eacute;vy. Within 18 months of signing, Calmann-L&eacute;vy had to publish the book, otherwise the rights would return to Otto Frank. On <strong>11 March 1950</strong>, the French edition had still not been published. On <strong>26 March 1950</strong>, De Neve thanked Otto Frank for sending him the French edition. According to Otto Frank, this translation by Tylia Caren and Suzanne Lombard was so successful because, as a Dutch Frenchwoman, Tylia Caren had a perfect command of Dutch and Suzanne Lombard was well versed in the language of French youth.<sup data-footnote-id=\"eubjv\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> This first French edition of the diary impressed Meyer Levin. He then worked on the English translation and became interested in the film rights.<sup data-footnote-id=\"jb64k\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> The success of the French edition meant that English and American publishers also became seriously interested.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hke7y\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>German translation</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank first translated excerpts of the stories and diary into German himself for his family in Basel:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote><em>&#39;Endlich komme ich dazu, den Anfang von Anne&rsquo;s Tagebuch in deutscher Uebersetzung zu senden und hoff, dass ich bald die Fortsetzung schicken kann. Da ich nur wenige exemplare habe muss das vorliegende weiter gegeben werden und ich f&uuml;ge eine Liste bei, wie ich mir den Weg denke. Es ist schwer, alles sinn- und stilgem&auml;ss in eine andere Sprache zu &uuml;bertragen, viel vom original geht verloren. Das ist nicht zu vermeiden und ich bitte jeden von Euch, evtl. Unklarheiten oder Sprachfehler zu notieren und mir mit zuteilen.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>In the winter of <strong>1945 - 1946</strong>, commissioned by Otto Frank, Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz began translating the diary into German. She did this on the basis of typescript II.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mdls3\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup> <strong>By summer 1947</strong>, the manuscript was at Paul Szolnay Verlag in Vienna.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qbg0b\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Otto Frank was in contact with Dr Fritz Landshoff, the director of the German-language department of Querido publishers, about publishing the diary. At the end of <strong>1948</strong>, this came to nothing.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hiojj\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup> Otto Frank approached several German publishers from late <strong>1948 </strong>to <strong>1950 </strong>including: Verlag Kurt Desch (Munich); Volk und Welt (Berlin); Rowohlt (Hamburg); Kiepenheuer Verlag (Berlin); Europa Express (Zurich); Limes Verlag (Wiesbaden); Societ&auml;ts Verlag (Frankfurt) and an unnamed publisher in Koblenz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qvd0s\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In searching for a publisher, he enlisted the help of the lawyer Max Cahn, a former classmate at the Lessing Grammar School&nbsp;and also his legal adviser E.D. Hirsch Ballin. Max Cahn in turn also enlisted the help of an old classmate, Walter Carstanjen, the chief editor of the <em>B&ouml;rssenblatt f&uuml;r den Deutschen Buchhandel</em>. He sent Otto Frank a list of possible publishers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"gzd5h\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup> One reason the German publishers rejected the diary was the crisis situation in the German book trade. As there had just been a money purge, no one dared to take a risk. Another reason was that the diary would not be literary enough and was therefore not suitable for the general German public.<sup data-footnote-id=\"59gfi\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>20 January 1950</strong>, Otto Frank met Lambert Schneider of the publishing house of the same name and gave him the German manuscript of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zjls0\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> On <strong>22 March 1950</strong>, Schneider responded positively and the contract was signed on <strong>25/28 July 1950</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"d84mz\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup> Otto Frank was closely involved in the final translation and publication of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0rof4\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup><em> Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> appeared in <strong>November 1950</strong> in an edition of 4,600 copies. The foreword was by Marie Baum. Previous candidates for the foreword were Herman Hesse (too ill) and Eugen Kogon.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uckgn\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup> Sales figures were relatively low.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank thought a wide distribution of the diary among German youth was very important. In his opinion, this was only possible with a cheaper edition.<sup data-footnote-id=\"19yu2\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup> In <strong>March 1955</strong>, the paperback edition of the <em>Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> was published (under licence from the Lambert Schneider Verlag) by the <em>Fischer B&uuml;cherei</em> (Frankfurt am Main und Hamburg) in an edition of 50,000 copies.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ah351\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup> The German translation by Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz had been revised by Maria Honeit, who corrected many errors and made the language use more &#39;natural&#39;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"rzogj\"><a href=\"#footnote-20\" id=\"footnote-marker-20-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[20]</a></sup> Within a month, 30,000 copies were sold. <sup data-footnote-id=\"lkuia\"><a href=\"#footnote-21\" id=\"footnote-marker-21-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[21]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Because the German-language editions were based on a fuller version of Typescript II than the first Dutch edition of Contact, questions were raised not only about the person Anne Frank but also about the authenticity of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"klnjo\"><a href=\"#footnote-22\" id=\"footnote-marker-22-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[22]</a></sup> Ernst Schnabel was therefore commissioned by the Fischer B&uuml;cherei to investigate the historicity of the character Anne Frank, which resulted in the book <em>Spur eines Kindes.</em> <sup data-footnote-id=\"e0ah7\"><a href=\"#footnote-23\" id=\"footnote-marker-23-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[23]</a></sup> The proceeds were earmarked for the Anne Frank Stipend, which aimed to give Israeli students the opportunity to study in Europe.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank also attached great importance to a cheap edition in East Germany. In <strong>1957</strong>, Union Verlag published the diary there. <sup data-footnote-id=\"a2ycn\"><a href=\"#footnote-24\" id=\"footnote-marker-24-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[24]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>English translation</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank had an English translation of the diary by Rosey Pool very early on. She, like Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz, was an acquaintance of Otto Frank and his family. With this translation, Otto approached English publishers. Rosey Pool began her translation at about the same time as Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> Pool had taught English to Edith Frank.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ajvis\"><a href=\"#footnote-25\" id=\"footnote-marker-25-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[25]</a></sup> Literary agent Robert Harben approached Otto Frank about publishing the diary in England, but several English publishers turned it down, including: Heineman Ltd, Gollancz; Allen &amp; Unwin; New Universal Encyclopedia; Falcon Press; Hamish Hamilton; Martin Secker.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ja79q\"><a href=\"#footnote-26\" id=\"footnote-marker-26-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[26]</a></sup> According to Harben, because the publishers and the public were averse to more books on war and resistance. <sup data-footnote-id=\"k3dkc\"><a href=\"#footnote-27\" id=\"footnote-marker-27-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[27]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn the United States, Otto Frank was also in contact with several publishers: Secker &amp; Warburg, Gollanz, Heineman, Allen &amp; Unwin, Mc Millan, Scribners, Siggewick &amp; Jackson, Doubleday Doran, Hutchinson, John Lehman, Viking Press, Vanguard Press, Warendorf, Simon &amp; Shuster, Appleton Century, Knopf, Schocken, Random House, Little Brown &amp; Company.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5j9v5\"><a href=\"#footnote-28\" id=\"footnote-marker-28-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[28]</a></sup> Due to the success of the French edition of the diary, the English publisher Vallentine Mitchell &amp; Company offered to publish the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"27vyt\"><a href=\"#footnote-29\" id=\"footnote-marker-29-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[29]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Because Rosey Pool&#39;s translation was not satisfactory, Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday was commissioned by Vallentine Mitchell to retranslate the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"kyp3w\"><a href=\"#footnote-30\" id=\"footnote-marker-30-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[30]</a></sup> Otto Frank kept in close contact with her about the translation and also had her translate some passages that were missing from the Dutch edition.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fots0\"><a href=\"#footnote-31\" id=\"footnote-marker-31-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[31]</a></sup> <em>The Diary of a Young Girl</em>, with a foreword by writer Margaret Storm Jameson, was released in England on <strong>30 April 1952.</strong> Reviews were good, but sales were disappointing.<sup data-footnote-id=\"tl1qt\"><a href=\"#footnote-32\" id=\"footnote-marker-32-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[32]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nLengthy negotiations between&nbsp;Otto Frank and Little, Brown and Company for the American edition of the diary stranded in&nbsp;<strong>March 1951</strong> due to disagreements over the translation, Canadian rights and film rights to the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup> Then Otto Frank quickly reached an agreement with US publisher Doubleday and Company.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup> Through the mediation of Nathan Straus, the foreword was written by Eleanor Roosevelt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"j1y9u\"><a href=\"#footnote-34\" id=\"footnote-marker-34-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[34]</a></sup> The diary was published in the United States on <strong>12 June 1952</strong> (Anne&#39;s birthday). After a wildly enthusiastic review by Meyer Levin in <em>The New York Times Book Review</em> of <strong>15 June 1952</strong>, the diary ranked sixth on the bestseller list in the United States five weeks after its publication.<sup data-footnote-id=\"go4rm\"><a href=\"#footnote-35\" id=\"footnote-marker-35-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[35]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"dba33\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFS), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945 (&#39;&hellip; unbedingt ver&ouml;ffentlichen, ein ganz grosses Werk! Iht kont Euch nicht vorstellen, was da allen drin steht, ich kann leider vorerst nichts &uuml;bersetzen, aber es wird kommen und es wird auch in Deutsch heraus gegeben werden und in english&#39;.<em>)</em></cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ksrlf\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact, .januari 1949 -maart 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eubjv\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_159: Otto Frank aan Meyer Levin, 29 september 1959; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 21 november 1950 (over de Engelse vertaling). Zie ook: Myriam de Veth, &#39;<a href=\"\">Tylia, een onvoltooid portret</a>&#39;, in: <em>Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen</em>, 23 (2016) 4, p, 32-38.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"jb64k\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_159: Correspondentie van Meyer Levin met Otto Frank, september 1950, waarin Levin zegt het dagboek (gratis) te willen vertalen. Hij informeert over Engelse en Amerikaanse rechten voor het dagboek en ook naar de mogelijkheden van een verfilming.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hke7y\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 10 oktober1950, 22 november 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Otto Frank aan meine Lieben, klad zonder datum; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Otto Frank aan Milly Stanfield, 16 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mdls3\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gesprek met mevr. R.E. Mengelberg-Draber. In november 1945 vertaalde Anneliese Schutz al <em>Blurry der Weltentdekker, eine B&auml;rengeschichte</em> in opdracht van Otto Frank voor zijn familie in Bazel. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qbg0b\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA124: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Robert Harben, september 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hiojj\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC. reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Gilles de Neve/Uitgeverij Contact, 27 januari 1949.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qvd0s\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Correspondentie 1948-1955.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gzd5h\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124, Correspondentie, maart 1949.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"59gfi\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noten 10 en 11.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zjls0\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_125: Otto Frank aan aan Lambert Schneider, 20 maart 1950. In deze brief herinnert hij Schneider aan zijn bezoek op 20 januari 1950 en overhandiging van het manuscript.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"d84mz\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Lambert Schneider aan Otto Frank, 22 maart 1950; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Contract Lambert Schneider, Hamburg met Otto Frank, 25/28 juli 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0rof4\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met de uitgeverij van Lambert Schneider, oktober 1950. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uckgn\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 212c, Anne Frank, inv. no. 5d: Landgericht L&uuml;beck, procesdossier Stielau/ Buddeberg, p. 6.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"19yu2\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Otto Frank aan S. Ficher Verlag, 8 mei 1954. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ah351\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer B&uuml;cherei aan Otto Frank, 28 februari 1955.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"rzogj\" id=\"footnote-20\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-20-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer Verlag (Christian Wegner) aan Otto Frank, 3 juli 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"lkuia\" id=\"footnote-21\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-21-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer B&uuml;cherei aan Otto Frank, 7 april 1957.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"klnjo\" id=\"footnote-22\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-22-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noot 17;&nbsp;NIOD (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. duk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 81-83:&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact kortt de tekst in door een aantal passages te schrappen, voerde redactionele veranderingen door en liet seksueel&nbsp;getinte&nbsp;fragmenten weg. Dit gebeurde met instemming van Otto Frank. In de Duitse vertaling van Annelise Sch&uuml;tz werden deze passages grotendeels gehandhaafd.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"e0ah7\" id=\"footnote-23\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-23-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Ernst Schnabel, <em>Anne Frank, Spur eines Kindes: ein Bericht</em>, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer B&uuml;cherei, 1958.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"a2ycn\" id=\"footnote-24\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-24-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Otto Frank aan Lambert Schneider, 16 november 1956. Zie voor de DDR-uitgave van het dagboek, het archief Union Verlag (AFS, AFC, reg. code B_dagboek_I_008).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ajvis\" id=\"footnote-25\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-25-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132, Brief Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchel and&nbsp;Co, 22 november 1950. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ja79q\" id=\"footnote-26\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-26-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA 132 : Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Robert Harben, september 1947 - augustus 1948. Otto Frank kende Robert Harben van vroeger van diens &lsquo;leesbibliotheek&rsquo; in de buurt van het Merwedeplein waar hij met zijn vrouw Edith kwam.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"k3dkc\" id=\"footnote-27\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-27-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Robert Harben aan Otto Frank, 7 augustus 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5j9v5\" id=\"footnote-28\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-28-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_150: Otto Frank aan Meyer Levin, 25 september 1950. Heel veel vrienden en relaties zijn hem hierbij behulpzaam: Walter en Julius Holl&auml;nder, Nathan Straus, Dola de Jong, Miriam Blumenthal, Annetje Reens, Meyer Levin.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"27vyt\" id=\"footnote-29\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-29-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchel and Co. (de heer Japp) aan Otto Frank, 10 oktober 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kyp3w\" id=\"footnote-30\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-30-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 22 november 1950, AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchell and Co. aan Otto Frank, 8 maart 1951.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fots0\" id=\"footnote-31\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-31-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday, 1951.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"tl1qt\" id=\"footnote-32\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-32-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchell and Co. (Japp) aan Otto Frank, 29 mei 1952.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\" id=\"footnote-33\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 12 april 1951. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"j1y9u\" id=\"footnote-34\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-34-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noot 33. Voor meer over het voorwoord door Eleanor Roosevelt, zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_ 154, OFA_172 en OFA_132.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"go4rm\" id=\"footnote-35\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-35-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co. (Japp), 19 juli 1952. Meyer Levin, &quot;The child behind ther secret door&quot;, in: <em>The New York Times Book Review</em>, 15 juni 1952.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_nl": "<p>Otto Frank wilde ook een Duitse en Engelse vertaling van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"dba33\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup>&nbsp;Net als bij de Nederlandse uitgave moest hij veel moeite doen om buitenlandse uitgevers te interesseren. Pas na het succes van de Franse uitgave veranderde dat. Otto Frank was&nbsp;nauw betrokken&nbsp;bij de vertalingen en ook bij de keuze voor de schrijvers van het&nbsp;voorwoord.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>Franse vertaling</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Bij Calmann-L&eacute;vy verscheen&nbsp;in <strong>maart&nbsp;1950</strong> <em>Le Journal d&rsquo;Anne Frank</em>, de eerste buitenlandse uitgave van het dagboek. Deze vertaling was&nbsp;gebaseerd op de eerste uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis</em> bij Contact en had&nbsp;een voorwoord van Daniel-Rops.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ksrlf\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank schreef&nbsp;op <strong>27 januari 1949</strong> aan Gilles de Neve van Contact dat Calmann-L&eacute;vy het manuscript in handen had. Op <strong>7 maart 1949</strong> ondertekende&nbsp;Otto Frank het contract met Editions Calman-L&eacute;vy. Binnen achttien maanden na ondertekening zou&nbsp;Calmann-L&eacute;vy het boek uitgeven, anders vielen&nbsp;de rechten terug aan Otto Frank. Op <strong>11 maart 1950</strong> was&nbsp;de Franse editie nog steeds niet verschenen. Op <strong>26 maart 1950</strong> bedankte de Neve Otto Frank voor toezending van de Franse uitgave.&nbsp;Volgens Otto Frank was&nbsp;deze vertaling door&nbsp;Tylia Caren en Suzanne Lombard zo&nbsp;geslaagd omdat Tylia Caren als Nederlandse fran&ccedil;aise&nbsp;het Nederlands perfect beheerste en Suzanne Lombard&nbsp;de taal van de Franse jeugd goed eigen was.<sup data-footnote-id=\"a5hu7\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup>&nbsp;Deze eerste Franse editie van het dagboek maakte indruk op Meyer Levin. Hij&nbsp;beijverde zich vervolgens voor de Engelse vertaling en raakte ge&iuml;nteresseerd&nbsp;in de filmrechten.<sup data-footnote-id=\"jb64k\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup>&nbsp;Het succes van de Franse uitgave zorgde&nbsp;ervoor dat ook Engelse en Amerikaanse uitgevers serieus ge&iuml;nteresseerd raakten.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hke7y\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>Duitse vertaling</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank vertaalde&nbsp;eerst zelf fragmenten van de verhaaltjes en het dagboek in het Duits voor zijn familie in Bazel:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote><em>&#39;Endlich komme ich dazu, den Anfang von Anne&rsquo;s Tagebuch in deutscher Uebersetzung zu senden und hoff, dass ich bald die Fortsetzung schicken kann. Da ich nur wenige exemplare habe muss das vorliegende weiter gegeben werden und ich f&uuml;ge eine Liste bei, wie ich mir den Weg denke. Es ist schwer, alles sinn- und stilgem&auml;ss in eine andere Sprache zu &uuml;bertragen, viel vom original geht verloren. Das ist nicht zu vermeiden und ich bitte jeden von Euch, evtl. Unklarheiten oder Sprachfehler zu notieren und mir mit zuteilen.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>In de winter van <strong>1945 &ndash; 1946</strong> begon&nbsp;Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz, in opdracht van Otto Frank met de vertaling van het dagboek in het Duits. Zij deed dit op basis van typescript II.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mdls3\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup> <strong>Zomer 1947</strong> lag&nbsp;het manuscript bij Paul Szolnay Verlag in Wenen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qbg0b\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank had&nbsp;contact met Dr. Fritz Landshoff, de directeur van de Duitstalige afdeling van uitgeverij Querido over de uitgave van het dagboek. Eind <strong>1948</strong> liep&nbsp;dit op niets uit.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hiojj\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank benaderde&nbsp;verschillende Duitse uitgevers van eind <strong>1948 </strong>tot&nbsp;<strong>1950 </strong>waaronder:&nbsp;Verlag Kurt Desch (M&uuml;nchen);&nbsp;Volk und Welt (Berlijn);&nbsp;Rowohlt (Hamburg);&nbsp;Kiepenheuer Verlag (Berlijn);&nbsp;Europa Express (Z&uuml;rich); Limes Verlag (Wiesbaden);&nbsp;Societ&auml;ts Verlag (Frankfurt) en een&nbsp;niet nader genoemde uitgeverij in Koblenz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qvd0s\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Bij het zoeken naar een uitgever schakelde&nbsp;hij de hulp in van de advocaat Max Cahn, een vroegere klasgenoot van het Lessing Gymnasium&nbsp;en ook van zijn juridisch adviseur E.D. Hirsch Ballin. Max Cahn schakelde op zijn beurt ook een oude klasgenoot in, Walter Carstanjen, de chef-redacteur van het <em>B&ouml;rssenblatt f&uuml;r den Deutschen Buchhandel</em>. Hij stuurde&nbsp;Otto Frank een lijst toe met mogelijke uitgevers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"gzd5h\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup>&nbsp;Een reden&nbsp;waarom de Duitse uitgevers het dagboek afwezen was&nbsp;de crisissituatie in de Duitse boekhandel. Omdat er net een geldzuivering was&nbsp;geweest, durfde&nbsp;niemand risico te nemen. Een andere reden was&nbsp;dat het dagboek niet literair genoeg zou zijn en daarom niet geschikt was&nbsp;voor het grote Duitse publiek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"59gfi\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Op <strong>20 januari 1950</strong> ontmoette Otto Frank Lambert Schneider van de gelijknamige uitgeverij en gaf hem&nbsp;het Duitse manuscript van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zjls0\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup>&nbsp;Op <strong>22 maart 1950</strong> reageerde&nbsp;Schneider positief en op <strong>25/28 juli 1950</strong> werd&nbsp;het contract getekend.<sup data-footnote-id=\"d84mz\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank was&nbsp;nauw betrokken bij&nbsp;de uiteindelijke vertaling en uitgave van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0rof4\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup><em>&nbsp;Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> verscheen&nbsp;in <strong>november 1950</strong> in een oplage van 4.600 exemplaren.&nbsp;Het voorwoord was&nbsp;van Marie Baum. Eerdere kandidaten voor het voorwoord waren&nbsp;Herman Hesse (te ziek) en Eugen Kogon.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uckgn\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup>&nbsp;De verkoopcijfers waren relatief laag.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank vond&nbsp;een grote verspreiding van het dagboek onder de Duitse jeugd erg belangrijk. Dat was&nbsp;volgens hem alleen mogelijk bij een goedkopere uitgave.<sup data-footnote-id=\"19yu2\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup>&nbsp;In <strong>maart 1955</strong> verscheen&nbsp;(in licentie van het Lambert Schneider Verlag) de pocketuitgave van het <em>Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> bij de <em>Fischer B&uuml;cherei</em> (Frankfurt am Main und Hamburg) in een oplage van 50.000 exemplaren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ah351\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup>&nbsp;De Duitse vertaling van Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz was herzien door Maria Honeit die veel&nbsp;fouten verbeterde&nbsp;en het taalgebruik &#39;natuurlijker&#39; maakte.<sup data-footnote-id=\"rzogj\"><a href=\"#footnote-20\" id=\"footnote-marker-20-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[20]</a></sup>Binnen een maand werden 30 000 exemplaren verkocht. <sup data-footnote-id=\"lkuia\"><a href=\"#footnote-21\" id=\"footnote-marker-21-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[21]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Omdat de Duitstalige uitgaven waren&nbsp;gebaseerd op een vollediger versie van Typescript II&nbsp;dan de eerste Nederlandse editie van Contact,&nbsp;werden er behalve over de persoon Anne Frank ook vragen gesteld over de authenticiteit van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"klnjo\"><a href=\"#footnote-22\" id=\"footnote-marker-22-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[22]</a></sup>&nbsp;Ernst Schnabel kreeg&nbsp;daarom opdracht van de Fischer B&uuml;cherei om de historiciteit van het personage Anne Frank te onderzoeken, wat resulteerde&nbsp;in het boek&nbsp;<em>Spur eines Kindes.</em> <sup data-footnote-id=\"e0ah7\"><a href=\"#footnote-23\" id=\"footnote-marker-23-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[23]</a></sup>&nbsp;De opbrengsten waren&nbsp;bestemd voor het Anne Frank Stipendium dat Isra&euml;lische studenten de gelegenheid moest geven in Europa te studeren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank hechtte ook veel waarde aan een goedkope uitgave in Oost Duitsland. In&nbsp;<strong>1957</strong>&nbsp;verscheen daar het dagboek daar bij Union Verlag.&nbsp;<sup data-footnote-id=\"a2ycn\"><a href=\"#footnote-24\" id=\"footnote-marker-24-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[24]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>Engelse vertaling</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank beschikte al vroeg over een Engelse vertaling van het dagboek door Rosey Pool. Zij was&nbsp;net als Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz een bekende van Otto Frank en zijn gezin. Met deze vertaling benaderde&nbsp;Otto Engelse uitgevers. Rosey Pool begon ongeveer tegelijk met Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz aan haar vertaling.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup>&nbsp;Pool had Engelse les gegeven aan Edith Frank.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ajvis\"><a href=\"#footnote-25\" id=\"footnote-marker-25-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[25]</a></sup>&nbsp;Literair agent Robert Harben benaderde&nbsp;Otto Frank voor de uitgave van het dagboek in Engeland, maar verschillende Engelse uitgevers wezen het af, zoals:&nbsp;Heineman Ltd., Gollancz;&nbsp;Allen &amp; Unwin;&nbsp;New Universal Encyclopedia;&nbsp;Falcon Press;&nbsp;Hamish Hamilton;&nbsp;Martin Secker.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ja79q\"><a href=\"#footnote-26\" id=\"footnote-marker-26-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[26]</a></sup>&nbsp;Volgens Harben omdat de uitgevers en het publiek afkerig stonden&nbsp;tegenover nog meer&nbsp;boeken over oorlog en verzet.&nbsp;<sup data-footnote-id=\"k3dkc\"><a href=\"#footnote-27\" id=\"footnote-marker-27-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[27]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn de Verenigde Staten had&nbsp;Otto Frank ook contact met diverse uitgevers: Secker &amp; Warburg, Gollanz, Heineman, Allen &amp; Unwit, Mc Millan, Scribners, Siggewick &amp; Jackson, Doubleday Doran, Hutchinson, John Lehman, Viking Press, Vanguard Press, Warendorf, Simon &amp; Shuster, Appleton Century, Knopf, Schocken, Random House, Little Brown &amp; Company.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5j9v5\"><a href=\"#footnote-28\" id=\"footnote-marker-28-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[28]</a></sup>&nbsp;Door het succes van de Franse uitgave van het dagboek bood&nbsp;de Engelse uitgever Vallentine Mitchell &amp; Company zich aan het dagboek uit te geven.<sup data-footnote-id=\"27vyt\"><a href=\"#footnote-29\" id=\"footnote-marker-29-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[29]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Omdat de vertaling van Rosey Pool niet voldeed, kreeg&nbsp;Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday de opdracht van Vallentine Mitchell het dagboek opnieuw te vertalen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"kyp3w\"><a href=\"#footnote-30\" id=\"footnote-marker-30-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[30]</a></sup>&nbsp;Otto Frank hield&nbsp;nauw contact met haar over de vertaling en liet&nbsp;haar ook een aantal passages vertalen die in de Nederlandse editie ontbraken.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fots0\"><a href=\"#footnote-31\" id=\"footnote-marker-31-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[31]</a></sup>&nbsp;<em>The Diary of a young girl</em>, met een voorwoord van schrijfster Margaret Storm Jameson, kwam&nbsp;in Engeland uit op <strong>30 april 1952.</strong> De besprekingen waren&nbsp;goed, maar de verkoopcijfers stelden teleur.<sup data-footnote-id=\"tl1qt\"><a href=\"#footnote-32\" id=\"footnote-marker-32-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[32]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nLangdurige onderhandelingen van Otto Frank met Little, Brown and Company over de Amerikaanse uitgave van het dagboek strandden <strong>maart 1951</strong> door onenigheid over de vertaling, de Canadese rechten en de filmrechten van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup>&nbsp;Daarna werd&nbsp;Otto Frank het snel eens met de Amerikaanse uitgeverij Doubleday and Company.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup>&nbsp;Door bemiddeling van Nathan Straus werd&nbsp;het voorwoord geschreven door Eleanor Roosevelt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"j1y9u\"><a href=\"#footnote-34\" id=\"footnote-marker-34-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[34]</a></sup>&nbsp;Het dagboek verscheen&nbsp;op <strong>12 juni 1952</strong>&nbsp;(Annes geboortedag) in de Verenigde Staten. Na een laaiend enthousiaste recensie van Meyer Levin in <em>The New York Times Book Review</em> van&nbsp;<strong>15 juni 1952</strong>&nbsp;stond&nbsp;het dagboek vijf weken na verschijnen op de zesde plaats van de bestsellerlijst in de Verenigde staten.<sup data-footnote-id=\"go4rm\"><a href=\"#footnote-35\" id=\"footnote-marker-35-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[35]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"dba33\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFS), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945 (&#39;&hellip; unbedingt ver&ouml;ffentlichen, ein ganz grosses Werk! Iht kont Euch nicht vorstellen, was da allen drin steht, ich kann leider vorerst nichts &uuml;bersetzen, aber es wird kommen und es wird auch in Deutsch heraus gegeben werden und in english&#39;.<em>)</em></cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ksrlf\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact, .januari 1949 -maart 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"a5hu7\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_159: Otto Frank aan Meyer Levin, 29 september 1959; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 21 november 1950 (over de Engelse vertaling). Zie ook: Myriam de Veth, &#39;<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Tylia, een onvoltooid portret</a>&#39;, in: <em>Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen</em>, 23 (2016) 4, p, 32-38.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"jb64k\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_159: Correspondentie van Meyer Levin met Otto Frank, september 1950, waarin Levin zegt het dagboek (gratis) te willen vertalen. Hij informeert over Engelse en Amerikaanse rechten voor het dagboek en ook naar de mogelijkheden van een verfilming.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hke7y\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 10 oktober1950, 22 november 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Otto Frank aan meine Lieben, klad zonder datum; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Otto Frank aan Milly Stanfield, 16 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mdls3\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gesprek met mevr. R.E. Mengelberg-Draber. In november 1945 vertaalde Anneliese Schutz al <em>Blurry der Weltentdekker, eine B&auml;rengeschichte</em> in opdracht van Otto Frank voor zijn familie in Bazel. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qbg0b\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA124: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Robert Harben, september 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hiojj\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC. reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Gilles de Neve/Uitgeverij Contact, 27 januari 1949.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qvd0s\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Correspondentie 1948-1955.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gzd5h\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124, Correspondentie, maart 1949.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"59gfi\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noten 10 en 11.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zjls0\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_125: Otto Frank aan aan Lambert Schneider, 20 maart 1950. In deze brief herinnert hij Schneider aan zijn bezoek op 20 januari 1950 en overhandiging van het manuscript.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"d84mz\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Lambert Schneider aan Otto Frank, 22 maart 1950; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Contract Lambert Schneider, Hamburg met Otto Frank, 25/28 juli 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0rof4\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met de uitgeverij van Lambert Schneider, oktober 1950. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uckgn\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 212c, Anne Frank, inv. no. 5d: Landgericht L&uuml;beck, procesdossier Stielau/ Buddeberg, p. 6.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"19yu2\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Otto Frank aan S. Ficher Verlag, 8 mei 1954. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ah351\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer B&uuml;cherei aan Otto Frank, 28 februari 1955.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"rzogj\" id=\"footnote-20\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-20-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer Verlag (Christian Wegner) aan Otto Frank, 3 juli 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"lkuia\" id=\"footnote-21\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-21-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer B&uuml;cherei aan Otto Frank, 7 april 1957.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"klnjo\" id=\"footnote-22\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-22-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noot 17;&nbsp;NIOD (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. duk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 81-83:&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact kortt de tekst in door een aantal passages te schrappen, voerde redactionele veranderingen door en liet seksueel&nbsp;getinte&nbsp;fragmenten weg. Dit gebeurde met instemming van Otto Frank. In de Duitse vertaling van Annelise Sch&uuml;tz werden deze passages grotendeels gehandhaafd.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"e0ah7\" id=\"footnote-23\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-23-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Ernst Schnabel, <em>Anne Frank, Spur eines Kindes: ein Bericht</em>, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer B&uuml;cherei, 1958.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"a2ycn\" id=\"footnote-24\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-24-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Otto Frank aan Lambert Schneider, 16 november 1956. Zie voor de DDR-uitgave van het dagboek, het archief Union Verlag (AFS, AFC, reg. code B_dagboek_I_008).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ajvis\" id=\"footnote-25\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-25-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132, Brief Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchel and&nbsp;Co, 22 november 1950. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ja79q\" id=\"footnote-26\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-26-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA 132 : Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Robert Harben, september 1947 - augustus 1948. Otto Frank kende Robert Harben van vroeger van diens &lsquo;leesbibliotheek&rsquo; in de buurt van het Merwedeplein waar hij met zijn vrouw Edith kwam.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"k3dkc\" id=\"footnote-27\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-27-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Robert Harben aan Otto Frank, 7 augustus 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5j9v5\" id=\"footnote-28\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-28-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_150: Otto Frank aan Meyer Levin, 25 september 1950. Heel veel vrienden en relaties zijn hem hierbij behulpzaam: Walter en Julius Holl&auml;nder, Nathan Straus, Dola de Jong, Miriam Blumenthal, Annetje Reens, Meyer Levin.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"27vyt\" id=\"footnote-29\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-29-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchel and Co. (de heer Japp) aan Otto Frank, 10 oktober 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kyp3w\" id=\"footnote-30\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-30-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 22 november 1950, AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchell and Co. aan Otto Frank, 8 maart 1951.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fots0\" id=\"footnote-31\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-31-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday, 1951.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"tl1qt\" id=\"footnote-32\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-32-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchell and Co. (Japp) aan Otto Frank, 29 mei 1952.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\" id=\"footnote-33\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 12 april 1951. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"j1y9u\" id=\"footnote-34\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-34-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noot 33. Voor meer over het voorwoord door Eleanor Roosevelt, zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_ 154, OFA_172 en OFA_132.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"go4rm\" id=\"footnote-35\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-35-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co. (Japp), 19 juli 1952. Meyer Levin, &quot;The child behind ther secret door&quot;, in: <em>The New York Times Book Review</em>, 15 juni 1952.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_en": "<p>Otto Frank also wanted a German and English translation of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"dba33\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup> As with the Dutch edition, he had to go to great lengths to interest foreign publishers. Only after the success of the French edition did this change. Otto Frank was closely involved in the translations and also in choosing the writers of the foreword.</p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>French translation</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Calmann-L&eacute;vy published <em>Le Journal d&#39;Anne Frank</em>, the first foreign edition of the diary, in <strong>March 1950</strong>. This translation was based on the first edition of <em>Het Achterhuis</em>&nbsp;published by Contact and had a foreword by Daniel-Rops.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ksrlf\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Otto Frank wrote to Gilles de Neve of Contact on <strong>27 January 1949</strong> that Calmann-L&eacute;vy had the manuscript. On <strong>7 March 1949</strong>, Otto Frank signed the contract with Editions Calman-L&eacute;vy. Within 18 months of signing, Calmann-L&eacute;vy had to publish the book, otherwise the rights would return to Otto Frank. On <strong>11 March 1950</strong>, the French edition had still not been published. On <strong>26 March 1950</strong>, De Neve thanked Otto Frank for sending him the French edition. According to Otto Frank, this translation by Tylia Caren and Suzanne Lombard was so successful because, as a Dutch Frenchwoman, Tylia Caren had a perfect command of Dutch and Suzanne Lombard was well versed in the language of French youth.<sup data-footnote-id=\"eubjv\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup> This first French edition of the diary impressed Meyer Levin. He then worked on the English translation and became interested in the film rights.<sup data-footnote-id=\"jb64k\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> The success of the French edition meant that English and American publishers also became seriously interested.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hke7y\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>German translation</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank first translated excerpts of the stories and diary into German himself for his family in Basel:</p>\r\n\r\n<blockquote><em>&#39;Endlich komme ich dazu, den Anfang von Anne&rsquo;s Tagebuch in deutscher Uebersetzung zu senden und hoff, dass ich bald die Fortsetzung schicken kann. Da ich nur wenige exemplare habe muss das vorliegende weiter gegeben werden und ich f&uuml;ge eine Liste bei, wie ich mir den Weg denke. Es ist schwer, alles sinn- und stilgem&auml;ss in eine andere Sprache zu &uuml;bertragen, viel vom original geht verloren. Das ist nicht zu vermeiden und ich bitte jeden von Euch, evtl. Unklarheiten oder Sprachfehler zu notieren und mir mit zuteilen.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup></blockquote>\r\n\r\n<p>In the winter of <strong>1945 - 1946</strong>, commissioned by Otto Frank, Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz began translating the diary into German. She did this on the basis of typescript II.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mdls3\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup> <strong>By summer 1947</strong>, the manuscript was at Paul Szolnay Verlag in Vienna.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qbg0b\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Otto Frank was in contact with Dr Fritz Landshoff, the director of the German-language department of Querido publishers, about publishing the diary. At the end of <strong>1948</strong>, this came to nothing.<sup data-footnote-id=\"hiojj\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup> Otto Frank approached several German publishers from late <strong>1948 </strong>to <strong>1950 </strong>including: Verlag Kurt Desch (Munich); Volk und Welt (Berlin); Rowohlt (Hamburg); Kiepenheuer Verlag (Berlin); Europa Express (Zurich); Limes Verlag (Wiesbaden); Societ&auml;ts Verlag (Frankfurt) and an unnamed publisher in Koblenz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"qvd0s\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In searching for a publisher, he enlisted the help of the lawyer Max Cahn, a former classmate at the Lessing Grammar School&nbsp;and also his legal adviser E.D. Hirsch Ballin. Max Cahn in turn also enlisted the help of an old classmate, Walter Carstanjen, the chief editor of the <em>B&ouml;rssenblatt f&uuml;r den Deutschen Buchhandel</em>. He sent Otto Frank a list of possible publishers.<sup data-footnote-id=\"gzd5h\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup> One reason the German publishers rejected the diary was the crisis situation in the German book trade. As there had just been a money purge, no one dared to take a risk. Another reason was that the diary would not be literary enough and was therefore not suitable for the general German public.<sup data-footnote-id=\"59gfi\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>20 January 1950</strong>, Otto Frank met Lambert Schneider of the publishing house of the same name and gave him the German manuscript of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zjls0\"><a href=\"#footnote-13\" id=\"footnote-marker-13-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[13]</a></sup> On <strong>22 March 1950</strong>, Schneider responded positively and the contract was signed on <strong>25/28 July 1950</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"d84mz\"><a href=\"#footnote-14\" id=\"footnote-marker-14-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[14]</a></sup> Otto Frank was closely involved in the final translation and publication of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0rof4\"><a href=\"#footnote-15\" id=\"footnote-marker-15-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[15]</a></sup><em> Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> appeared in <strong>November 1950</strong> in an edition of 4,600 copies. The foreword was by Marie Baum. Previous candidates for the foreword were Herman Hesse (too ill) and Eugen Kogon.<sup data-footnote-id=\"uckgn\"><a href=\"#footnote-16\" id=\"footnote-marker-16-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[16]</a></sup> Sales figures were relatively low.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank thought a wide distribution of the diary among German youth was very important. In his opinion, this was only possible with a cheaper edition.<sup data-footnote-id=\"19yu2\"><a href=\"#footnote-18\" id=\"footnote-marker-18-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[18]</a></sup> In <strong>March 1955</strong>, the paperback edition of the <em>Tagebuch der Anne Frank</em> was published (under licence from the Lambert Schneider Verlag) by the <em>Fischer B&uuml;cherei</em> (Frankfurt am Main und Hamburg) in an edition of 50,000 copies.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ah351\"><a href=\"#footnote-19\" id=\"footnote-marker-19-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[19]</a></sup> The German translation by Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz had been revised by Maria Honeit, who corrected many errors and made the language use more &#39;natural&#39;.<sup data-footnote-id=\"rzogj\"><a href=\"#footnote-20\" id=\"footnote-marker-20-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[20]</a></sup> Within a month, 30,000 copies were sold. <sup data-footnote-id=\"lkuia\"><a href=\"#footnote-21\" id=\"footnote-marker-21-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[21]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Because the German-language editions were based on a fuller version of Typescript II than the first Dutch edition of Contact, questions were raised not only about the person Anne Frank but also about the authenticity of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"klnjo\"><a href=\"#footnote-22\" id=\"footnote-marker-22-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[22]</a></sup> Ernst Schnabel was therefore commissioned by the Fischer B&uuml;cherei to investigate the historicity of the character Anne Frank, which resulted in the book <em>Spur eines Kindes.</em> <sup data-footnote-id=\"e0ah7\"><a href=\"#footnote-23\" id=\"footnote-marker-23-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[23]</a></sup> The proceeds were earmarked for the Anne Frank Stipend, which aimed to give Israeli students the opportunity to study in Europe.<sup data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\"><a href=\"#footnote-17\" id=\"footnote-marker-17-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[17]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank also attached great importance to a cheap edition in East Germany. In <strong>1957</strong>, Union Verlag published the diary there. <sup data-footnote-id=\"a2ycn\"><a href=\"#footnote-24\" id=\"footnote-marker-24-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[24]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>English translation</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>Otto Frank had an English translation of the diary by Rosey Pool very early on. She, like Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz, was an acquaintance of Otto Frank and his family. With this translation, Otto approached English publishers. Rosey Pool began her translation at about the same time as Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> Pool had taught English to Edith Frank.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ajvis\"><a href=\"#footnote-25\" id=\"footnote-marker-25-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[25]</a></sup> Literary agent Robert Harben approached Otto Frank about publishing the diary in England, but several English publishers turned it down, including: Heineman Ltd, Gollancz; Allen &amp; Unwin; New Universal Encyclopedia; Falcon Press; Hamish Hamilton; Martin Secker.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ja79q\"><a href=\"#footnote-26\" id=\"footnote-marker-26-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[26]</a></sup> According to Harben, because the publishers and the public were averse to more books on war and resistance. <sup data-footnote-id=\"k3dkc\"><a href=\"#footnote-27\" id=\"footnote-marker-27-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[27]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn the United States, Otto Frank was also in contact with several publishers: Secker &amp; Warburg, Gollanz, Heineman, Allen &amp; Unwin, Mc Millan, Scribners, Siggewick &amp; Jackson, Doubleday Doran, Hutchinson, John Lehman, Viking Press, Vanguard Press, Warendorf, Simon &amp; Shuster, Appleton Century, Knopf, Schocken, Random House, Little Brown &amp; Company.<sup data-footnote-id=\"5j9v5\"><a href=\"#footnote-28\" id=\"footnote-marker-28-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[28]</a></sup> Due to the success of the French edition of the diary, the English publisher Vallentine Mitchell &amp; Company offered to publish the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"27vyt\"><a href=\"#footnote-29\" id=\"footnote-marker-29-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[29]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Because Rosey Pool&#39;s translation was not satisfactory, Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday was commissioned by Vallentine Mitchell to retranslate the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"kyp3w\"><a href=\"#footnote-30\" id=\"footnote-marker-30-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[30]</a></sup> Otto Frank kept in close contact with her about the translation and also had her translate some passages that were missing from the Dutch edition.<sup data-footnote-id=\"fots0\"><a href=\"#footnote-31\" id=\"footnote-marker-31-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[31]</a></sup> <em>The Diary of a Young Girl</em>, with a foreword by writer Margaret Storm Jameson, was released in England on <strong>30 April 1952.</strong> Reviews were good, but sales were disappointing.<sup data-footnote-id=\"tl1qt\"><a href=\"#footnote-32\" id=\"footnote-marker-32-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[32]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nLengthy negotiations between&nbsp;Otto Frank and Little, Brown and Company for the American edition of the diary stranded in&nbsp;<strong>March 1951</strong> due to disagreements over the translation, Canadian rights and film rights to the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup> Then Otto Frank quickly reached an agreement with US publisher Doubleday and Company.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\"><a href=\"#footnote-33\" id=\"footnote-marker-33-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[33]</a></sup> Through the mediation of Nathan Straus, the foreword was written by Eleanor Roosevelt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"j1y9u\"><a href=\"#footnote-34\" id=\"footnote-marker-34-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[34]</a></sup> The diary was published in the United States on <strong>12 June 1952</strong> (Anne&#39;s birthday). After a wildly enthusiastic review by Meyer Levin in <em>The New York Times Book Review</em> of <strong>15 June 1952</strong>, the diary ranked sixth on the bestseller list in the United States five weeks after its publication.<sup data-footnote-id=\"go4rm\"><a href=\"#footnote-35\" id=\"footnote-marker-35-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[35]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"dba33\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFS), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945 (&#39;&hellip; unbedingt ver&ouml;ffentlichen, ein ganz grosses Werk! Iht kont Euch nicht vorstellen, was da allen drin steht, ich kann leider vorerst nichts &uuml;bersetzen, aber es wird kommen und es wird auch in Deutsch heraus gegeben werden und in english&#39;.<em>)</em></cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ksrlf\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact, .januari 1949 -maart 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"eubjv\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_159: Otto Frank aan Meyer Levin, 29 september 1959; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 21 november 1950 (over de Engelse vertaling). Zie ook: Myriam de Veth, &#39;<a href=\"\">Tylia, een onvoltooid portret</a>&#39;, in: <em>Filter, tijdschrift over vertalen</em>, 23 (2016) 4, p, 32-38.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"jb64k\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_159: Correspondentie van Meyer Levin met Otto Frank, september 1950, waarin Levin zegt het dagboek (gratis) te willen vertalen. Hij informeert over Engelse en Amerikaanse rechten voor het dagboek en ook naar de mogelijkheden van een verfilming.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hke7y\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 10 oktober1950, 22 november 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ccni3\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Otto Frank aan meine Lieben, klad zonder datum; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Otto Frank aan Milly Stanfield, 16 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mdls3\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gesprek met mevr. R.E. Mengelberg-Draber. In november 1945 vertaalde Anneliese Schutz al <em>Blurry der Weltentdekker, eine B&auml;rengeschichte</em> in opdracht van Otto Frank voor zijn familie in Bazel. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qbg0b\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA124: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Robert Harben, september 1947.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"hiojj\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC. reg. code OFA_090: Otto Frank aan Gilles de Neve/Uitgeverij Contact, 27 januari 1949.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"qvd0s\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Correspondentie 1948-1955.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gzd5h\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124, Correspondentie, maart 1949.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"59gfi\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noten 10 en 11.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zjls0\" id=\"footnote-13\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-13-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_125: Otto Frank aan aan Lambert Schneider, 20 maart 1950. In deze brief herinnert hij Schneider aan zijn bezoek op 20 januari 1950 en overhandiging van het manuscript.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"d84mz\" id=\"footnote-14\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-14-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Lambert Schneider aan Otto Frank, 22 maart 1950; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Contract Lambert Schneider, Hamburg met Otto Frank, 25/28 juli 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0rof4\" id=\"footnote-15\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-15-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met de uitgeverij van Lambert Schneider, oktober 1950. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"uckgn\" id=\"footnote-16\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-16-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"h7nl7\" id=\"footnote-17\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-17-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 212c, Anne Frank, inv. no. 5d: Landgericht L&uuml;beck, procesdossier Stielau/ Buddeberg, p. 6.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"19yu2\" id=\"footnote-18\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-18-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Otto Frank aan S. Ficher Verlag, 8 mei 1954. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ah351\" id=\"footnote-19\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-19-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer B&uuml;cherei aan Otto Frank, 28 februari 1955.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"rzogj\" id=\"footnote-20\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-20-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer Verlag (Christian Wegner) aan Otto Frank, 3 juli 1954.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"lkuia\" id=\"footnote-21\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-21-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Fischer B&uuml;cherei aan Otto Frank, 7 april 1957.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"klnjo\" id=\"footnote-22\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-22-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noot 17;&nbsp;NIOD (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. duk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 81-83:&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact kortt de tekst in door een aantal passages te schrappen, voerde redactionele veranderingen door en liet seksueel&nbsp;getinte&nbsp;fragmenten weg. Dit gebeurde met instemming van Otto Frank. In de Duitse vertaling van Annelise Sch&uuml;tz werden deze passages grotendeels gehandhaafd.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"e0ah7\" id=\"footnote-23\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-23-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Ernst Schnabel, <em>Anne Frank, Spur eines Kindes: ein Bericht</em>, Frankfurt am Main: Fischer B&uuml;cherei, 1958.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"a2ycn\" id=\"footnote-24\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-24-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_124: Otto Frank aan Lambert Schneider, 16 november 1956. Zie voor de DDR-uitgave van het dagboek, het archief Union Verlag (AFS, AFC, reg. code B_dagboek_I_008).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ajvis\" id=\"footnote-25\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-25-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132, Brief Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchel and&nbsp;Co, 22 november 1950. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ja79q\" id=\"footnote-26\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-26-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA 132 : Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Robert Harben, september 1947 - augustus 1948. Otto Frank kende Robert Harben van vroeger van diens &lsquo;leesbibliotheek&rsquo; in de buurt van het Merwedeplein waar hij met zijn vrouw Edith kwam.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"k3dkc\" id=\"footnote-27\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-27-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Robert Harben aan Otto Frank, 7 augustus 1948.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"5j9v5\" id=\"footnote-28\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-28-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_150: Otto Frank aan Meyer Levin, 25 september 1950. Heel veel vrienden en relaties zijn hem hierbij behulpzaam: Walter en Julius Holl&auml;nder, Nathan Straus, Dola de Jong, Miriam Blumenthal, Annetje Reens, Meyer Levin.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"27vyt\" id=\"footnote-29\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-29-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchel and Co. (de heer Japp) aan Otto Frank, 10 oktober 1950.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kyp3w\" id=\"footnote-30\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-30-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 22 november 1950, AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchell and Co. aan Otto Frank, 8 maart 1951.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"fots0\" id=\"footnote-31\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-31-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Barbara Mooyaart-Doubleday, 1951.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"tl1qt\" id=\"footnote-32\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-32-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Vallentine Mitchell and Co. (Japp) aan Otto Frank, 29 mei 1952.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"q1dvr\" id=\"footnote-33\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-33-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co., 12 april 1951. &nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"j1y9u\" id=\"footnote-34\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-34-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie noot 33. Voor meer over het voorwoord door Eleanor Roosevelt, zie AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_ 154, OFA_172 en OFA_132.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"go4rm\" id=\"footnote-35\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-35-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_132: Otto Frank aan Vallentine Mitchell and Co. (Japp), 19 juli 1952. Meyer Levin, &quot;The child behind ther secret door&quot;, in: <em>The New York Times Book Review</em>, 15 juni 1952.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "summary": "The first translations of Anne Frank's diary appeared in the early 1950s, thanks in part to Otto Frank's efforts.",
            "summary_nl": "Begin jaren '50 verschenen de eerste vertaling van het dagboek van Anne Frank, mede dankzij de inspanningen van Otto Frank.",
            "summary_en": "The first translations of Anne Frank's diary appeared in the early 1950s, thanks in part to Otto Frank's efforts.",
            "same_as": null,
            "parent": 396124643,
            "files": []
            "id": 396124608,
            "image": null,
            "url": "",
            "published": true,
            "uuid": "e68d042f-25ad-4f2b-acfd-2ecbce09290d",
            "name": "Otto and the typescript of Anne's diary",
            "name_nl": "Otto Frank en het typescript van Annes dagboek",
            "name_en": "Otto and the typescript of Anne's diary",
            "description": "<p>Anne&#39;s diaries were retyped in parts by Otto Frank himself to give to his friends to read, and to be translated for his family in Switzerland. When the idea of publishing the diary took hold, the typescripts were created, eventually resulting in the publication of the first edition on <strong>25 June 1947</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ikpka\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nOn <strong>22 August 1945</strong>, Otto Frank writes to his mother: &#39;<em> (...) Miep hat zuf&auml;llig eine Alben [sic] retten k&ouml;nnen und auch Anne&#39;s Tagebucher. Ich habe jedoch noch nicht die Kraft darin zu lesen.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"f0mio\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Soon, however, he became engrossed in the diary as evidenced by a letter dated <strong>26 September 1945</strong> to his sister Leni:<em> &#39;Was ich da lese ist unbeschreiblich aufregend u. doch lese ich. Ich kann es euch nicht schildern, ich bin auch nicht fertig mit Lesen und will alles erst durchgelesen haben, bevor ich Ausz&uuml;ge oder &uuml;bersetzungen mache.&#39;</em> <sup data-footnote-id=\"kq39f\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>November 1945</strong>, Otto Frank read from the manuscripts to friends who encouraged him to publish.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zlidf\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> He first had the stories typed out, which he then had translated into German by Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"oqoi0\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> He did not want to keep passing around the fables and short stories, and did not want to pass around the diaries at all. <sup data-footnote-id=\"ftp0f\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nBy <strong>mid-November 1945</strong>, he had not finished copying the diaries and he was not quite sure what to do with some passages, for example about his marriage to Edith: &#39;<em> (...) it is a disagreeable feeling to publish things against her mother- and I have to do it.</em> <em>(&hellip;) It keeps my brains busy every day.&#39;</em>&nbsp;<sup data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup>&nbsp;This first typescript created by Otto Frank has not survived.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nOtto Frank sent diary excerpts translated into German to relatives in Switzerland. <sup data-footnote-id=\"bqquz\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>Typescripts I and II</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In the Otto Frank Archive there are two complete typescripts that have been referred to as Typescript I and II since the research for the scholarly edition.<sup data-footnote-id=\"g4dcs\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Typescript I was compiled by Otto Frank on the basis of the loose sheets supplemented with fragments from diary A1, A2 and A3 (see the Manuscript entry). Some passages he deliberately left out:<em> &#39;There are passages I can scrap f.i</em> [for instance] <em>what she thought about my marriage, her view on politics.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn Typescript I, linguistic and stylistic changes were made. As a result, Typescript II was created. Typescript II is the modified version of Typescript I and it was typed out by Isa Cauvern.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Annie and Jan Romein saw this second version.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-3\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Publisher Contact used Typescript II as the starting point for the first edition of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"efiac\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup>&nbsp;Typescript II was also the basis of the German translation by Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4ddwy\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ikpka\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>See: Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022;&nbsp;Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London : Biteback Publishing, 2022.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"f0mio\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan aan Alice Frank-Stern, 22 augustus 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kq39f\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Leni Elias-Frank, 26 september 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zlidf\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945 (&#39;Freitag bei Jetty Cahn, bei Denen ich Annes Tagebuch angefangen habe vorzulesen, um Werners Urteil zu haben wegen der ausgabe. Er ist ja seit Jahren beim Verlag Querido, wo auch Jetty war. N&auml;chsten Freitag Fortsetzung, aber sch&ouml;n jetzt der Eindruck: unbedingt ver&ouml;ffentlichen, ein ganz grosses Werk! Ihr k&ouml;nnt Euch nicht vorstellen, was da allen darin steht, ich kann leider vorerst nichts &uuml;bersetzen, aber es wird kommen und es wird auch in deutsch heraus gegeben werden und in english. Es behandelt alles was in der Zeit der Versteckseins [sic] im Kreise von verschiedenen Menschen vorkommt, alle Aengste, alle Zwischenf&auml;lle, alle Dispute, das Essen, die Politik, die Judenfrage das Wetter, die Stimmungen, die Erziehungsprobleme, Geburtstage, Erinnerungen, kurz alles. Frau Sch&uuml;tz, bei der ich denn Gestern war will nun ein M&auml;rchen Blurry, der Weltentdekker [sic] f&uuml;r Euch &uuml;bersetzen, eine B&auml;rengeschichte&#39;.).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"oqoi0\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ftp0f\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september 1945 (&#39;Ich kann von Annes Tageb&uuml;chern nicht abbleiben dabei sind sie so unglaublich aufregend. Ich lasse ihr Geschichtenbuch eben abschreiben, da ich es nicht stets aus Handen geben m&ouml;chte und einiges in Deutsch &uuml;bersetzen f&uuml;r Euch. Die Tageb&uuml;cher kann ich nicht aus der Hand geben, es steht zuviel drin, was f&uuml;r niemand anders bestimmt ist,aber auch da werde ich Ausz&uuml;ge machen&#39;.).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan Milly Stanfield,16 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-2\">b</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-3\">c</a> </sup><cite>Deze informatie komt volgens de wetenschappelijke editie van het dagboek uit het verslag van het verhoor van Otto Frank, gedateerd 16 juli 1959. Zie Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 88, noot 12. Dit verhoor hebben wij vooralsnog niet teruggevonden in het daar genoemde procesdossier Stielau/Buddeberg (p. 41).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"bqquz\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan familie, ongedateerd.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"g4dcs\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, p. 73; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_093: Typescript I; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Typescript II. Daarnaast is er nog een aantal doorslagen en typescripts overgeleverd. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_091, 092, 095, 096 en 097.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"efiac\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, p. 81-83:&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact kortte de tekst in door een aantal passages te schrappen, voerde redactionele veranderingen door en liet seksueel&nbsp;getinte&nbsp;fragmenten weg. Dit gebeurde met instemming van Otto Frank.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4ddwy\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gesprek met mevr. R.E. Mengelberg-Draber. In november 1945 vertaalde Anneliese Schutz al <em>Blurry der Weltentdecker, eine B&auml;rengeschichte</em> in opdracht van Otto Frank voor zijn familie in Bazel. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan zijn Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_nl": "<p>Annes&nbsp;dagboeken werden&nbsp;door Otto Frank zelf in delen overgetypt om aan zijn vrienden te laten lezen en om te laten vertalen voor zijn familie in Zwitserland. Toen&nbsp;het idee om het dagboek uit te geven postvatte, ontstonden&nbsp;de typescripts die uiteindelijk resulteerden in de publicatie van de eerste editie op <strong>25 juni 1947</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"3a8qq\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nOp <strong>22 augustus 1945</strong> schrijft Otto Frank aan zijn moeder: &#39;<em>(&hellip;) Miep hat zuf&auml;llig eine Alben [sic]&nbsp;retten k&ouml;nnen und auch Anne&rsquo;s Tagebucher. Ich habe jedoch noch nicht die Kraft darin zu lesen.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"f0mio\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup>&nbsp;Al gauw raakte hij echter in de greep&nbsp;van het dagboek zoals blijkt uit een brief van <strong>26 september 1945</strong> aan zijn zus Leni: &#39;<em>Was ich da lese ist unbeschreiblich aufregend u. doch lese ich. Ich kann es euch nicht schildern, ich bin auch nicht fertig mit Lesen und will alles erst durchgelesen haben, bevor ich Ausz&uuml;ge oder &uuml;bersetzungen mache.&#39;</em> <sup data-footnote-id=\"kq39f\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>november 1945</strong> las&nbsp;Otto Frank voor uit de manuscripten aan vrienden die hem aanmoedigden tot publiceren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zlidf\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup>&nbsp;Hij liet&nbsp;eerst de verhaaltjes uittypen, die hij vervolgens door Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz in het Duits liet&nbsp;vertalen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"oqoi0\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup>&nbsp;De verhaaltjes wilde hij niet steeds uit handen geven, de dagboeken helemaal niet. <sup data-footnote-id=\"ftp0f\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nHalverwege <strong>november 1945</strong>&nbsp;was&nbsp;hij nog niet klaar met het kopi&euml;ren van de dagboeken en hij wist&nbsp;niet goed wat hij met sommige passages, bijvoorbeeld over zijn huwelijk met Edith, aan moest: &#39;<em>(&hellip;) it is a disagreeable feeling to publish things against her mother- and I have to do it. </em><em>(&hellip;) It keeps my brains busy every day.&#39;</em>&nbsp;<sup data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup>&nbsp;Dit eerste, door Otto Frank gemaakte typescript is niet bewaard gebleven.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nOtto Frank stuurde&nbsp;in het Duits vertaalde dagboekfragmenten naar familie in Zwitserland.&nbsp;<sup data-footnote-id=\"bqquz\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>Typescripts I en II</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In het Otto Frank Archief bevinden zich twee complete typescripts die sinds het onderzoek voor de wetenschappelijke uitgave Typescript I en II worden genoemd.<sup data-footnote-id=\"g4dcs\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup>&nbsp;Typescript I stelde Otto Frank samen op basis van de losse vellen aangevuld met fragmenten uit dagboek A1, A2 en A3 (zie lemma manuscript). Een aantal passages liet&nbsp;hij bewust weg: &#39;<em>There are passages I can scrap &nbsp;f.i</em>&nbsp;[for instance]&nbsp;<em>what she thought about my marriage, her view on politics.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn Typescript I werden&nbsp;taalkundige en stilistische veranderingen aangebracht. Hierdoor ontstond Typescript II. Typescript II is de aangepaste versie van Typescript I&nbsp;en het werd&nbsp;door Isa Cauvern uitgetypt.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Annie en Jan Romein kregen deze tweede versie onder ogen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-3\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup>&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact gebruikte Typescript II als uitgangspunt voor de eerste editie van het dagboek.<sup data-footnote-id=\"efiac\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup>&nbsp;Typescript II was&nbsp;ook de basis van de Duitse vertaling door Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4ddwy\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"3a8qq\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie: Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022;&nbsp;Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London : Biteback Publishing, 2022.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"f0mio\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan aan Alice Frank-Stern, 22 augustus 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kq39f\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Leni Elias-Frank, 26 september 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zlidf\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945 (&#39;Freitag bei Jetty Cahn, bei Denen ich Annes Tagebuch angefangen habe vorzulesen, um Werners Urteil zu haben wegen der ausgabe. Er ist ja seit Jahren beim Verlag Querido, wo auch Jetty war. N&auml;chsten Freitag Fortsetzung, aber sch&ouml;n jetzt der Eindruck: unbedingt ver&ouml;ffentlichen, ein ganz grosses Werk! Ihr k&ouml;nnt Euch nicht vorstellen, was da allen darin steht, ich kann leider vorerst nichts &uuml;bersetzen, aber es wird kommen und es wird auch in deutsch heraus gegeben werden und in english. Es behandelt alles was in der Zeit der Versteckseins [sic] im Kreise von verschiedenen Menschen vorkommt, alle Aengste, alle Zwischenf&auml;lle, alle Dispute, das Essen, die Politik, die Judenfrage das Wetter, die Stimmungen, die Erziehungsprobleme, Geburtstage, Erinnerungen, kurz alles. Frau Sch&uuml;tz, bei der ich denn Gestern war will nun ein M&auml;rchen Blurry, der Weltentdekker [sic] f&uuml;r Euch &uuml;bersetzen, eine B&auml;rengeschichte&#39;.).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"oqoi0\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ftp0f\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september 1945 (&#39;Ich kann von Annes Tageb&uuml;chern nicht abbleiben dabei sind sie so unglaublich aufregend. Ich lasse ihr Geschichtenbuch eben abschreiben, da ich es nicht stets aus Handen geben m&ouml;chte und einiges in Deutsch &uuml;bersetzen f&uuml;r Euch. Die Tageb&uuml;cher kann ich nicht aus der Hand geben, es steht zuviel drin, was f&uuml;r niemand anders bestimmt ist,aber auch da werde ich Ausz&uuml;ge machen&#39;.).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan Milly Stanfield,16 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-2\">b</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-3\">c</a> </sup><cite>Deze informatie komt volgens de wetenschappelijke editie van het dagboek uit het verslag van het verhoor van Otto Frank, gedateerd 16 juli 1959. Zie Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 88, noot 12. Dit verhoor hebben wij vooralsnog niet teruggevonden in het daar genoemde procesdossier Stielau/Buddeberg (p. 41).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"bqquz\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan familie, ongedateerd.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"g4dcs\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, p. 73; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_093: Typescript I; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Typescript II. Daarnaast is er nog een aantal doorslagen en typescripts overgeleverd. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_091, 092, 095, 096 en 097.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"efiac\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, p. 81-83:&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact kortte de tekst in door een aantal passages te schrappen, voerde redactionele veranderingen door en liet seksueel&nbsp;getinte&nbsp;fragmenten weg. Dit gebeurde met instemming van Otto Frank.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4ddwy\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gesprek met mevr. R.E. Mengelberg-Draber. In november 1945 vertaalde Anneliese Schutz al <em>Blurry der Weltentdecker, eine B&auml;rengeschichte</em> in opdracht van Otto Frank voor zijn familie in Bazel. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan zijn Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "description_en": "<p>Anne&#39;s diaries were retyped in parts by Otto Frank himself to give to his friends to read, and to be translated for his family in Switzerland. When the idea of publishing the diary took hold, the typescripts were created, eventually resulting in the publication of the first edition on <strong>25 June 1947</strong>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ikpka\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nOn <strong>22 August 1945</strong>, Otto Frank writes to his mother: &#39;<em> (...) Miep hat zuf&auml;llig eine Alben [sic] retten k&ouml;nnen und auch Anne&#39;s Tagebucher. Ich habe jedoch noch nicht die Kraft darin zu lesen.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"f0mio\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Soon, however, he became engrossed in the diary as evidenced by a letter dated <strong>26 September 1945</strong> to his sister Leni:<em> &#39;Was ich da lese ist unbeschreiblich aufregend u. doch lese ich. Ich kann es euch nicht schildern, ich bin auch nicht fertig mit Lesen und will alles erst durchgelesen haben, bevor ich Ausz&uuml;ge oder &uuml;bersetzungen mache.&#39;</em> <sup data-footnote-id=\"kq39f\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>November 1945</strong>, Otto Frank read from the manuscripts to friends who encouraged him to publish.<sup data-footnote-id=\"zlidf\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup> He first had the stories typed out, which he then had translated into German by Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"oqoi0\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup> He did not want to keep passing around the fables and short stories, and did not want to pass around the diaries at all. <sup data-footnote-id=\"ftp0f\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nBy <strong>mid-November 1945</strong>, he had not finished copying the diaries and he was not quite sure what to do with some passages, for example about his marriage to Edith: &#39;<em> (...) it is a disagreeable feeling to publish things against her mother- and I have to do it.</em> <em>(&hellip;) It keeps my brains busy every day.&#39;</em>&nbsp;<sup data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup>&nbsp;This first typescript created by Otto Frank has not survived.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nOtto Frank sent diary excerpts translated into German to relatives in Switzerland. <sup data-footnote-id=\"bqquz\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<h1><strong>Typescripts I and II</strong></h1>\r\n\r\n<p>In the Otto Frank Archive there are two complete typescripts that have been referred to as Typescript I and II since the research for the scholarly edition.<sup data-footnote-id=\"g4dcs\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup> Typescript I was compiled by Otto Frank on the basis of the loose sheets supplemented with fragments from diary A1, A2 and A3 (see the Manuscript entry). Some passages he deliberately left out:<em> &#39;There are passages I can scrap f.i</em> [for instance] <em>what she thought about my marriage, her view on politics.&#39;</em><sup data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup><br />\r\n<br />\r\nIn Typescript I, linguistic and stylistic changes were made. As a result, Typescript II was created. Typescript II is the modified version of Typescript I and it was typed out by Isa Cauvern.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-2\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Annie and Jan Romein saw this second version.<sup data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-3\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup> Publisher Contact used Typescript II as the starting point for the first edition of the diary.<sup data-footnote-id=\"efiac\"><a href=\"#footnote-11\" id=\"footnote-marker-11-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[11]</a></sup>&nbsp;Typescript II was also the basis of the German translation by Anneliese Sch&uuml;tz.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4ddwy\"><a href=\"#footnote-12\" id=\"footnote-marker-12-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[12]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ikpka\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>See: Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022;&nbsp;Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London : Biteback Publishing, 2022.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"f0mio\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan aan Alice Frank-Stern, 22 augustus 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"kq39f\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Leni Elias-Frank, 26 september 1945.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"zlidf\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD Instituut voor Oorlogs-, Holocaust- en Genocidestudies, Amsterdam, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gespreksverslag Werner Cahn; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945 (&#39;Freitag bei Jetty Cahn, bei Denen ich Annes Tagebuch angefangen habe vorzulesen, um Werners Urteil zu haben wegen der ausgabe. Er ist ja seit Jahren beim Verlag Querido, wo auch Jetty war. N&auml;chsten Freitag Fortsetzung, aber sch&ouml;n jetzt der Eindruck: unbedingt ver&ouml;ffentlichen, ein ganz grosses Werk! Ihr k&ouml;nnt Euch nicht vorstellen, was da allen darin steht, ich kann leider vorerst nichts &uuml;bersetzen, aber es wird kommen und es wird auch in deutsch heraus gegeben werden und in english. Es behandelt alles was in der Zeit der Versteckseins [sic] im Kreise von verschiedenen Menschen vorkommt, alle Aengste, alle Zwischenf&auml;lle, alle Dispute, das Essen, die Politik, die Judenfrage das Wetter, die Stimmungen, die Erziehungsprobleme, Geburtstage, Erinnerungen, kurz alles. Frau Sch&uuml;tz, bei der ich denn Gestern war will nun ein M&auml;rchen Blurry, der Weltentdekker [sic] f&uuml;r Euch &uuml;bersetzen, eine B&auml;rengeschichte&#39;.).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"oqoi0\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ftp0f\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan Alice Frank-Stern, 30 september 1945 (&#39;Ich kann von Annes Tageb&uuml;chern nicht abbleiben dabei sind sie so unglaublich aufregend. Ich lasse ihr Geschichtenbuch eben abschreiben, da ich es nicht stets aus Handen geben m&ouml;chte und einiges in Deutsch &uuml;bersetzen f&uuml;r Euch. Die Tageb&uuml;cher kann ich nicht aus der Hand geben, es steht zuviel drin, was f&uuml;r niemand anders bestimmt ist,aber auch da werde ich Ausz&uuml;ge machen&#39;.).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"09uxr\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-2\">b</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan Milly Stanfield,16 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"b98h5\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">a</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-2\">b</a>, <a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-3\">c</a> </sup><cite>Deze informatie komt volgens de wetenschappelijke editie van het dagboek uit het verslag van het verhoor van Otto Frank, gedateerd 16 juli 1959. Zie Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (NIOD) (samenst.), <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, 5e, verb. en uitgebr. druk, Amsterdam: Bert Bakker, 2001, p. 88, noot 12. Dit verhoor hebben wij vooralsnog niet teruggevonden in het daar genoemde procesdossier Stielau/Buddeberg (p. 41).</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"bqquz\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_071: Otto Frank aan familie, ongedateerd.&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"g4dcs\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, p. 73; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_093: Typescript I; AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_094: Typescript II. Daarnaast is er nog een aantal doorslagen en typescripts overgeleverd. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_091, 092, 095, 096 en 097.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"efiac\" id=\"footnote-11\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-11-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, <em>De dagboeken van Anne Frank</em>, p. 81-83:&nbsp;Uitgeverij Contact kortte de tekst in door een aantal passages te schrappen, voerde redactionele veranderingen door en liet seksueel&nbsp;getinte&nbsp;fragmenten weg. Dit gebeurde met instemming van Otto Frank.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4ddwy\" id=\"footnote-12\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-12-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>NIOD, archief 257d, De dagboeken van Anne Frank, inv. no. 1i: Gesprek met mevr. R.E. Mengelberg-Draber. In november 1945 vertaalde Anneliese Schutz al <em>Blurry der Weltentdecker, eine B&auml;rengeschichte</em> in opdracht van Otto Frank voor zijn familie in Bazel. AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_072: Otto Frank aan zijn Alice Frank-Stern, 11 november 1945.</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
            "summary": "Anne Frank's diaries were retyped by her father himself. Those typescripts resulted in the publication of the first edition of The Secret Annex in 1947.",
            "summary_nl": "De dagboeken van Anne Frank werden door haar vader zelf overgetypt. Die typescripts resulteerden in de publicatie van de eerste uitgave van Het Achterhuis in 1947.",
            "summary_en": "Anne Frank's diaries were retyped by her father himself. Those typescripts resulted in the publication of the first edition of The Secret Annex in 1947.",
            "same_as": null,
            "parent": 396124643,
            "files": []
    "related_locations": [
    "url": "",
    "published": true,
    "name": "Uitgeverij Contact",
    "name_nl": "Uitgeverij Contact",
    "name_en": "Uitgeverij Contact",
    "uuid": "6e696049-a72e-459b-beba-e66fc4cbf66f",
    "content": "<p>In <strong>1933</strong>, Contact publishers&nbsp;was founded by Gilles Pieter de Neve. Contact was a distinctly left-wing publishing house during the <strong>1930s</strong>, with publications such as <em>We Slaves of Suriname</em> by the anti-colonial writer Anton de Kom. Contact saw it as its mission to warn of the dangers of national socialism and also published many anti-fascist works at the time, such as a critical biography by the historian Konrad Heiden on Adolf Hitler.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pym0z\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands, Contact therefore destroyed some print runs as a precaution. Thirty-eight publications of the publishing house were banned during the occupation. Despite its earlier anti-fascist stance, the business&nbsp;was not banned or taken over. Contact took a pragmatic stance during the war and published works that were considered &quot;safe&quot;. The proceeds were partly used to finance writers who did not join the Nederlandse Kultuurkamer. This institution was set up in the Netherlands by the occupying forces on <strong>22 January&nbsp;1941</strong> to control and censor the press and the art world.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pw0in\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Artists, journalists and writers had to join the Nederlandse Kultuurkamer to be allowed to publish. Contact&#39;s financial support allowed some writers to secretly work on books outside the restrictions of the Nederlandse Kultuurkamer, which Contact could then&nbsp;publish after the war.<sup data-footnote-id=\"gm0pg\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>3 April 1946</strong>, the front page of Het Parool featured the article &#39;Kinderstem&#39; by Jan Romein, in which he wrote about Anne Frank&#39;s diary. Otto Frank had taken his daughter&#39;s book to several publishers, but was repeatedly&nbsp;turned down. After the publication in Het Parool, Contact publishers approached him and they started an exchange of letters&nbsp;about a contract.<sup data-footnote-id=\"738p3\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Contact was keen to publish <em>Het Achterhuis</em> in the <em>Proloog</em> series. This was a book series linked to the literary magazine <em>Proloog</em>, founded in <strong>1945</strong>. It was to be a series of books by young authors. Initially, Otto Frank was not in favour of this. This was because the books in this series had a limit of 240 pages and were not illustrated. These objections were met by the publisher. The first edition of the diary was allowed more pages and included some photos and a map of the secret annex. In addition, Otto was keen to have it recorded that once the first edition was sold out there would be a reprint within six months and that the film and translation rights remained with him. These wishes&nbsp;were granted as well&nbsp;before Otto signed the contract.<sup data-footnote-id=\"35f99\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The basis for the first edition was the typescript II compiled by Otto Frank. In it, he had deliberately left out a number of passages. These included excerpts in which Anne was critical of her parents&#39; marriage. Contact publishers edited this text and also removed some passages in consultation with Otto. However, there is uncertainty about who exactly made which changes. According to Chris Blom, co-director of Contact, Gilles Pieter de Neve allegedly removed Anne&#39;s comments on sexuality and menstruation at Otto Frank&#39;s request.<sup data-footnote-id=\"c3lso\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> In a letter to Chris Blom, Otto wrote that the publisher wished to delete these passages.<sup data-footnote-id=\"71lpm\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The first edition of <em>Het Achterhuis</em> appeared on <strong>25 June 1947</strong> in an edition of 3,000 copies that were sold out with the publisher by early<strong> July 1947</strong>. The second edition appeared in <strong>December 1947</strong> in an edition of 5,000 copies. Two years later in <strong>1949</strong>, Contact also published the book <em>Weet je nog</em>, a collection of eight short stories and fairy tales written by Anne Frank. In <strong>1960</strong>, Contact also published a wider selection of Anne&#39;s stories: <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mhqw3\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1974</strong>, Contact was incorporated into Bert Bakker&nbsp;publishers. Contact&#39;s name was still used for a limited number of publications. Until <strong>1984</strong>,&nbsp;Contact&#39;s logo still appeared on the cover of <em>Het Achterhuis</em>, but at the 67th edition this was changed to Bert Bakker&#39;s logo. Contact made an independent restart in <strong>1985</strong>, but Bert Bakker continued to publish <em>Het Achterhuis</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"8wwnl\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1993</strong>, Bert Bakker then became part of Prometheus publishers. Until <strong>2010</strong>, Bert Bakker&#39;s logo appeared on the cover of The Secret Annexe. That year, with the 58th edition of the <strong>1991</strong> version revised by Mirjam Pressler, this was changed to Prometheus&#39; logo.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Contact publishers merged with a number of other publishing houses&nbsp;to form Atlas Contact in 2012.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7rkrk\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pym0z\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Toef Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact 1933-2008: een kleine geschiedenis</em>, Amsterda: Uitgeverij Contact, 2007, p. 5-14.<em> </em></cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pw0in\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Lisette Lewin, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Het clandestiene boek, 1940-1945</em></a>, 2e druk, Amsterdam: Van Gennep, Amsterdam, 1983, p. 45-49.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gm0pg\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact</em>, p. 15-24.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"738p3\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Lisa Kuitert, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;</a>, in: <em>De Boekenwereld: Tijdschrift voor Boek en Prent,</em>&nbsp;Jrg. 24, nr. 1 (oktober&nbsp;2007), p. 25-26.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"35f99\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact; Kuitert, &lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;, p. 24-26.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"c3lso\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022, p. 58-59; Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London: Biteback Publishing, 2022, p. 52-53; Kuitert, &lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;, p. 25.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"71lpm\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Chris Blom, 6 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mhqw3\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Correspondentie en stukken m.b.t. de uitgave van &ldquo;Weet je nog&rdquo; 1949 en &ldquo;verhalen rondom het Achterhuis&rdquo; 1960, uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"8wwnl\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact</em>, p. 29 en 49.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7rkrk\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie: Wikipedia: <a href=\"http://\" target=\"_blank\">Atlas Contact</a>&nbsp;(geraadpleegd 30 januari 2024).</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "content_nl": "<p>In <strong>1933</strong> werd uitgeverij Contact opgericht door Gilles Pieter de Neve. Contact was gedurende de<strong> jaren dertig</strong> een uitgesproken linkse uitgeverij met publicaties als <em>Wij slaven van Suriname</em> van de antikoloniale schrijver Anton de Kom. Contact zag het als missie om te waarschuwen voor de gevaren van het nationaalsocialisme en gaf in die tijd ook veel antifascistische werken uit, zoals een kritische&nbsp;biografie van de historicus Konrad Heiden over Adolf Hitler.<sup data-footnote-id=\"bm0la\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Na de inval van nazi-Duitsland in Nederland vernietigde Contact daarom uit voorzorg enkele oplagen. Van de uitgeverij werden er tijdens de bezetting achtendertig publicaties verboden verklaard. Ondanks de eerdere antifascistische opstelling, werd het bedrijf niet verboden of overgenomen. Contact nam tijdens de oorlog een pragmatische houding aan en publiceerde werken die als &ldquo;veilig&rdquo; werden beschouwd. De opbrengsten hiervan werden deels gebruikt om schrijvers te financieren die zich niet aansloten bij de Nederlandse Kultuurkamer. Dit instituut werd op <strong>22 januari&nbsp;1942&nbsp;</strong>door de bezetter opgericht om de pers en de kunstwereld te controleren en te censureren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"0jznp\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Kunstenaars, journalisten en schrijvers moesten zich bij de Nederlandse Kultuurkamer aansluiten om te mogen publiceren. Dankzij de financi&euml;le steun van Contact konden enkele schrijvers&nbsp;buiten&nbsp;de Nederlandse Kultuurkamer om toch in het geheim aan boeken werken. Contact zou&nbsp;dan na de oorlog deze boeken kunnen&nbsp;publiceren.<sup data-footnote-id=\"gv0md\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Op <strong>3 april 1946 </strong>verscheen op de voorpagina van <em>Het</em> <em>Parool </em>het artikel &#39;Kinderstem&#39;&nbsp;van Jan Romein, waarin hij schreef over het dagboek van Anne Frank. Otto Frank was met het boek van zijn dochter langs meerdere uitgevers geweest, maar werd steeds afgewezen. Na de publicatie in <em>Het Parool</em> benaderde uitgeverij Contact hem en er ontstond een briefwisseling over een contract.<sup data-footnote-id=\"yionz\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Contact wilde <em>Het Achterhuis </em>graag publiceren in de <em>Proloogreeks</em>. Dit was een boekenserie die aansloot bij het in <strong>1945</strong> opgerichte literaire tijdschrift <em>Proloog</em>. Het moest een reeks boeken worden van jonge auteurs. Aanvankelijk was Otto Frank hier geen voorstander van. De boeken in deze reeks hadden namelijk een limiet van 240 bladzijden en waren niet ge&iuml;llustreerd. Deze bezwaren werden door de uitgever tegemoetgekomen. De eerste editie van het dagboek mocht meer pagina&rsquo;s bevatten en er werden enkele foto&rsquo;s en een plattegrond van het achterhuis in opgenomen. Daarnaast wilde Otto graag vastgelegd hebben dat zodra de eerste uitgave was uitverkocht er binnen zes maanden een herdruk zou komen en dat de film- en vertaalrechten bij hem bleven. Ook deze wensen werden ingewilligd voordat Otto het contract ondertekende.<sup data-footnote-id=\"sybzp\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De basis voor de eerste uitgave was het door Otto Frank samengestelde typescript II. Hierin had hij een aantal passages bewust weggelaten. Dit waren onder andere fragmenten waarin Anne zich kritisch uitliet over het huwelijk van haar ouders. Uitgeverij Contact redigeerde deze tekst en verwijderde in overleg met Otto ook enkele passages. Er bestaat onduidelijkheid over wie precies welke aanpassingen heeft doorgevoerd. Volgens Chris Blom, mededirecteur van Contact, zou Gilles Pieter de Neve op verzoek van Otto Frank de opmerkingen van Anne over seksualiteit en menstruatie hebben verwijderd.<sup data-footnote-id=\"2fa2w\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup>&nbsp;In een brief aan Chris Blom schreef&nbsp;Otto dat de uitgever de wens had deze passages te schrappen.<sup data-footnote-id=\"vlrrg\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>De eerste editie van <em>Het Achterhuis</em> verscheen op <strong>25 juni 1947</strong><strong> </strong>in een oplage van 3.000 exemplaren die begin <strong>juli 1947</strong> bij de uitgever waren uitverkocht. De tweede druk verscheen in <strong>december 1947 </strong>in een oplage van 5.000 exemplaren. Twee jaar later in <strong>1949 </strong>publiceerde Contact ook het boek <em>Weet je nog</em>, een bundel van acht korte verhaaltjes en sprookjes geschreven door Anne Frank. In <strong>1960 </strong>verscheen bij Contact ook een ruimere selectie van Anne&rsquo;s verhaaltjes: <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"ua3zt\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1974</strong> werd Contact ondergebracht bij uitgeverij Bert Bakker. De&nbsp;naam van Contact werd nog voor een beperkt aantal publicaties gebruikte. Tot <strong>1984</strong> stond het logo van Contact nog op de kaft van <em>Het Achterhuis</em>, maar bij de 67<sup>e</sup> druk werd dit veranderd in het logo van Bert Bakker. Contact maakte in <strong>1985</strong> een onafhankelijke doorstart, maar Bert Bakker bleef <em>Het Achterhuis </em>uitgeven.<sup data-footnote-id=\"4y0hw\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup>&nbsp;</p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1993</strong> werd Bert Bakker vervolgens onderdeel van uitgeverij Prometheus. Tot <strong>2010</strong> stond het logo van Bert Bakker op de kaft van <em>Het Achterhuis</em>. In dat jaar werd dit bij de 58<sup>e</sup> druk van de door Mirjam Pressler herziene versie uit <strong>1991</strong> veranderd in het logo van Prometheus.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Uitgeverij Contact fuseerde in <strong>2012</strong> met een aantal andere uitgeverijen&nbsp;tot Atlas Contact.<sup data-footnote-id=\"q0h6a\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"bm0la\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Toef Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact 1933-2008: een kleine geschiedenis</em>, Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Contact, 2007, p. 5-14.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"0jznp\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Lisette Lewin, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Het clandestiene boek, 1940-1945</em></a>,&nbsp;2e druk, Amsterdam: Van Gennep, Amsterdam, 1983, p. 45-49.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gv0md\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact</em>, p. 15-24.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"yionz\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Lisa Kuitert, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;</a>, in: <em>De Boekenwereld: Tijdschrift voor Boek en Prent</em>, Jrg. 24, nr. 1 (oktober 2007),&nbsp;p. 25-26.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"sybzp\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact; Kuitert, &lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;, p. 24-26.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"2fa2w\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022, p. 58-59; Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London: Biteback Publishing, 2022, p. 52-53; Kuitert, &lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;, p. 25.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"vlrrg\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Chris Blom, 6 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"ua3zt\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Correspondentie en stukken m.b.t. de uitgave van &ldquo;Weet je nog&rdquo; 1949 en &ldquo;verhalen rondom het Achterhuis&rdquo; 1960, uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"4y0hw\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact</em>, p. 29 en 49.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"q0h6a\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie: Wikipedia: <a href=\"http://\" target=\"_blank\">Atlas Contact</a>&nbsp;(geraadpleegd op 30 januari 2024).&nbsp;</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "content_en": "<p>In <strong>1933</strong>, Contact publishers&nbsp;was founded by Gilles Pieter de Neve. Contact was a distinctly left-wing publishing house during the <strong>1930s</strong>, with publications such as <em>We Slaves of Suriname</em> by the anti-colonial writer Anton de Kom. Contact saw it as its mission to warn of the dangers of national socialism and also published many anti-fascist works at the time, such as a critical biography by the historian Konrad Heiden on Adolf Hitler.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pym0z\"><a href=\"#footnote-1\" id=\"footnote-marker-1-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[1]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>After Nazi Germany invaded the Netherlands, Contact therefore destroyed some print runs as a precaution. Thirty-eight publications of the publishing house were banned during the occupation. Despite its earlier anti-fascist stance, the business&nbsp;was not banned or taken over. Contact took a pragmatic stance during the war and published works that were considered &quot;safe&quot;. The proceeds were partly used to finance writers who did not join the Nederlandse Kultuurkamer. This institution was set up in the Netherlands by the occupying forces on <strong>22 January&nbsp;1941</strong> to control and censor the press and the art world.<sup data-footnote-id=\"pw0in\"><a href=\"#footnote-2\" id=\"footnote-marker-2-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[2]</a></sup> Artists, journalists and writers had to join the Nederlandse Kultuurkamer to be allowed to publish. Contact&#39;s financial support allowed some writers to secretly work on books outside the restrictions of the Nederlandse Kultuurkamer, which Contact could then&nbsp;publish after the war.<sup data-footnote-id=\"gm0pg\"><a href=\"#footnote-3\" id=\"footnote-marker-3-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[3]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>On <strong>3 April 1946</strong>, the front page of Het Parool featured the article &#39;Kinderstem&#39; by Jan Romein, in which he wrote about Anne Frank&#39;s diary. Otto Frank had taken his daughter&#39;s book to several publishers, but was repeatedly&nbsp;turned down. After the publication in Het Parool, Contact publishers approached him and they started an exchange of letters&nbsp;about a contract.<sup data-footnote-id=\"738p3\"><a href=\"#footnote-4\" id=\"footnote-marker-4-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[4]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>Contact was keen to publish <em>Het Achterhuis</em> in the <em>Proloog</em> series. This was a book series linked to the literary magazine <em>Proloog</em>, founded in <strong>1945</strong>. It was to be a series of books by young authors. Initially, Otto Frank was not in favour of this. This was because the books in this series had a limit of 240 pages and were not illustrated. These objections were met by the publisher. The first edition of the diary was allowed more pages and included some photos and a map of the secret annex. In addition, Otto was keen to have it recorded that once the first edition was sold out there would be a reprint within six months and that the film and translation rights remained with him. These wishes&nbsp;were granted as well&nbsp;before Otto signed the contract.<sup data-footnote-id=\"35f99\"><a href=\"#footnote-5\" id=\"footnote-marker-5-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[5]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The basis for the first edition was the typescript II compiled by Otto Frank. In it, he had deliberately left out a number of passages. These included excerpts in which Anne was critical of her parents&#39; marriage. Contact publishers edited this text and also removed some passages in consultation with Otto. However, there is uncertainty about who exactly made which changes. According to Chris Blom, co-director of Contact, Gilles Pieter de Neve allegedly removed Anne&#39;s comments on sexuality and menstruation at Otto Frank&#39;s request.<sup data-footnote-id=\"c3lso\"><a href=\"#footnote-6\" id=\"footnote-marker-6-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[6]</a></sup> In a letter to Chris Blom, Otto wrote that the publisher wished to delete these passages.<sup data-footnote-id=\"71lpm\"><a href=\"#footnote-7\" id=\"footnote-marker-7-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[7]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>The first edition of <em>Het Achterhuis</em> appeared on <strong>25 June 1947</strong> in an edition of 3,000 copies that were sold out with the publisher by early<strong> July 1947</strong>. The second edition appeared in <strong>December 1947</strong> in an edition of 5,000 copies. Two years later in <strong>1949</strong>, Contact also published the book <em>Weet je nog</em>, a collection of eight short stories and fairy tales written by Anne Frank. In <strong>1960</strong>, Contact also published a wider selection of Anne&#39;s stories: <em>Verhalen rondom het Achterhuis</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"mhqw3\"><a href=\"#footnote-8\" id=\"footnote-marker-8-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[8]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1974</strong>, Contact was incorporated into Bert Bakker&nbsp;publishers. Contact&#39;s name was still used for a limited number of publications. Until <strong>1984</strong>,&nbsp;Contact&#39;s logo still appeared on the cover of <em>Het Achterhuis</em>, but at the 67th edition this was changed to Bert Bakker&#39;s logo. Contact made an independent restart in <strong>1985</strong>, but Bert Bakker continued to publish <em>Het Achterhuis</em>.<sup data-footnote-id=\"8wwnl\"><a href=\"#footnote-9\" id=\"footnote-marker-9-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[9]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<p>In <strong>1993</strong>, Bert Bakker then became part of Prometheus publishers. Until <strong>2010</strong>, Bert Bakker&#39;s logo appeared on the cover of The Secret Annexe. That year, with the 58th edition of the <strong>1991</strong> version revised by Mirjam Pressler, this was changed to Prometheus&#39; logo.</p>\r\n\r\n<p>Contact publishers merged with a number of other publishing houses&nbsp;to form Atlas Contact in 2012.<sup data-footnote-id=\"7rkrk\"><a href=\"#footnote-10\" id=\"footnote-marker-10-1\" rel=\"footnote\">[10]</a></sup></p>\r\n\r\n<section class=\"footnotes\">\r\n<header>\r\n<h2>Footnotes</h2>\r\n</header>\r\n\r\n<ol>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pym0z\" id=\"footnote-1\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-1-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Toef Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact 1933-2008: een kleine geschiedenis</em>, Amsterda: Uitgeverij Contact, 2007, p. 5-14.<em> </em></cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"pw0in\" id=\"footnote-2\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-2-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Lisette Lewin, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><em>Het clandestiene boek, 1940-1945</em></a>, 2e druk, Amsterdam: Van Gennep, Amsterdam, 1983, p. 45-49.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"gm0pg\" id=\"footnote-3\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-3-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact</em>, p. 15-24.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"738p3\" id=\"footnote-4\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-4-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Lisa Kuitert, <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">&lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;</a>, in: <em>De Boekenwereld: Tijdschrift voor Boek en Prent,</em>&nbsp;Jrg. 24, nr. 1 (oktober&nbsp;2007), p. 25-26.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"35f99\" id=\"footnote-5\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-5-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Anne Frank Stichting (AFS), Anne Frank Collectie (AFC), Otto Frank Archief (OFA), reg. code OFA_090: Correspondentie van Otto Frank met Uitgeverij Contact; Kuitert, &lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;, p. 24-26.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"c3lso\" id=\"footnote-6\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-6-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Sandra van Beek,&nbsp;<em>Geschiedenis van het dagboek: Otto Frank en Het Achterhuis</em>, Amsterdam: Pluijm, 2022, p. 58-59; Karen Bartlett,&nbsp;<em>The diary that changed the world: the remarkable story of Otto Frank and the diary of Anne Frank</em>, London: Biteback Publishing, 2022, p. 52-53; Kuitert, &lsquo;De uitgave van <em>Het Achterhuis </em>van Anne Frank&rsquo;, p. 25.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"71lpm\" id=\"footnote-7\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-7-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_109: Otto Frank aan Chris Blom, 6 augustus 1978.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"mhqw3\" id=\"footnote-8\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-8-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>AFS, AFC, reg. code OFA_101: Correspondentie en stukken m.b.t. de uitgave van &ldquo;Weet je nog&rdquo; 1949 en &ldquo;verhalen rondom het Achterhuis&rdquo; 1960, uitgeverij Contact.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"8wwnl\" id=\"footnote-9\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-9-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Jaeger, <em>Uitgeverij Contact</em>, p. 29 en 49.</cite></li>\r\n\t<li data-footnote-id=\"7rkrk\" id=\"footnote-10\"><sup><a href=\"#footnote-marker-10-1\">^</a> </sup><cite>Zie: Wikipedia: <a href=\"http://\" target=\"_blank\">Atlas Contact</a>&nbsp;(geraadpleegd 30 januari 2024).</cite></li>\r\n</ol>\r\n</section>",
    "position": "SRID=4326;POINT (4.887839 52.36312)",
    "summary": "Uitgeverij Contact was the publisher of the first edition of Het Achterhuis",
    "summary_nl": "Uitgeverij Contact was de uitgever van de eerste editie van Het Achterhuis.",
    "summary_en": "Uitgeverij Contact was the publisher of the first edition of Het Achterhuis",
    "same_as": null,
    "street": "Prinsengracht 795-97",
    "zipcode": "",
    "city": "Amsterdam",
    "state": "",
    "land": "Nederland",
    "location_events": [